Mixin-Based Programming in C++

A mixin is a fragment of a class that is intended to be composed with other classes or mixins. Our authors present a solution to the constructor problem in parameterized inheritance-based mixin programming in C++.

January 01, 2001

A mixin is a fragment of a class in the sense that it is intended to be composed with other classes or mixins. The term "mixin" (or "mixin class") was originally introduced in Flavors (see "Object-Oriented Programming with Flavors," by D.A. Moon, Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Applications, 1986), the predecessor of CLOS (Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer's Guide to CLOS, by S. Keene, Addison-Wesley, 1989). The difference between a regular, stand-alone class (such as Person) and a mixin is that a mixin models some small functionality slice (for example, printing or displaying) and is not intended for standalone use. Rather, it is supposed to be composed with some other class needing this functionality (Person, for instance). One use of mixins in object-oriented languages involves classes and multiple inheritance. In this model, a mixin is represented as a class, which is then referred to as a "mixin class," and we derive a composed class from a number of mixin classes using multiple inheritance. Another model is to use parameterized inheritance. In this case, we can represent a mixin as a class template derived from its parameter, for example:

template<class Base> 
class Printing : public Base

Indeed, some programmers define mixins as "abstract subclasses" — that is, subclasses without a concrete superclass (see "Mixin-Based Inheritance," G. Bracha and W. Cook, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications/European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 1990). Mixins based on parameterized inheritance in C++ have been used to implement highly configurable collaborative and layered designs (for instance, "Using Role Components to Implement Collaboration-Based Designs," by M. VanHilst and D. Notkin, Proceedings of the 1996 ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, 1996 and "Implementing Layered Designs with Mixin Layers," Y. Smaragdakis and D. Batory, Proceeding of the 12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 1998).

In this article, we'll present a solution to the constructor problem with parameterized inheritance-based mixin programming in C++. Listing One illustrates this problem, which was also described in "Mixin-Based Programming in C++," by Y. Smaragdakis and D. Batory (Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering, 2000).

Listing One

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Customer
    Customer(const char* fn,const char* ln)
    void print() const
      cout << firstname_
      << ' '
      << lastname_;
    const char *firstname_,

template <class Base>
class PhoneContact: public Base
    PhoneContact(const char* fn,const char* ln,const char* pn)
    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << phone_;
    const char *phone_;

template <class Base>
class EmailContact: public Base
  EmailContact(const char* fn,const char* ln,const char* e)
    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << email_;
    const char *email_;

int main()
  Customer c1("Teddy","Bear");
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  PhoneContact<Customer> c2("Rick","Racoon","050-998877");
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  EmailContact<Customer> c3("Dick","Deer","[email protected]");
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  // The following composition isn't legal because there
  // is no constructor that takes all four arguments.
  // EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> >
  // c4("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]");
  // c4.print(); cout << endl;
  return 0;

In Listing One, the mixin classes PhoneContact and EmailContact can easily be composed with Customer; that is, PhoneContact<Customer> and EmailContact<Customer>. In both cases, the constructor interface of the base class (Customer) is known, and the arguments for initializing the base class are passed to the base constructor in the initializer lists of the derived mixin classes (PhoneContact and EmailContact). Although semantically plausible, compositions including both mixins (PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> > or EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> >, for instance) do not work. This is due to the fact that the necessary constructors accepting four arguments and calling the appropriate base class constructor with three arguments are missing.

There are several partial solutions to the constructor problem. The worst idea is to restrict or change the order in which mixin classes can be composed. Because the previously described example cannot be fixed using this strategy anyway, we will not further explore it. Here, we will describe four partial solutions that are somewhat better, but still suffer from problems such as incurring unnecessary overhead, leading to clumsy client code and poor scalability when adding new mixin classes. Nevertheless, they provide the basic insights for understanding the more advanced, complete solution, which we will also propose.

