Synchronization Monitors for Win32

Thomas presents a Java-style synchronization monitor for multithreaded Win32 development.

December 01, 2001

Dec01: Synchronization Monitors for Win32

Thomas is a senior software engineer at Zephyr Associates. He can be reached at [email protected].

In theory, there is no difference between multithreaded programming in Java and multithreaded programming under Win32. All the basic tenets of concurrent programming apply equally. In practice, however, there are differences. For example, the Java Virtual Machine may use its own user-mode thread scheduler rather than native threads provided by the operating system. This distinction is largely irrelevant to programmers, except when it comes to subtle considerations such as scheduling fairness guarantees. Another difference is that Java, being a single-paradigm language centered around the object paradigm, tightly couples its synchronization model with its object model. Being a C API for a family of operating systems, on the other hand, Win32 uses handles and C functions to provide access to synchronization objects that live in the kernel of the operating system. If you move between the two worlds, this difference amounts to a certain learning effort, but there are no major difficulties here — except for the implementation of synchronization mechanisms.

Java offers two basic idioms to implement synchronization mechanisms.

Win32, on the other hand, offers a zoo of synchronization objects — the mutex and its cousin the critical section, two types of events, and the semaphore.

From an academic perspective, the Java approach is more satisfactory than Win32's: The lock and monitor idioms form a pair of simple synchronization primitives from which everything else can be derived. From an applied software engineering perspective, however, this is an advantage only if there is a class library that provides a collection of at least the most common synchronization idioms (semaphores, exchangers, and the like) implemented on the basis of the lock and monitor idioms. Fortunately, at least one such library exists. It was written by Doug Lea in conjunction with his book Concurrent Programming in Java, Second Edition, (Addison-Wesley, 1999). The library ( contains production-quality implementations of many commonly used synchronization objects.

Reading Lea's book and using his library led me to wonder whether a similar library existed for Win32. While I know of several isolated Win32 synchronization utilities that have been put in the public domain, I am not aware of any systematic attempt at such a collection. Consequently, in this article, I explore the territory for such a project and present what is perhaps the most important Win32 synchronization utility — a Java-style monitor.

Win32 Synchronization Utilities

Win32 is a C API. The way Win32 treats its operating-system resources is, in a manner of speaking, an imitation of object-oriented programming in C. Objects are created by calling a "constructor function" such as CreateMutex(). Such a function returns a handle to the newly created object. To use the object, you call global functions that take the handle as an argument, much like the hidden this-argument of a C++ member function. Finally, the object is destroyed by closing the handle. Since most Win32 programmers code in C++ (usually in the context of some class library such as MFC), the Win32 synchronization utilities I have in mind should be written as C++ classes whose member functions have the look and feel of Win32 functions, such as ReleaseSemaphore().

In the earlier days of object-oriented programming, the extensive use of inheritance was widely considered to be the hallmark of good software design: The more inheritance, the better; and if it does not have inheritance, it's not OO. More recently, the OO and C++ communities have been promoting a trend in the opposite direction — go easy on inheritance. Regardless, a library of classes intended for general use should be written in such a way that it does not imply the use of inheritance. While client programmers may derive their own class from one of the provided classes, they should not be forced to do so, as this may conflict with their philosophy or impose a restriction on them.

Similar considerations apply on the subject of exceptions. For good reasons, the use of exceptions is notoriously restricted and regulated in C++ development shops. Therefore, library-style utility classes should indicate failure by appropriate return values. Users of these classes may translate these return codes into exceptions at their discretion. This could, for example, be done by using some sort of wrapping technique (such as in the Adapter pattern), or by modifying the source code. As a consequence of this ban on exceptions, the constructors of my proposed classes must do only elementary initialization that cannot fail. All nontrivial, failure-prone initialization must be done in a separate method that the client must call before using the object. To give the class a Win32 look and feel, this method should be called Create(). Most Win32 programmers will not find this style of object creation unusual as it is widespread in the MFC.

