Borland's CLX Component Framework

CLX is a component framework for cross-platform development from Borland Software that debuted in Kylix and Linux. It is also available for Windows in Delphi 6.

February 01, 2002

Feb02: Programmer's Toolchest

Ray is the author of Delphi In a Nutshell (ISBN 1-56592-659-5) and other books. You can contact him at [email protected].

CLX (pronounced "clicks") is a component framework for cross-platform development from Borland Software ( Although CLX originated in Kylix, Borland's rapid application development tool for Linux, it is also available for Windows in Delphi 6.

CLX is written in Borland's version of Object Pascal, which has evolved over the years. Its current incarnation in Kylix and Delphi is a modern, object-oriented language with a Java-like object model (single inheritance of classes, and a class can implement multiple interfaces), resizeable arrays, copy-on-write strings, Unicode support, exception handling (see "Exception Handling in Kylix," by Eli Boling and Chuck Jazdzewski, DDJ, November 2001), and other conveniences programmers now expect. (Generic types are an exception, but then you can't have everything.)

CLX has four major parts:

Kylix Pascal Features

Borland designed its Object Pascal implementation specifically for use in Delphi and Kylix. Two of its key features are published declarations and properties:

Listing One is a typical property declaration for a property named Color, of type TColor. (A common Delphi and Kylix convention is to name types with a leading T.) The reader maps to the field FColor (another convention is to name fields with a leading F), and the writer uses the SetColor method.

Kylix's GUI builder relies on properties for manipulating components at design time. Every component class declares properties for the attributes that can be manipulated at design time, such as caption, color, size, and position. Events (such as a button's OnClick, or an edit box's OnKeyDown) are also properties, where the property type is a method pointer. Thus, event handlers are ordinary methods.

The GUI builder knows which properties are important because you declare these properties as published. Published declarations have the same visibility and access rules as public declarations; the difference is that the compiler stores run-time type information (RTTI) for all published declarations. The GUI builder reads the RTTI to know which properties to present at design time and how to get and set those properties.

Fields and methods can also be published. When designing a form (which is the Kylix term for a window or dialog box), the form is represented by a form class. Every component you drop on the form has a corresponding published field declaration. At run time, the field stores an object reference for the component. The field name is the same as the component name. When you change the name in the GUI builder, Kylix automatically updates your source code. Published methods are eligible for use as event handlers. When you assign event handlers in the GUI builder, you can pick an existing method in the form class or create a new method.

To further enhance Kylix's extensibility, you can install custom property editors by writing a class that implements the IEditor interface. Each property has an associated property editor. The property editor maps property values to strings so the strings can be displayed in the property editor, then maps user-edited strings back to property values, such as integers (Height, for instance), dates and times, and so on. Utility routines in BaseCLX provide additional routines for working with RTTI, such as mapping enumerated literals to/from strings.

A property editor can also display a drop-down list of choices, open a dialog box, or do almost anything in response to a user's mouse click.


The root of the component class hierarchy is TComponent, which publishes two properties: Name and Tag. Every component must have a name, and the name must be unique on the form. The tag is an integer that is not used by Kylix. You can freely use it for any use.

TComponent also declares a number of methods to support the component framework. In particular, any component can be the owner of any number of other components. The owner is responsible for managing the lifetime of its components. In other words, when the owner is freed, it must free its children. Every component you drop on a form at design time is owned by the form class. Thus, when the form is freed, it automatically frees all the controls and other components that are on the form.

Independent of the ownership hierarchy, the component framework supports a parentage hierarchy. Widget controls implement parentage visually. That is, a button can be a child of a panel, in which case the button appears on top of the panel and the button's position is relative to the panel. Move the panel in the form editor, and the button moves with it. Menus implement parentage to reflect the menu item hierarchy: Each menu item is represented by a TMenuItem component, which can have a submenu with child TMenuItem components. Similarly, a data set can have child components to represent the database fields (columns). Different classes implement the notion of parentage differently, but they all use the same mechanism defined by the TComponent class.


BaseCLX is the core run-time library. It includes the Pascal run-time library (a suite of utility routines) and classes that form the foundation of CLX. The rest of CLX depends on BaseCLX. For example, BaseCLX declares TComponent, which is the base class for all other components.

The most important elements of BaseCLX are:


VisualCLX, the visual part of the framework, contains the forms and controls you drop on a form. It also contains some nonvisual components that support visual interfaces such as timers, image lists, and action lists.

Visual controls derive from TControl, which is a child of TComponent. TControl introduces numerous methods for managing visual control such as handling mouse events, drag and drop actions, moving and alignment, and resizing (including constraints on the control's size). TControl publishes some properties that are common to all visual controls such as Left, Top, Width, and Height.

Control classes do not derive directly from TControl, but from other, more derived classes. There are two kinds of visual controls: graphic controls (which have no keyboard interface) and widget controls (which do). Thus, a control class typically derives from TGraphicControl or TCustomControl (which is a subclass of TWidgetControl).

Graphic controls cannot get the keyboard focus, so they cannot respond to keyboard events, but they can respond to mouse events. Most important, a graphic control must draw itself on the form, so TGraphicControl provides support for a canvas and derived classes must override the Paint method.

A TCanvas object is the CLX way of drawing on the screen or off screen. A canvas manages a graphical state (pen, brush, and font), and it has methods for drawing primitives (arcs, lines, text, and so on), clipping, bitblts, and so on. Any control that is visible on a form must paint itself on a canvas.

TWidgetControl declares additional methods for managing the keyboard focus and keyboard events. TCustomControl derives from TWidgetControl and adds support for a canvas, so most widget controls derive from TCustomControl.