Partial Solutions

One aspect of the aforementioned problem is that a mixin class with an appropriate constructor simply does not exist. A straightforward solution — at least at first glance — would be to simply implement an extra mixin class with the needed constructor using multiple inheritance; see Listing Two. Unfortunately, this approach requires major changes to the existing code. First, we have to prepare the inheritance hierarchy for using multiple inheritance. To avoid potential duplication of subobjects of the class Customer in PhoneAndEmailContact, Customer has to be changed into a virtual base of PhoneContact and EmailContact. Additionally, PhoneAndEmailContact — as the most-derived class — must take care of initializing the virtual base class.

Listing Two

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Define a new mixin class with a constructor that accepts all arguments.

class Customer
    Customer(const char* fn,const char* ln)
    void print() const
      cout << firstname_
           << ' '
           << lastname_;

    const char *firstname_,

// The new mixin class will be defined using multiple inheritance. 
// Therefore Base must be turned into a virtual base class.
template <class Base>
class PhoneContact: virtual public Base
    PhoneContact(const char* fn,const char* ln,const char* pn)
    void print() const

    // We need an "inner" print method that prints the PhoneContact-specific
    // information only.
    void basicprint() const
      cout << ' ' << phone_;
    const char *phone_;

// Base has to be declared as virtual base class here, too.
template <class Base>
class EmailContact: virtual public Base
    EmailContact(const char* fn,const char* ln,const char* e)

    void print() const
    // We need an "inner" print method that prints the EmailContact-specific
    // information only.
    void basicprint() const
      cout << ' ' << email_;
    const char *email_;

template <class Base>
class PhoneAndEmailContact :
         public PhoneContact<Base>,
         public EmailContact<Base>
    // Because Base is a virtual base class, PhoneAndEmailContact is now 
    // responsible for its initialization.
    PhoneAndEmailContact(const char* fn,
                         const char* ln,char* pn,const char* e)
      void print() const

int main()
  Customer c1("Teddy","Bear");
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  PhoneContact<Customer> c2("Rick","Racoon","050-998877");
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  EmailContact<Customer> c3("Dick","Deer","[email protected]");
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  c4("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]");
  c4.print(); cout << endl;
  return 0;

An annoying change is that the print() methods of PhoneContact and EmailContact must be split into basicprint() and print(). Otherwise, it would be impossible to produce an appropriate output with PhoneAndEmailContact::print(). (The method splitting technique in the context of virtual base classes is described by Bjarne Stroustrup in The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997.) Imagine what would happen if we introduced another mixin class — PostalAddress, for example. This would require adding special mixin classes that combine PhoneContact with PostalAddress, EmailContact with PostalAddress, as well as PhoneContact, EmailContact, and PostalAddress. Thus, the number of such combination classes grows exponentially (without considering the composition order).

Providing a Special Argument Class

When you create a special argument class, the basic idea is to provide a standardized interface for the constructors of all mixin classes by introducing a special class that wraps the union of all arguments of all mixin class constructors (see Listing Three). Stroustrup described the technique of bundling arguments in a special argument class in The Design and Evolution of C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1994).

Listing Three

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Define a class that wraps the union of all constructor arguments 
// of Customer and all derived mixin classes. 

// CustomerParameter combines all constructor arguments of CustomerParameter 
// and its derived mixin classes. The default values for the last two 
// arguments provide some convenience to the client programmer.
struct CustomerParameter
  const char
    * fn,
    * ln,
    * pn,
    * e;
  CustomerParameter( const char* fn_,const char*ln_,
                     const char* pn_ = "",const char* e_ = "")

class Customer
    Customer(const CustomerParameter& cp)
    void print() const
      cout << firstname_
           << ' '
           << lastname_;
    const char *firstname_,

template <class Base>
class PhoneContact: public Base
    PhoneContact(const CustomerParameter& cp)
    void print() const
       cout << ' ' << phone_;
    const char *phone_;

template <class Base>
class EmailContact: public Base
    EmailContact(const CustomerParameter& cp)
    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << email_;  
      const char *email_;

int main()
  Customer c1(CustomerParameter("Teddy","Bear"));
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  c3(CustomerParameter("Dick","Deer","","[email protected]"));
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> >
  c4(CustomerParameter("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]"));
  c4.print(); cout << endl;
  PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> >
  // The following composition prints the last two arguments in a 
  // reverse order because the print() method is now composed differently.
  c5(CustomerParameter("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]"));
  c5.print(); cout << endl;
  return 0;

