Prying Eyes: A Policy-Based Observer (II)

Andrei continues his examination of some of the hidden challenges in defining good Observer designs.

June 01, 2005

June, 2005: Prying Eyes: A Policy-Based Observer (II)

Andrei Alexandrescu is a graduate student in Computer Science at the University of Washington and author of Modern C++ Design. He can be contacted at andrei@

During this year's Software Development West conference (http://sdexpo .com/), I met Alexander Stepanov, the creator of the STL. The computer scientist of Russian descent has produced a strong impression on at least three people—David Abrahams, Eric Niebler, and myself.

The three of us have had the chance to enjoy a chat with Stepanov over a glass of wine following his conference talk. Both in his talk and in the private discussion, Stepanov's message came across loud and clear—the essence of programming is mathematics, and any good programmer should master the mathematics that form the basis of computing, starting with elementary algebra and (perhaps surprising to the unwary) geometry. Speaking of people who have the inclination to "do something," Stepanov said: "If you really want to do something in programming, and can afford the costs, go to graduate school. If you cannot go to school, try to study on your own. In any case, graduate school is not the end; one needs to acquire a lifelong habit of study." That, of course, was like (piano) music to the ears of someone such as, just as an example, yours truly—who had decided to quit a well-paid job to attend grad school. (It was also great that Alex's manager Sean Parent paid for the wine.) Stepanov mentioned two books he'd recommend to any programmer, information that I'll dutifully pass further (although I do reckon the guru's message is pale when passed through an intermediary): George Chrystal's Algebra [2] and Euclid's Elements [3].

Assuming you have now come back from your nearest bookstore and could set the two freshly acquired books aside for a minute, let's continue with analyzing the Observer design pattern [4] and generic implementations thereof. To recap the first article dedicated to Observer [1], let's walk again through the main points already discussed:


There's been some good traffic regarding the Observer pattern. Umesh Sirsiwal writes:

I have used a simple but very effective solution to the observer problem. As you mentioned, in a simplistic world, Subject will store Observer in a list and inform Observer when the event takes place. As you pointed out, this simple solution does not work for Observers. Remembering the iterator at Attach and Detach works in simple solutions, but does not scale if there is the possibility of multiple traversals over the list for different types of events.
The solution I use is to insert a dummy element in the middle of list that was iterated to point to this element while making the callback. This guarantees that the iterator is always pointing to a sane list element when the callback returns. This scales well, because you can use multiple iterators for multiple events happening at the same time. You just need a flag showing this element as a dummy element. If one wants to place callbacks to Observer because of a large number of Subjects (for example, distribution of routes), the program can give up CPU and come back—and the iterator is still pointing to a sane location.
As you mentioned, list is not the most efficient container for a large number of observers. In that case, I maintain two different containers: Map for fast lookup, and list for signaling the observer. Map itself just contains a pointer to the list element.

That's an interesting design, reminiscent of the linear search algorithm that first plants a sentinel at the end of the searched sequence; just like that algorithm, it has the disadvantage that it needs to mutate the structure being iterated.

A solution I have myself used in the past that bears some similarity with Umesh's is to use obliteration instead of removal. That is, Subject stores a vector of pointers to Observer, and whenever a deletion occurs, instead of actually removing the slot from the vector, Detach would simply write the null pointer in the corresponding slot. Of course, this doesn't help insertions that much. Benjamin Kaufmann writes:

I recently had to implement a little typesafe observer system[...] and I had exactly the problems you mention in your article, i.e. (1) how to handle attaching/detaching while an update is active? (2) how to handle intervening notifications (a notify is triggered while an update is active)?
I decided to implement an event-centric system with an event-channel class as its central element. An event channel dispatches events of one specific type and provides an interface for attaching/detaching handlers (observers). It distinguishes four different dispatching strategies—LIFO-Order, FIFO-Order, Holding, Discarding—which are unfortunately hard-coded as an enum. It uses deferred attaching/detaching if an event is currently active, i.e. detaching for example only marks the observer as detached but erasing is done only after the current event is completely handled (thus keeping iterators valid).
Although my implementation is good enough for our current needs, I'm really curious how a C++ Expert is going to solve those problems. Even if this means that I have to start over once I finished reading your second article.

