A Memory Allocation Compaction System

Memory fragmentation has given has given DOS programmers headaches for a long time. Steve prescribes a memory compaction scheme that can spell relief by, among other things, letting you allocate movable memory blocks.

April 01, 1989

Figure 1

Copyright © 1989, Dr. Dobb's Journal



Here's a compaction technique to solve your fragmented memory problems

Steve Peterson

Steve Peterson is a consultant with FOURTH SHIFT Corp. in Minneapolis. He can be reached at 3100 Boone Ave., North, Minneapolis, MN 55427.

With the popularity of the C programming language, the use of dynamic memory allocation in PC software has become common. Graphical interfaces and object-oriented programming techniques both rely heavily upon the ability to dynamically create and delete blocks of memory.

A natural by-product of the memory allocation tools provided by the standard C library is heap fragmentation. In an operating environment with virtual memory, fragmentation is a concern only to the extent that it degrades performance. Unfortunately, under MS-DOS, memory can become so fragmented that the program fails for lack of contiguous free memory. Microcomputer operating systems developed after MS-DOS provide solutions to this problem. Both Microsoft Windows and the Macintosh Toolbox provide support for compaction of memory. In addition, Microsoft OS/2 provides support for virtual memory.

This article describes a compacting memory management scheme that is implemented in C. The scheme's features include the allocation of memory blocks that can move in memory to minimize fragmentation, the ability to mark individual memory blocks as deleteable or nondeleteable and as fixed or moveable, and the availability of a function that can be associated with a block that is called whenever the block is moved or deleted. Furthermore, this scheme can easily be ported to other environments where an ANSI-standard C compiler is available.

Memory Compaction Strategies

For a memory compaction system to be useful, it must compress memory without disturbing pointers in the user program. Two approaches to this process are in general use. Both approaches maintain a master pointer table, which contains the master pointers to every allocated block. These approaches differ in the way that the user accesses the master pointer.

Under Microsoft Windows, the user program is given a handle to an allocated block of memory. To use the handle, a function must be called to lock the block in place and to retrieve a pointer to the block. The lock should be released when the program no longer needs to reference that block of memory. The advantage of this method is that a block will not move in memory while the block is being used. The disadvantage of this method is that you must call a function in order to get a pointer to a block.

The method implemented in this article is similar to that used on the Apple Macintosh. When a block of memory is allocated, the user program is given a pointer to the master pointer table entry that corresponds to the block. The user program can either reference the block by dereferencing the pointer twice, or it can copy the address from the master pointer table to a local pointer. This implementation requires careful programming. Consider the following example of a function that reads a record from a database where Rec is a double-indirect pointer to a block.

  GetDbRec(BlockNum, *Rec)

If GetDbRec causes memory to be compacted, and Rec is moved to a different location, *Rec is no longer a valid pointer, and anything that GetDbRec writes to *Rec will overwrite other data. To overcome this problem, do one of the following:

By adhering to these rules, you can avoid memory corruption.

Data Structures

When the system is initialized, it creates one or more segments, a master segment table (MST), and a master pointer table (MPT). (See Figure 1.) Each segment has an entry in the MST. An MST entry contains the physical address of the segment, the number of blocks allocated, the amount of free space in the segment, and pointers to the first free block and to the most recent free block accessed. The pointer to the most recent free block is used to allocate blocks evenly throughout the segment.

Each segment contains one or more blocks, as shown in Figure 2. When the segment is created, it contains one block that is marked as free and encompasses the entire segment. As the user program requests memory, this free block is broken into smaller blocks that are marked as they are allocated. Each block has a header that is stored immediately prior to the block in memory. This header contains the length of the block, a pointer to the previous block in the segment, flags, the segment in which this block is located, the master pointer associated with this block, and the address of the block function. The meaning of the bits in the flag byte are shown in Table 1.

Figure 2: Each segment contains one or more blocks.