This solution also has several drawbacks. Every time a new mixin class with additional constructor parameters is added, the argument class has to be updated accordingly. Fortunately, the source code of the already defined mixin classes does not break, but only needs to be recompiled. Furthermore, an additional parameter object has to be created when defining the desired object, which is awkward for the client programmer. We should also note that this solution is not very efficient because arguments will be created even if they are not required. By providing default values for optional arguments, we only (partially) hide this fact from the client programmer. This illusion breaks if one of the arguments preceding the last argument is optional. In such a case, the optional argument must be specified, as the declaration of the EmailContact<Customer> object shows.

This solution allows symmetric composition; for instance, PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> > and EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> >. But it should be recognized that the resulting print() method is composed differently in both cases.

Providing Initialization Methods

When you provide an initialization method (an approach described by Smaragdakis and Batory), you depart from the common C++ practice in that an object has to be properly initialized by executing one of its constructors. Either no constructor is defined — which implies the generation of a default constructor by the compiler — or a standard constructor is implemented that initializes the class members with some reasonable default values. The actual initialization is left to special initialization methods that assign their argument values to the class members (see Listing Four).

Listing Four

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Define special intialization methods in each class and no longer rely 
// on the proper initialization though constructors.

class Customer
    // Initialization method for Customer.
    // A default constructor will be generated automatically.
    void init(const char* fn,const char* ln)
      firstname_ = fn;
      lastname_ = ln;
    void print() const
      cout << firstname_
           << ' '
           << lastname_;
    const char *firstname_,

template <class Base>
class PhoneContact: public Base
    // Initialization method for PhoneContact only.
    // A default constructor will be generated automatically.
    void init(const char* pn)
      phone_ = pn;

    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << phone_;
    const char *phone_;

template <class Base>
class EmailContact: public Base
    // Initialization method for EmailContact only.
    // A default constructor will be generated automatically.
    void init(const char* e)
      email_ = e;

    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << email_;
    const char *email_;

int main()
  // Compiler generated default constructor gets called.
  Customer c1;
  // Now explicitly invoke the initialization method.
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  // Basically the same as above.
  PhoneContact<Customer> c2;
  // But initialization method for Customer must also be explicitly invoked!
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  // Basically the same as above.
  EmailContact<Customer> c3;
  c3.init("[email protected]");
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  // Now the three initialization methods of three different mixin classes 
  // must be explicitly invoked! The composed class does not provide its own
  // initialization method.
  EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> > c4;
  c4.PhoneContact<Customer>::init("[email protected]");
  c4.EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> >::init("049-554433");
  c4.print(); cout << endl;
  // Basically the same as above.
  PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> > c5;
  c5.EmailContact<Customer>::init("[email protected]");
  c5.PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> >::init("049-554433");
  c5.print(); cout << endl;
  return 0;

This approach is error-prone because the client programmer is responsible for calling the necessary initialization methods in the correct order. This is important because one cannot generally assume that the initialization of the members of derived classes never depends on the base class members. Furthermore, inherited initialization methods must be invoked using explicit qualification syntax, which is awkward.

Defining Additional Constructors

When you define additional constructors, you make use of the template instantiation mechanism of C++. It is important to know that only those parts of a template class that are actually used get instantiated. Consequently, it is possible that partial instantiations of a given template class will be legal, even when a full instantiation is not. This lets you define the different constructors in mixin classes for the different possible base classes; see Listing Five.