Kylix supports standard widgets: buttons, labels, edit boxes, checkboxes, and so on. Many of the controls are wrappers around Qt widgets. Others are more complicated. An important component is TActionList, which contains a set of actions. An action takes care of common behavior for multiple, related user-interface elements. For example, you can tie a menu item and a toolbar button to the same action. Instead of defining event handlers for the menu item and toolbar button, you use a single event handler for the action. You can also enable/disable the action, and it automatically updates all controls that are tied to it. Actions and action lists simplify the implementation of complex UIs.

One area where Kylix shows a weakness is in layout control. Positions are specified in terms of pixels. To compensate for different screen resolutions, you set the form's Scaled property, which attempts to scale the form and its contents according to the local screen resolution (relative to the developer's screen resolution). Designing UIs that look good at multiple screen resolutions is feasible, but remains a challenge.


DataCLX is the database interface. The Desktop Developer edition has support for MySQL and Interbase, while the Server Developer edition adds native interfaces for Oracle and DB/2. In both editions, DataCLX includes data-aware controls and data-management components.

The data-aware controls mirror the ordinary visual controls; for instance, TEdit is an edit box and TDbEdit a data-aware edit box. Data-aware controls are tied directly to a specific field in a specific data set (a table or a query). The value to display in the edit box is obtained from the data set, and when the user edits the text, the edited text is copied into the database record. A database navigator control lets the end user choose which record to edit, post changes to the database, or abandon changes to the current record. Depending on your UI needs, you might not use the navigator and define other ways to choose records, post changes, and so on. It's simply a matter of calling a few methods of the data-source object.

dbExpress, the database interface layer, is a cross-platform library that provides a thin, fast interface to native database drivers. One omission is the lack of a PostgreSQL driver.

The database control and management components use the same component framework. Obviously, a table or query component is not a visual control, so they derive from TComponent instead of TControl. The mechanism of using published properties and events is the same, though. To help write database applications, you can use a data module, which is like a form that's visible only at design time. When developing the application, you can drop nonvisual components on the data module. At run time, those components behave normally, but there is no form. That way you can cleanly separate the visual aspects of your application (using one or more forms) from the database management aspects (using data modules).


NetCLX is the network and socket interface, and includes Indy (a suite of open-source Internet components) that supports most of the popular Internet protocols. NetCLX also has web server components and wizards for CGI and Apache development.

Indy components come with the commercial releases of Kylix and are also available separately from Nevrona Designs for use in Delphi, C++ Builder, and Kylix. They support most of the popular Internet protocols, including FTP, NNTP, POP3, and HTTP, for clients and servers. Additional components provide MIME and UU encoding and decoding, MD4 and MD5 hashing, and other miscellaneous utilities. The suite comes with plenty of demo projects. (If you purchased a commercial edition of Kylix, you should download the demos to replace the ones that come on the CD.)

Web server components only come with the Server Developer edition. The key component is the web module, which is like a data module, but handles the details of CGI or Apache modules. There are several ways to generate HTML pages for web server projects, the simplest being to use a page producer component. You mark up an HTML template with ordinary HTML tags and special tags that are decoded at run time. You supply the code to handle the special tags by writing ordinary Pascal code. This has the advantage of being much faster than interpreted solutions (PHP, ASP, or whatever), but is slightly harder to code because you must keep the HTML template separate from the Pascal code.

Consider a CGI application that displays all the environment variables it knows about. This is a useful debugging tool, in spite of its simplicity. With NetCLX, start by creating a new CGI project. Choose a CGI or Apache module; the former is simpler because it is a standalone program. An Apache module is built as a dynamic shared object (DSO) and is a little more complicated. Once Kylix sets up the web module, though, they work the same. Drop a page producer component on the web module, and set up the HTML template. Listing Two is the HTML template. The <#env> tag is a special tag that is replaced at run time with the actual environment variable list.

At run time, the web module calls the page producer's OnHTMLTag event. This event handler is just like any other event handler, but the "event" in this case is not a user interaction but the HTML parser encountering a special tag. The event handler (Listing Three) examines the environment variables and formats them as simple HTML text. Hook up the page producer as the default action for the web module, compile, and go. NetCLX handles the details, leaving you to program the important guts of the CGI application.


Borland licenses the commercial releases of Kylix under a dual license. You can write closed-source proprietary applications, or release the application and source code under the GNU Public License (GPL). In either case, you do not need to pay any additional fees to Borland or TrollTech — Borland has arranged a license so you can use Qt as part of CLX, even in a commercial, closed-source application.

To facilitate open-source development under the GPL, Borland released Kylix Open Edition (OE) as a free download from All applications developed with Kylix OE must be released under the GPL. Kylix OE comes with a small set of components, but you can download the Indy components (from, and web sites are springing up to offer a variety of Kylix components.

Borland has also placed the source code to BaseCLX, VisualCLX, and the data-aware controls of DataCLX on Source Forge under the name FreeCLX ( Developers with a commercial Kylix license can use the updated source code. Kylix OE and other users can use the source code under the GPL.


Listing One

  TPrettyInPink = class(TComponent)
    FColor: TColor;
    procedure SetColor(NewColor: TColor);
    property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor;

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Listing Two

<title>Environment Variables</title>
<h1>Kylix Example</h1>
<p>This page was produced by
<a href="">Kylix</a>,
Borland's Rapid Application Development tool for Linux.</p>

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Listing Three

procedure TWebModule1.PageProducer1HTMLTag(Sender: TObject;
  Tag: TTag; const TagString: string; TagParams: TStrings;
  var ReplaceText: String);
  Env: PPChar;
  if TagString = 'env' then
    ReplaceText := '';
    Env := envp;
    while Assigned(Env^) do
      ReplaceText := ReplaceText + Env^ + '<br>'#13#10;

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