         Block Structure

     data of previous block

     check byte       flags

     segment          -----

     previous block pointer

          block length

      master pointer number

          block data

Table 1: Flags contained in the header block

  FLAG              FUNCTION

  BLK_INUSE         Block is allocated
  BLK_DELETED       Block contents have been deleted
  BLK_DELETABLE     Contents of block can be deleted if necessary
  BLK_LOCKED        Block cannot be moved in memory
  BLK_FUNCDELETE    Call block function before deleting block
  BLK_FUNCMOVE      Call block function before moving block
  BLK_LAST          Block is last one in the segment

When a block is allocated, the system places a pointer to the block into a free entry in the MPT. The user program receives a pointer to this table entry. The use of double pointer references lets the block move in memory without the user program's knowledge. Unused MPT entries point to NULL. The MPT is created when the system is initialized, and is not stored in a segment.

The compaction algorithm coalesces free space in the segment until a request for space is satisfied. If the amount of freed space is not sufficient, this algorithm begins removing deletable blocks until the request is satisfied.

When a block is deleted, the header portion of the block remains in memory. This allows the application to determine that the block has been deleted.

The Memory Compaction Code

Listing One, page 82, contains the memory manager header file. Listing Two, page 82, contains the code that implements the module, including functions to initialize the module, allocate and deallocate memory, manually compact memory, and test the state of the module.

int MemInit(long Size, int Num MPTEntries) --This function initializes the module. Size specifies the number of bytes to be allocated to segments. NumMPTEntries is the number of entries to be allocated in the master pointer table. The function returns TRUE after successful initialization, and FALSE if not enough memory was available. For example, MemInit(2621441, 512); allocates 256K under the system and allows 512 master pointers.

The function first allocates an array large enough to hold the entire master pointer list, and it then allocates segments. The code tries to allocate segments of 64K - 1 bytes long. If the last segment is less than 16K bytes, its size is increased by 16K, and the size of the next-to-last segment is decreased correspondingly. This step helps avoid the allocation of segments that are too small to be useful.

Once the segments are created, a single free block is allocated inside of each one.

void **P = MemAlloc(unsigned int Size) --This function allocates a block of memory in the system. Size is the number of bytes to be allocated in the block. P points to the master pointer for the block, or to NULL if the block could not be allocated.

The memory allocator first searches the free list, starting at the last free block referenced, in order to find a free block that is large enough to hold the block to be allocated. If no free block is sufficiently large, the function compacts the segment that contains the most remaining free space, until that segment has a free block that can hold the block to be allocated. When a block is created, it is marked non-deletable and moveable.

void **P = MemAllocFunc (unsigned int Size, void (*Func)(void *b, unsigned int f, unsigned int Size, void *c), unsigned int Flags) --This function is similar to MemAlloc, except that you can specify a function (the "block function") to be called when the block is moved or deleted. Passing the flag BLK_FUNCMOVE causes the function to be called when the block is moved. Similarly, passing the flag BLK_FUNCDELETE causes the function to be called when the block is deleted. These flags can be ORed together to indicate both options.

The block function takes as parameters the block to be deleted, a flag that indicates if the block is being moved or deleted, and the length of the block. If BLK_FUNCMOVE is set, C points to the new location of the block. This function returns VOID.

void MemFree(void **P) --This function deallocates a block of memory. P points to the MPT entry for the block, and the deallocation routine combines the block with adjacent free blocks. The block function is not called when a block is deallocated.

MemCompact(void) --This function lets you manually compact memory. By calling CompactSeg( ) for each segment, memory is compacted completely.

CompactSeg(byte Segment, unsigned int Size, int Deletable) --The CompactSeg function performs the actual compaction of memory. Segment indicates the segment to be compacted. Size indicates how many bytes of contiguous space are required. Deleteable is TRUE if deletable blocks are to be deleted.

The function proceeds through memory, examining each block in turn, and looks for a free block where coalescing can begin. Once the first free block is found, the function begins the compaction of subsequent blocks. If a block is deletable, it is marked as deleted, and the function moves the block header to its new location. If a block is in use and moveable, that block is moved to its new location.