Listing Five

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Define additional constructors that will be instantiated only if required.

class Customer
    Customer(const char* fn,const char* ln):firstname_(fn),lastname_(ln)
    void print() const
      cout << firstname_
           << ' '
           << lastname_;
    const char *firstname_,

template <class Base>
class PhoneContact: public Base
    // The following constructors will be instantiated only if required.
    PhoneContact( const char* fn,const char* ln,
                  const char* pn):Base(fn,ln),phone_(pn)
    PhoneContact( const char* fn,const char* ln,
                  const char* pn,const char* e)
    void print() const

      cout << ' ' << phone_;
      const char *phone_;

template <class Base>
class EmailContact: public Base
    // The following constructors will be instantiated only if required.
    EmailContact( const char* fn, const char* ln,
                  const char* e):Base(fn,ln),email_(e)
    EmailContact( const char* fn,const char* ln,
                  const char* pn,const char* e)
    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << email_;

    const char *email_;

int main()
  Customer c1("Teddy","Bear");
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  PhoneContact<Customer> c2("Rick","Racoon","050-998877");
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  EmailContact<Customer> c3("Dick","Deer","[email protected]");
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> >
  c4("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]");
  c4.print(); cout << endl;
  PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> >
  // The following composition prints the last two arguments in reverse 
  // order because the print() method is composed differently than previously.
  c5("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]");
  c5.print(); cout << endl;
  return 0;

At first glance, this approach might look attractive. But after introducing a new mixin class with special arguments for its initialization, additional constructors would have to be implemented in all dependent classes. Depending on the number of possible compositions of mixin classes, this could result in a maintenance nightmare. Please note that, as already described, composition of the same mixin classes in a different order may lead to different behaviors; for instance, PhoneContact<EmailContact<Customer> > and EmailContact<PhoneContact<Customer> > lead to different implementations of the print() method. Thus, the number of different compositions may grow more than exponentially.

Designing an Advanced Solution

The previously described approaches of providing a special argument class and defining additional constructors provide the basic framework for designing the more advanced solution.

First, it is a good idea to provide a special class that wraps the constructor arguments and thus provides a uniform constructor interface. What should be achieved then is the provision of different argument wrappers for different compositions of mixin classes. We will see how to solve this problem by applying some template-metaprogramming techniques such as described in our book Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications (Addison-Wesley, 2000; see http://www.generative-programming.org/).

Second, the client programmer should be able to adhere to the usual way of declaring objects without the obscuring and awkward argument wrapper construction syntax. Thanks to member templates, highly generic constructors can be implemented that take ordinarily specified arguments and automatically convert them to instances of the argument wrapper classes.

Heterogeneous Value Lists

The object model of C++ requires that an object is constructed by calling the constructor of its topmost base(s), then the immediately descendant class(es), and so on, until the constructor of the most-derived class is executed. Therefore, the set of constructor arguments of a base class is generally a subset of the constructor arguments of any derived class. Imagine passing a singly linked list containing all arguments instead of separate arguments. Each constructor could then take the elements from the front of the list that it needs as arguments and pass the remainder of the list to the base class constructor. This process goes on until the last element has been taken away and the list is empty. Unfortunately, this is not so easy in C++ because each list element may have a different type and, consequently, each list node also represents a unique type. Hence, a highly flexible list is required that links unique node types, each with a possibly different type for storing a value.

The basis for a solution provide compile-time type lists and recursively synthesized types (such as described in "Synthesizing Objects," by K. Czarnecki and U.W. Eisenecker, Proceeding of the 12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Springer Verlag, 1999, and http://www.prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de/~czarn/cpe2000). A type list is a singly linked list constructed by recursively instantiating a structure template such as the following template List:

struct NIL
template<class Head_, class Tail_ = NIL>
struct List
typedef Head_ Head;
typedef Tail_ Tail;

A list of basic signed integral types can be represented as follows:

List<signed char,List<short,List<int,List
		             <long> > > >

To represent a list of arguments of any type and number, we need a type list that additionally stores values. Such a list of different types and values is called a "heterogeneous value list" (for more information, see http://www.tucs.abo.fi/publications/techreports/TR249.html). Listing Six is a heterogeneous value list for representing argument lists.