Hey, hey, wait a minute. Could someone please take that huge rock off my back? Nothing short of walking on water could impress such an astute readership, sigh. Let's not forget that Benjamin ported Loki to Microsoft Visual C++ 6 (, something I thought was impossible for the longest time. So let me set the record straight: Don't expect this column to solve all of the observation-related issues in one fell swoop. But, with luck, you'll see a few ideas that you might find interesting.

Time-Decoupled Observation

The essential member functions of Subject, as outlined in the previous installment, are bool Attach(Observer*), bool Detach(Observer*), and void NotifyAll(). An obvious improvement that helps us notify observers of a specific event is to define void NotifyAll(Event) instead. But more interestingly, let's focus on the argument passed to Attach and Detach. Why necessarily a pointer to the Observer?

Asking seemingly silly questions about types in interfaces is worthwhile when talking "genericese." In the generic world, there's no gratuitous commitment to type, and therefore it's worthwhile asking, what concept does that Observer* (or Observer&, if you wish) really stand for? Not only is that question interesting, but its answer reveals an entire new dimension of the Observer design space.

And the answer is, the * in Observer* stands for "identifier," "moniker," "handle," even "sobriquet" if you allow my being snobbish. When attaching, an Observer object tells the Subject: "Here's my business card (the pointer), keep it and call me (invoke Subject::Update) when something interesting (an event) happens."

The interesting part is that, while a pointer (or a reference) is the simplest incarnation of the concept of an identifier, there could be many others. For example, imagine the following situations:

So a good design would abstract the notion of ObserverID and perhaps use Observer* as an overridable default.

Event-Oriented Observation

So far, we've dealt with a subject-oriented approach: Each Observer would attach to a Subject, and would receive notification whenever Subject finds fit. A more refined (and potentially more efficient) design variant is to introduce a per-event subscription into the mix. In such a design, attachment and detachment would be made on a per-event basis; for example, Subject would expose Attach(ObserverID, Event) and Detach(ObserverID, Event). In addition, Detach(ObserverID) might still be there with the semantics of detaching an observer from all of the events it was listening to.

The choice of data structures used for storing Observers and Events inside the Subject depends on the targeted performance and behavior during mutual calls to Attach, Detach, and NotifyAll. A straightforward design would prescribe a multimap keyed by Event and storing ObserverIDs. Obviously, if there's no Event-based discrimination, then all of that is just a waste of infrastructure. How, then, to devise a design that allows for optional support for events? A simple solution that I use in this article is to define a NullEvent empty class as in:

class NullEvent {};

and then allow Subject implementors to specialize their implementations on NullEvent and other event types.

A Hierarchy of Observers

But the question remains, how to go about customizing the Observer pattern in the zillion ways we've discussed so far? You should be able to configure the following design dimensions:

My early designs have all attempted to separate the subscription mechanism (the actual container plus Attach and Detach) from the notification mechanism (NotifyAll). There was quite some appeal to such an approach, backed up by numerous metaphors rooted in the real world. For example, imagine a newspaper distribution framework. The subscription service would keep recipient addresses and all, whereas the actual distribution service would be distinct, featuring the postal system, couriers, pigeons, owls, and whatnot. In such a framework, there would be several subscription systems (based for example, on vector, list, and map) and on top of those, various transport mechanisms that take care of iterating the containers and delivering updates to Observer objects. That is all nice and dandy, in keeping with real-world metaphors, and therefore, likely to engender solutions similar to those existing in that metaphorical space. So, for the longest time, my Observer designs invariably gravitated around the formula:

template <
   class Event,
   class SubscriptionPolicy,
   class NotificationPolicy,
   class BrokeragePolicy
class Subject;

where SubscriptionPolicy would implement Attach and Detach, NotificationPolicy would take care of NotifyAll by iterating over the SubscriptionPolicy, and, finally, BrokeragePolicy would implement the ID-to-Observer mapping that we talked about in the previous section (by default, there would be a PointerBrokerage that uses pointers as IDs).

The appeal of such a scheme made it particularly hard to see its fatal flaw: There is too little orthogonality (independence) between the subscription and distribution policies to warrant decomposition across the subscription-distribution line. The iteration process in NotifyAll is way too dependent on calls to Attach and Detach, and therefore, the notification policy would need to intercept Attach and Detach and perform things like saving iterators, throwing exceptions, backing off, and the such. Once a policy needs to stick its nose into another policy's business, out the window are things such as orthogonality, debugging policies independently, freely combining them to achieve mighty design richness, and ease of implementing them.