In many multithreaded applications, it is important to be able to terminate threads currently in a wait state. For example, in a desktop application that has one or more background worker threads associated with each document, these background threads must be terminated when users close the document, and it is possible that the threads are in a wait state when that happens. In Java, this problem is solved via thread interruption: When the interrupt() method is called on a thread and that thread is currently in a wait state, the wait() method throws the InterruptedException. In its handler block of this exception, the thread function can then take appropriate action; for example, it can return and thereby terminate the thread in a clean way.

Although Win32 provides the TerminateThread() function that lets one thread terminate another at any time, the use of this function is not safe, as it does not guarantee proper cleanup of operating-system resources. For my Win32 synchronization utilities, this means that their wait operations must be such that the client can interrupt the wait in much the same way as the Java interrupt() method. There are basically three ways of achieving this under Win32.

Java Monitors

There are several ways to implement the Java-style monitor idiom in Win32. The ingredients of Java's implementation are the synchronized keyword and the methods wait(), notify(), notifyAll(), and interrupt(). The key to the synchronized keyword is that Java associates a lock with each defined class, and a separate one with each instantiated object. When a method is declared as synchronized, as in

synchronized foo() {
 // do something

then the lock that is associated with the this-object is acquired upon entering the method and released upon leaving the method. When a block of code is preceded by the synchronized keyword, as in

synchronized {
 // do something

then the lock that is associated with the this-object is acquired upon entering the block and released upon leaving the block. Rather than acquiring and releasing the lock associated with the this-object, you may explicitly specify an object whose lock is to be used, as in

MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
myObject.synchronized {
 // do something

A similar syntax applies to use the class-wide lock:

MyClass.synchronized {
 // do something

As for the wait() method, consider a typical example of its use in condition synchronization. Here, bCond is a Boolean flag indicating some condition.

synchronized {
 while( ! bCond ) {

First of all, the wait() method must be called within a synchronized block or method; otherwise, it throws an IllegalMonitorStateException. The first thing that happens when wait() has been called correctly is that the current thread is placed into a set of threads (called the "wait set") associated with the this-object. Next, the lock for the this-object is released. The release is full, meaning that the lock is released as many times as it has previously been acquired. After that, the thread remains in the blocked state until a notification or interruption will happen.

The methods notify() and notifyAll() are typically used as follows:

synchronized {
 bCond = true;
synchronized { bCond = true; notifyAll(); }

The notify() method selects one of the threads, if any, which are currently in the object's wait set and unblocks it. The Java specification contains no guarantees whatsoever about the policy of selecting a thread for unblocking. The selected thread will reacquire the object's lock (more precisely, it fully restores the lock status to what it was upon entering the wait() method), and it will then return from the wait() method. The notifyAll() method differs from notify() insofar as it releases all threads that are currently in the object's wait set, rather than selecting one. If the object's wait set is empty at the time when notify() or notifyAll() are called, then these methods have no effect. In Java, there is no such thing as a "notification status" that would persist after a call to notify() or notifyAll().

In coding the wait/notify mechanism, it is absolutely correct (although not exactly pretty) to replace the code:

synchronized {
 bCond = true;


synchronized {
 bCond = true;

The reason is that the wait() method reacquires the lock before it returns. Therefore, from the client programmer's perspective, the notification does not take effect until the synchronized block surrounding the call to notify() and the setting of the condition variable has been left.

The other way to free a thread from a wait set is the interrupt() method. When interrupt() is called on a thread currently in some object's wait set, the thread is unblocked and it reacquires the respective object's lock. After that, the InterruptedException is thrown. An important difference between notification and interruption is that each thread maintains an interruption status. Calling interrupt() sets the interruption status to True, and throwing the InterruptedException resets it to False. When a thread calls the wait() method and the interruption status is True, then wait() immediately exits, throwing the InterruptedException. It is important to understand that notification does not work that way. There is no notification status in Java — the notify() and notifyAll() methods affect only those threads that are currently in the object's wait set.