Listing Six

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// We need NIL because - as opposed to void - it must be possible 
// to create instances of it.
struct NIL

template <class T,class Next_ = NIL>
struct Param
  Param(const T& t_,const Next_& n_ = NIL()):t(t_),n(n_)
  const T& t;
  Next_ n;
  typedef Next_ N;

struct SomePersonParameters
  const char *firstname_,
  int age_;

  SomePersonParameters(const char* fn,const char* ln,const int age)

int main()
  SomePersonParameters p1("Peter","Parrot",3);
  cout << p1.firstname_ << ' '
       << p1.lastname_ << ' '
       << p1.age_ << endl;
  // Can be rewritten as
  Param<const char*,Param<const char*,Param<int> > >
  p2("Peter",Param<const char*,Param<int> >("Parrot",3)); //please note
  //that we can pass 3 as the last element instead of Param<int>(3)
  //because it will be automatically converted using the constructor
  //of Param
  cout << p2.t << ' '
       << p2.n.t << ' '
       << p2.n.n.t << endl;
  // Or more easily readable
  typedef Param<int> T1;
  typedef Param<const char*,T1> T2;
  typedef Param<const char*,T2> T3;
  T3 p3("Peter",T2("Parrot",3));
  cout << p3.t << ' '
       << p3.n.t << ' '
       << p3.n.n.t << endl;
  return 0;

Listing Six also demonstrates how to use the Param template. Appropriate typedefs slightly simplify the declaration of a parameter type and its instances. Accessing the nodes and the remainder of a list is straightforward. Because Param has a type member N referring to the type of the remainder of the list, the latter can be easily accessed as SomeRemainder::N. Whereas the manual definition of recursive heterogeneous value lists is remarkably awkward, it is easy to automatically compute them.

Configuration Repositories and Parameter Adapters

The next step is more complex because two different techniques have to be appropriately combined. The first technique is to use traits classes (see http://www.cantrip.org/traits.html) as configuration repositories. Configuration repositories let you separate the configuration aspect from the implementation of a component; that is, a mixin class. The only parameter of a base mixin class is then the configuration repository (see Customer in Listing Seven). The base mixin class exports the configuration repository by defining an alias name as its member type. As a result, if the instantiated mixin class is used itself as a base class parameter, the descendant mixin class can read out this configuration repository and export it again (see PhoneContact and EmailContact in Listing Seven). This way, the configuration repository can be propagated along the inheritance hierarchy. Each mixin class can retrieve any desired information from the configuration repository.

Listing Seven

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct NIL

template <class T,class Next_ = NIL>
struct Param
  Param(const T& t_,const Next_& n_ = NIL()):t(t_),n(n_)
  const T& t;
  Next_ n;
  typedef Next_ N;

template <class Config_>
class Customer
    // Exporting config
    typedef Config_ Config;
    // Create parameter type
      Param< typename Config::LastnameType,
      Param< typename Config::FirstnameType > > ParamType;
    Customer(const ParamType& p)
    void print() const
       cout << firstname_
            << ' '
            << lastname_;
    typename Config::FirstnameType firstname_;
    typename Config::LastnameType lastname_;
template <class Base>
class PhoneContact: public Base
    // retrieve config and export it
    typedef typename Base::Config Config;
    // retrieve the constructor parameter type from the base class
    // and extend it with own parameters
    typedef Param< typename Config::PhoneNoType,
                   typename Base::ParamType > ParamType;
    PhoneContact(const ParamType& p)
    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << phone_;
    typename Config::PhoneNoType phone_;
template <class Base>
class EmailContact: public Base
    // retrieve config and export it
    typedef typename Base::Config Config;
    // retrieve the constructor parameter type from the base class
    // and extend it with own parameters
    typedef Param< typename Config::EmailAddressType,
                   typename Base::ParamType> ParamType;
    EmailContact(const ParamType& p)
    void print() const
      cout << ' ' << email_;
    typename Config::EmailAddressType email_;
template <class Base>
struct ParameterAdapter: Base
  // Retrieve config from Base and export it.
  typedef typename Base::Config Config;