I can say with pride that I broke off the silly romance I had with the too-cute subscription/notification view. Metaphors are great, but only when they persist beyond the watercooler conversation level. You must have a reasonable level of similarity so you can work with a metaphor. In our case, yes, transporting a newspaper is different from maintaining subscriptions to it. However, in the real world, you don't have customers subscribing and unsubscribing other customers as soon as the newspaper arrives (calls to Subject::Attach/Subject::Detach during Observer::Update); subscribers don't give new, confusing directions to the mailman on where to go with the other newspapers; they don't change the newspapers being delivered to other customers (active observation); they don't take enjoyment in punching the mailman (iterator invalidation); and so on.

So, could you build a policy-based design following the newspaper subscription paradigm? Sure. It would just be a very, very limited design. (On the other hand, you must admit that, if the real world were built as a replica to our designs, it would be a very fun and interesting place—except for postal workers.)

The new design I came up with is hierarchical: there is only one policy model (template if you allow overloading the word). Those policies build not in parallel with one another, but on top of one another, in a hierarchical fashion. Each policy implements Attach, Detach, and NotifyAll in addition to a few helpers that foster interpolicy communication. A policy could either implement these three functions from first principles, or decorate (yes, that's the Decorator design pattern [4] used at compile time!) another policy with the same interface. Before showing an example, let's show the Subject archetypal policy. In the code below, "user_defined" acts as a placeholder for some code written by the policy implementor.

template <argument1, argument2...>
class Subject {
typedef user_defined Event;
typedef user_defined Observer;
typedef user_defined ObserverID;
attachKillsAllIters = user_defined,
detachKillsCurrentIter = user_defined,
detachKillsAllIters = user_defined
Observer* ID2Observer(ObserverID id);
bool Attach(ObserverID, Event);
bool Detach(ObserverID, Event);
bool Detach(ObserverID);
void NotifyAll(Event);
typedef user_defined iterator;
iterator begin(Event);
iterator end(Event);


Of course, this is a syntactic interface that doesn't need to be respected verbatim. For example, Observer could be a class and not a typedef, and some or all functions would be virtual in most designs. The interface's protected part is provided to allow derived Subjects to hook new functionality.

The enum values can be zero or nonzero, depending on the capability level implemented by the Subject. If attachKillsAllIters is nonzero, that means a call to Attach invalidates any iterators. Similarly, if detachKillsAllIters is nonzero, that means a call to Detach invalidates any iterators. As a refinement, if detachKillsAllIters is zero and detachKillsCurrentIter is nonzero, that means a call to Detach only invalidates iterators pointing to the element being detached, but not others (this is the case for all node-based containers, such as list or map). As a corollary, a Subject that has all zeros in the enum values is rock solid (and, perhaps, not too efficient).

The idea is to build functionality piecemeal as Subject policy implementations that build on top of other Subject policy implementations. For example, let's turn back and implement the simplest Observer design—the one that was presented in the previous installment of "Generic<Programming>." We first define a BaseSubject class that's only templated on the event type, and has no protected interface because it provides no iteration. BaseSubject serves as an abstract root on which to build functionality.

template <class E>
class BaseSubject {
public :
   typedef E Event;
   struct Observer {
      virtual void Update(Event) = 0;
      virtual ~Observer() {}
   typedef Observer* ObserverID;
   enum {
      attachKillsAllIters = 1,
      detachKillsCurrentIter = 1,
      detachKillsAllIters = 1
   virtual bool Attach(ObserverID, 
      Event) = 0;
   virtual bool Detach(ObserverID,
      Event) = 0;
   virtual void Detach(ObserverID) = 0;
   virtual void NotifyAll(Event) = 0;
   virtual ~BaseSubject() {}
   Observer* ID2Observer(ObserverID id) {
      return id;