Win32 Monitor Utility Classes

Listing One is the interface of a C++ Win32 utility class that provides condition synchronization in a way that mimics Java's monitors as closely as possible. Clearly, the class must have a locking mechanism (that is, a data member that is a Win32 mutex or critical section), and functions to acquire/release that lock. I call these methods BeginSynchronized() and EndSynchronized() to emphasize the analogy to synchronized blocks when using monitors in Java.

The nontrivial question is how to implement waiting and notification. Conceptually, the class must have a wait set. A thread that calls Wait() must be added to that wait set, then release the lock. The preferred way to implement this mechanism is to have all that happening atomically; for example, by making a single call into a kernel mode function that releases the lock and puts the thread in a wait state as an atomic, uninterruptible operation. Win32 does indeed provide a function that does just that, namely, SignalObjectAndWait(), which takes handles to two Win32 synchronization objects as arguments. It signals one and makes the calling thread wait on the other as an atomic operation. This suggests that, in addition to the lock (mutex or critical section), you should give the class a Win32 event as a data member, and the Wait() method should essentially look like this:

release lock and wait on event atomically
acquire lock

The first line of this pseudocode can be implemented using SignalObjectAndWait(), the second using WaitForSingleObject(). So far, Win32 appears to lend itself easily to implementing the monitor idiom. Unfortunately, a problem arises with notification. Notification must cause one or all of the threads, as the case may be, that are currently blocking on the event to complete their wait. Win32 has a function that does just that, namely, PulseEvent(). It is true that PulseEvent() can operate in the two ways that you need for Notify() and NotifyAll(); that is, it can release one of the currently waiting threads or all of them. Unfortunately, the decision of which one of the two modes of operation applies is made not when PulseEvent() is called, but when the event is created. Autoreset events pulse just one of the waiting threads, while manual reset events pulse all of them. (The terms "autoreset" and "manual reset" refer to the Win32 function SetEvent() rather than PulseEvent().) Therefore, a monitor object implemented this way can support either Notify() or NotifyAll() — but not both. There would be a workaround if there were a Win32 function that atomically signals one object and then waits on a whole collection of objects, as in WaitForMultipleObjects(). But there isn't.

The bottom line is that at this point it isn't possible to have one Win32 utility class that implements Java-style monitors with optimal efficiency. All is not lost, however. First of all, when using monitors in concurrent programming, it frequently happens that only one Notify() and NotifyAll() is needed. Therefore, the source code that accompanies this article (see "Resource Center," page 5) has two classes called NotifyMonitor and NotifyAllMonitor that use the efficient implementation just described at the cost of supporting only one Notify() and NotifyAll().

Second, while it is desirable to have an efficient implementation that uses SignalObjectAndWait(), it isn't necessary to use an atomic operation for adding threads to the wait set and releasing the lock. What matters is the order of things. By the time the lock gets released, the thread must be in the wait set, ready to respond to notifications. Doing this the wrong way results in the possibility of the so-called "missed signal," where a notification takes place but the thread misses it because it released the lock before it was in a position to respond to the notification. The class FairMonitor (available electronically) provides a full implementation of the Java-style monitor, including Notify() and NotifyAll(), at the cost of being less efficient. The class has a data member of type STL deque that serves as the wait set. This deque holds handles to Win32 events. Furthermore, the class holds a second lock that protects concurrent access to the deque. Acquiring and releasing this lock is indicated in Example 1 (which implements the Wait() and Notify() methods) by the opening and closing square bracket.

At first glance, the implementation of Wait() seems to be erroneous because the lock is released before the thread blocks on the event. However, by the time the lock is released, the event handle is already in the wait set, eligible for notification. Moreover, the implementations of Notify() and NotifyAll() signal the events (using the Win32 function SetEvent()) rather than pulsing them (Win32 function PulseEvent()). Suppose a thread is preempted inside Wait() just after releasing the lock, and a call to Notify() or NotifyAll() signals the event. Then this signal is not missed, because upon being rescheduled, the thread finds the event in the signaled state and it, therefore, completes the wait on the event immediately. I call this monitor FairMonitor because it guarantees that Notify() selects the oldest thread in the wait set for notification, a guarantee that neither Java's notify() method nor my NotifyMonitor's Notify method make.