  // Retrieve the most complete param type
  typedef typename Config::RET::ParamType P;
  typedef typename P::N P1;
  typedef typename P1::N P2;

  // Constructor adapter with 1 argument
  template < class A1
  ParameterAdapter( const A1& a1) 

  // Constructor adapter with 2 arguments
  template < class A1,
             class A2
  ParameterAdapter( const A1& a1,
                    const A2& a2)

  // Constructor adapter with 3 arguments
  template < class A1,
             class A2,
             class A3
  ParameterAdapter( const A1& a1,
                    const A2& a2,
                    const A3& a3)
  // Constructor adapter with 4 arguments
  template < class A1,
             class A2,
             class A3,
             class A4
  ParameterAdapter( const A1& a1,
                    const A2& a2,
                    const A3& a3,
                    const A4& a4)

struct C1
  // Provide standard name for config
  typedef C1 ThisConfig;

  // Provide elementary types
  typedef const char* FirstnameType;
  typedef const char* LastnameType;

  // Parameterize base class
  typedef Customer<ThisConfig> CustomerType;

  // Add ParameterAdapter
  typedef ParameterAdapter<CustomerType> RET;

struct C2
  // Provide standard name for config
  typedef C2 ThisConfig;

  // Provide elementary types
  typedef const char* FirstnameType;
  typedef const char* LastnameType;
  typedef const char* PhoneNoType;

  // Assemble mixin classes
  typedef Customer<ThisConfig> CustomerType;
  typedef PhoneContact<CustomerType> PhoneContactType;

  // Add ParameterAdapter
  typedef ParameterAdapter<PhoneContactType> RET;

struct C3
  // Provide standard name for config
  typedef C3 ThisConfig;
  // Provide elementary types
  typedef const char* FirstnameType;
  typedef const char* LastnameType;
  typedef const char* EmailAddressType;

  // Assemble mixin classes
  typedef Customer<ThisConfig> CustomerType;
  typedef EmailContact<CustomerType> EmailContactType;

  // Add ParameterAdapter
  typedef ParameterAdapter<EmailContactType> RET;
struct C4
  // Provide standard name for config
  typedef C4 ThisConfig;

  // Provide elementary types
  typedef const char* FirstnameType;
  typedef const char* LastnameType;
  typedef const char* PhoneNoType;
  typedef const char* EmailAddressType;
  // Assemble mixin classes
  typedef Customer<ThisConfig> CustomerType;
  typedef PhoneContact<CustomerType> PhoneContactType;
  typedef EmailContact<PhoneContactType> EmailContactType;
  // Add ParameterAdapter
  typedef ParameterAdapter<EmailContactType> RET;

int main()
  C1::RET c1("Teddy","Bear");
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  C2::RET c2("Rick","Racoon","050-998877");
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  C3::RET c3("Dick","Deer","[email protected]");
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  C4::RET c4("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]");
  c4.print(); cout << endl;

return 0;

A configuration repository can contain any type information; for example, types needed by a mixin other than its base class (so-called "horizontal parameters"), static constants, and enumeration constants. Furthermore, it can also contain any type that is being composed, even the final type of the complete composition. The configuration repository idiom is inherently recursive because it parameterizes base mixin classes with itself. Listing Seven contains four sample configuration repositories C1, C2, C3, and C4. They are designed to represent the four possible compositions that are also part of the previously mentioned examples. To demonstrate the ability to read out horizontal parameters, the types of first name, last name, phone number, and e-mail address are also parameterized and defined in the configuration repositories and retrieved by the mixin classes. In our example, the components assemble the needed heterogeneous parameter lists themselves rather than retrieving them from the configuration repository. This is because the assembly always follows the same pattern, so that it can be safely performed locally in the components. Consequently, the resulting code is simpler than it would be with heterogeneous parameter lists assembled in the configuration repository.