Now let's implement BareboneSubject on top of BaseSubject:

template <class E>
class BareboneSubject : BaseSubject<E> {
public :
   typedef typename
      BaseSubject<E>::Event Event;
   typedef typename
      BaseSubject<E>::Observer Observer;
   typedef typename
      BaseSubject<E>::ObserverID ObserverID;
   bool Attach(ObserverID id, Event e) {
      value_type v(e, id);
      if (find(data_.begin(),
         data_.end(), v)
         != data_.end()) {
         return false;
      return true;
   virtual bool Detach(ObserverID id,
         Event e) {
      const value_type v(e, id);
      const iterator i =
         data_.end(), v);
      if (i == data_.end()) return false ;
      return true;
   virtual void Detach(ObserverID id) {
      for (iterator i = data_.begin();
            i != data_.end(); ) {
         if (i->second != id) ++i;
         else i = data_.erase(i);
   virtual void NotifyAll(Event e) {
      for (iterator i = data_.begin();
         i != data_.end(); ++i) {
      if (i->first != e) continue;
private :
   typedef pair<Event, ObserverID>
   typedef vector<value_type> container;
      container data_;
protected :
   typedef typename container::iterator
   iterator begin(Event) { return data_.begin(); }
   iterator end(Event) { return data_.end(); }

Once this rather boring scaffolding is in place, adding new functionality is quite easy. For example, let's define a policy implementation ClosedNotify that builds on top of some other policy (possibly BareboneSubject) a mechanism that rejects calls to Attach and Detach during NotifyAll:

template <class Subject>
class ClosedNotify : Subject {
ClosedNotify() : closed_(false) {
typedef typename
Subject::Event Event;
typedef typename
Subject::Observer Observer;
typedef typename
Subject::ObserverID ObserverID;
bool Attach(ObserverID id, Event e) {
if (closed_)
throw logic_error("");
return Subject::Attach(id, e);
virtual bool Detach(ObserverID id,
Event e) {
if (closed_)
throw logic_error("");
return Subject::Detach(id, e);
virutal void Detach(ObserverID id) {
if (closed_)
throw logic_error("");
return Subject::Detach(id);
virtual void NotifyAll(Event e) {
if (closed_) throw logic_error("");
closed_ = true;

      struct Local {
         ~Local() { *b_ = false; }
bool * b_;
} local = { &closed_ };
private :
bool closed_;

(Yeah, I, too, like the struct Local inside NotifyAll that resets b_ quickly and easily.) The ClosedNotify policy builds a fail-proof notification strategy on top of any other Subject policy, no matter how that is implemented. And that's the beauty of it all: You grow whatever complex functionality by choosing the appropriate policy layers. In an application, you'd define, for example:

typedef BaseSubject<int> MySubject;
typedef MySubject::Observer MyObserver;
typedef ClosedNotify<BareboneSubject<int> >

Pretty cool. Other policies could flip some or all of the three enums from true to false, guard against exceptions thrown from within Observer::Update, and so on.

Now, the e-mail traffic following my previous column on the subject suggest a high level of interest in the Observer pattern, and that many of you have built quite some interesting variations on it. Furthermore, I'm way over the word limit for this article and I want to keep Stepanov's advice because I believe it's important. So here's a challenge for you: Send me some good policy implementations starting from the aforementioned Subject model. Let's see how robust the design is—or how it could be made better. The best, most insightful submissions will be featured in the next column's Mailcontainer section.


After concluding (definitely without exhausting the subject) the discussion on variations of the Observer design pattern, this article built a small framework that relies on a hierarchical, layered topology of policies, as opposed to the usual scattered one in which each policy is a separate template argument. The hierarchical design has the advantage that it deals much better with unorthogonalities. The disadvantage is that it puts an extra burden on the client in that the design user must be careful how they stack policies; otherwise, the framework might generate nonsensical or inefficient implementations.

I'll attach an Observer to my e-mail Inbox carefully, eagerly waiting for your submissions. Until next time, happy coding, and don't punch the mailman.


Many thanks are due to Eric Niebler, who provided helpful insights at a time when I didn't even know exactly what to ask. In addition to Eric, I'd like to thank Roxana Andrei and Benjamin Kaufmann.


  1. [1] Alexandrescu, Andrei. "Generic<Programming>: Prying Eyes: A Policy-Based Observer (I), C/C++ Users Journal, April 2005.
  2. [2] Chrystal, George. Algebra. Seventh edition. Chelsea Publishing Company, 1980.
  3. [3] Euclid, T.L. Heath (Translator). Elements (three volumes). Dover Publications, 1956.
  4. [4] Gamma, Erich, Richard Helm, Ralph E. Johnson, and John Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Resuable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley, 1995.

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