At this point, I have efficiently implemented Win32 monitors that only support either Notify() or NotifyAll(), and a much less efficient one that is an exact analogue to Java monitors. There is one more version of the monitor idiom that you can implement efficiently in Win32 — one that supports several wait sets. This is a concept well known in the theory of concurrent programming. Rather than maintaining a single wait set, such a monitor maintains several wait sets. The Wait(), Notify(), and NotifyAll() methods let the client specify which wait set should be used for the wait, or be the target of the notification, respectively. Using a monitor with several wait sets is substantially different from using several monitors because the waiting and notifying methods all use the same lock, regardless of the wait set they are targeting. The advantage of using several wait sets lies in the fact that you can often avoid gratuitous notifications; that is, you can avoid notifying threads that are known to find their monitored condition to be false. (The reader-writer lock example illustrates this situation.)

The class MultiSetMonitor (available electronically) has the efficient implementation of waiting, using the Win32 function SignalObjectAndWait(). Instead of holding a single event that conceptually represents the wait set, it holds several such events. Due to the limitations of Win32's PulseEvent(), each wait set can only support Notify() or NotifyAll(). Upon creation of the monitor, the client specifies the number of wait sets of each type.

Reader-Writer Lock Example

A reader-writer lock is a synchronization object that exposes two locks — the read lock and write lock. The two locks are mutually exclusive in that no thread can own the read lock while some thread owns the write lock, and vice versa. Only one thread at a time can own the write lock, while the read lock can be owned by an arbitrary amount of threads at a time. There are several issues concerning priorities between reading/writing and the problem of readers starving all writing or vice versa. Once the basic monitoring mechanism is in place, any desired policy is straightforward to implement. In my example class, I have chosen a policy where waiting writers have priority over waiting readers, but no measure is taken against heavy writing starving all reading.

Listing Two is pseudocode for the relevant methods of class ReadWriteLock (available electronically). The class has integer members m_nNumberOfActiveReaders and m_nNumberOfWaitingWriters and a Boolean member bWriteInProgress to monitor the relevant conditions. Moreover, it has a member that is a multiset monitor with two sets, the reader set, which supports NotifyAll(), and the writer set, which supports Notify().


Thanks to Christopher Baus for many interesting conversations on the subject of concurrent programming, and for bringing Doug Lea's book (and Java library) to my attention.


Listing One

Interface to generic Win32 monitor class
class Monitor
  // Default constructor.
  // Destructor
  // Aquires the lock.
  void BeginSynchronized();
  // Releases the lock.
  void EndSynchronized();
  // Waits for a notification.
  DWORD Wait(DWORD dwMillisecondsTimeout = INFINITE);
  // Notifies one of the waiting threads, if any.
  BOOL Notify();
  // Notifies all of the waiting threads, if any.
  BOOL NotifyAll();
  // ...

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Listing Two

Reader-writer lock pseudocode
  acquire monitor lock;
  while( 0 < m_nNumberOfWaitingWriters || m_bWriteInProgress ) {
    wait in monitor's reader set;
  release monitor lock;
  acquire monitor lock;
  if( 0 == --m_nNumberOfActiveReaders ) {
    notify on monitor's writer set;
  release monitor lock;
  acquire monitor lock;
  while( 0 < m_nNumberOfActiveReaders || m_bWriteInProgress ) {
    wait in monitor's writer set;
  m_bWriteInProgress = true;
  release monitor lock;
  acquire monitor lock;
  m_bWriteInProgress = false;
  if( 0 == m_nNumberOfWaitingWriters ) {
    notify-all on monitor's reader set;
  else {
    notify on monitor's writer set;
   release monitor lock;

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Dec01: Synchronization Monitors for Win32

  create a Win32 event
  [place the event handle in the wait set]
  release the lock
  block on the event
  acquire the lock
  destroy the event
  [retrieve and remove the oldest event handle from the wait set]
  set the event to the signaled state
  [retrieve and remove all event handles from the wait set]
  set all events to the signaled state

Example 1: The Wait() and Notify() methods.

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