The other technique to use is a highly generic parameter adapter (see ParameterAdapter in Listing Seven) that accepts any number of constructor arguments of any type and converts them into a singly linked list of types and arguments. The wrapper is a mixin class itself and is expected to be used as the most-derived mixin in a composition. Scott Meyers wrote about the use of member templates to allow method signatures with arguments of any type and number (see "Implementing operator->* for Smart Pointers," DDJ, October 1999; http://aristeia.com/Papers/DDJ_Oct_1999.pdf), as has V. Batov in "Safe and Economical Reference-Counting in C++" (C/C++ Users Journal, June 2000). However, to our knowledge, a generic parameter adapter combining this technique with heterogenous argument lists has not been documented elsewhere.

The construction of the parameter adapter is amazingly simple. The adapter includes one generic constructor as a member template for a given number of arguments. In this example, we provided template member functions covering constructors with up to four arguments (Listing Seven). In practice, it would be useful to define a few additional generic constructors, let's say, for up to 15 or 20 arguments. Implementing these template member functions is obvious and easy. Note that this is a truly universal parameter adapter, which will work for any mixin classes that accept heterogeneous value lists as arguments of their constructors. By the way, if the most-derived mixin class is initialized by a standard constructor, the parameter adapter has to be omitted, of course. Finally, the constructors of the mixin classes have to be adjusted for accepting heterogeneous value lists as arguments.

Configuration Generator

Obviously, the manual creation of configuration repositories is tedious and error prone:

Template metaprogramming (which is a set of programming techniques in C++; http://oonumerics.org/blitz/papers/) and generative programming (which is an analysis, design, and implementation approach) provide the necessary foundation for developing so-called "configuration generators," which solve the problems just outlined. Listing Eight contains such a configuration generator for various customer types. It is implemented as a template metafunction (that is, a class template conceptually representing a function to be executed at compile time) that accepts a specification of the desired customer type in a so-called "domain-specific language" (DSL) and returns the concrete customer type in its type member RET. The DSL in this example is kept relatively simple. Using enumeration constants, client programmers can specify whether a customer type should include information for phone contact or e-mail contact. Furthermore, they can specify the types of the various members of the mixin classes. A default value is provided for each parameter, so that even a default customer type can be ordered using an empty specification. Of course, the DSL needs to be clearly documented, so that clients know what parameters and parameter values are available.

Listing Eight

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "meta.h"
using namespace meta;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  #pragma warning (disable:4786)
  #pragma warning (disable:4305)
  #define GeneratorRET RET
#define GeneratorRET Generator::RET

struct NIL
template <class T,class Next_ = NIL>
struct Param
  Param(const T& t_,const Next_& n_ = NIL()):t(t_),n(n_)

  const T& t;
  Next_ n;
  typedef Next_ N;

// We will pass Generator to Customer rather than Config; the latter will be
// nested in Generator, and Customer has to retrieve it; this modification
// of Customer is necessary to avoid certain circularity problems.
template <class Generator_>
class Customer
    // Exporting config
    typedef typename Generator_::Config Config;
   // ...
   // Rest of Customer is the same as in Listing Seven.

// The remaining mixin classes and the parameter adapter
// are the same as in Listing Seven.

// Bitmask for describing customer options - part of the domain
// specific language (DSL) for describing customers
enum CustomerSpec
  BasicCustomer = 0, // values represent bits in a bitmask
  WithPhone = 1,
  WithEmail = 2

// Customer generator (the generator parameters represent rest of DSL)
template <
           int spec = BasicCustomer, // spec is a bitmask
           class Firstname = const char*,
           class Lastname = const char*,
           class PhoneNo = const char*,
           class EmailAdd = const char*
  // Provide a shorthand for CUSTOMER_GENERATOR ...
  typedef CUSTOMER_GENERATOR < spec,
                             > Generator;
  // Parse DSL
  // Assume there is always a basic customer ...
  { hasPhone = spec & WithPhone,
    hasEmail = spec & WithEmail

  // Assemble components
  typedef Customer<Generator> Part1;

  typedef typename
    IF < hasPhone,
       >::RET Part2;

  typedef typename
    IF < hasEmail,
       >::RET Part3;
  // Result of the generator template metafunction:
  typedef ParameterAdapter<Part3> RET;

  // Compute config
  struct BasicCustomerConfig
  { // Provide some metainformation
    { specification = spec 
    typedef Firstname FirstnameType;
    typedef Lastname LastnameType;
    typedef GeneratorRET RET;
  struct CustomerWithPhoneConfig: BasicCustomerConfig
    typedef PhoneNo PhoneNoType;

  struct CustomerWithEmailConfig: BasicCustomerConfig
    typedef EmailAdd EmailAddressType;

  struct CustomerWithPhoneAndEmailConfig
    : CustomerWithPhoneConfig,CustomerWithEmailConfig

  typedef typename
    SWITCH < spec,
    > > > > >::RET Config;
int main()
  CUSTOMER_GENERATOR<>::RET c1("Teddy","Bear");
  c1.print(); cout << endl;
  CUSTOMER_GENERATOR<WithPhone>::RET c2("Rick","Racoon","050-998877");
  c2.print(); cout << endl;
  CUSTOMER_GENERATOR<WithEmail>::RET c3("Dick","Deer","[email protected]");
  c3.print(); cout << endl;
  CUSTOMER_GENERATOR<WithPhone + WithEmail>::RET
  c4("Eddy","Eagle","049-554433","[email protected]");
  c4.print(); cout << endl;
  return 0;

Implementing the generator starts with parsing the DSL. There is no "buildability" check because we assume that no wrong specification is requested by the client programmer (or the client program using the generator). The next step is to assemble the components (that is, the mixin classes) according to the specified features. Metacontrol structures, such as IF and SWITCH (they are part of the include file meta.h, which is not shown here), are used for assembling the components. The final result is made available through the typedef-name RET, which is a convention commonly used in template metaprogramming.

Finally, the configuration repository is computed. This example demonstrates a special technique for assembling configuration repositories. Normally, you could put all the information into a single configuration repository. In most cases, this works perfectly because the involved components (mixin classes) will retrieve only the information they need for themselves from the configuration repository. However, in order to preserve the different structures of the configuration repositories from Listing Seven, we decided to compose these different configuration repository types using inheritance and to select the one that is best suited for the generated component using a SWITCH. To our knowledge, this technique also has not been published elsewhere before. Please note that we use a kind of static overriding technique when redefining selected names in the derived configuration repositories — FinalParamType.


The solution to the constructor problem in mixin-based programming with C++ we've presented here effectively helps to avoid dependencies between components and special assembly orderings imposed by the number of arguments required by mixin class constructors. The solution also allows client programmers to create instances of the composed types in a natural way. Furthermore, it scales very well because adding new mixin classes requires minimal adaptations (that is, only the generator and the DSL need to be extended). Finally, the solution is also efficient. The only overhead results from the necessary creation of instances of heterogeneous value lists.

However, this cost seems to be affordable, especially when compared to the costs introduced by the other approaches. Thanks to configuration generators based on template metaprogramming, the complexity of the solution is completely hidden from the client programmers. Although this complexity has to be mastered by the generator programmer, it needs to be mastered only once for a given set of mixins. This effort then pays back every time generated components are requested by the client programmers. The sources of all program examples are available as a zipped archive at http://home.t-online.de/home/Ulrich.Eisenecker/cpmbp.zip. They were tested with gcc 2.95.2 and Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.

Ulrich is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern at Zweibrücken, Frank a graduate student at the university, and Krzysztof a researcher at DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology. They can be contacted at [email protected], frank.blinn@ student-zw.fh-kl.de, and [email protected], respectively.

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