In MemAlloc( ), the function is called twice. It is called with Deletable FALSE, then called again with Deletable TRUE if there is still not enough free space.

MemLocked(void **P) -- The MemLocked function returns TRUE if a block is locked; otherwise it returns FALSE.

MemLock(void **P) -- locks a block into a location in memory.

MemUnlock(void **P) -- The function MemUnlock releases a lock on a block.

MemDeleted(void **P) -- This function returns TRUE if a block is deletable, or FALSE if the block is not deletable.

MemDeletable(void **P) -- This function makes a block deletable.

MemUndeletable(void **P) -- This function makes a block undeletable.

MemGetLargest(void) -- This function returns the size of the largest block that could be allocated.

MemGetCurrentLargest(void) -- The function MemGetCurrentLargest returns the size of the largest block that could be allocated without compaction.

Using the Memory Compaction System

Listing Three, page 89, shows a simple program designed to demonstrate the features of the module.

As in any module, many enhancements and improvements can be made, depending upon your needs. For example, if space is a critical consideration, you can decrease the block overhead. One way to do so is by replacing the pointer to the previous block with an offset, saving two bytes in the large memory model. Another way is to eliminate the block function, thus saving four bytes. Yet another tactic is to store the segment number in the unused bits of the flags field, or to compute the segment number from the master segment table entries. Finally, the master pointer number can be determined by searching the master pointer table.

If time is more important, you can copy contiguous allocated blocks in one operation during the compaction process, rather than copying them separately. Since the current compaction algorithm eliminates deletable blocks in a first-come, first-served order, another optimization is to add a mechanism for assigning priority to deleteable blocks in order to allow the application to control the order of deletion. You can also write the block configuration functions (MemLocked, MemLock, Mem Unlock, MemDeleted, MemDeletable, and MemUndeletable) as macros. Finally, under Microsoft C 5.1, in certain situations you can use the memcpy( ) function, which is more efficient.

Additional functions that you can implement are MemDelete( ), which allows a block to be deleted under program control, and MemReallocate( ), which reallocates a block that has been deleted.



/****   mem.h           data structures for memory manager
        S. Peterson     programmer      12/88
typedef unsigned char   byte;
typedef unsigned int    uint;

/*      This structure is the header of a memory block.  It lies before
        the actual memory block. */
struct memBlkHdr {
                char                    checkByte; /* Header validation */
                byte                    flags;  /* Flags (see below) */
                byte                    segment;/* Segment of this block */
                struct memBlkHdr        *prev; /* Pointer-previous block */
                uint                    size; /* size of block */
                int                     pointerNum; /* Block master pointer */
                void                    (*func)(void *, byte, uint, void *);
        } ;

typedef struct memBlkHdr MEMBLK;

/*      These are the definitions of each of the flags in the flags byte
        of memBlkHdr. */

#define BLK_INUSE       0x01    /* Block is allocated */
#define BLK_DELETABLE   0x02    /* Block can be deleted */
#define BLK_LOCKED      0x04    /* Block is locked */
#define BLK_FUNCDELETE  0x08    /* Call block function on delete */
#define BLK_FUNCMOVE    0x10    /* Call block function on move */
#define BLK_DELETED     0x20    /* Block has been deleted */
#define BLK_LAST        0x40    /* Last block in segment */

/*      freePtr is stored at the beginning of the user part of a
        free block.  It contains the links to next and previous free blocks
        in the segment.  prev is NULL if this is the first free block, and
        next is NULL if this is the last block */

struct  freePtr {
                MEMBLK  *prev;  /* Pointer to previous free block */
                MEMBLK  *next;  /* Pointer to next free block */
        } ;

typedef struct freePtr FREEBLK;

/*      Macro to return address of data area give block header address */

#define DATALOC(xx)     ((byte *) (xx) + sizeof(MEMBLK))

/*      Macro to return address of header given data area address */

#define HEADERLOC(xx)   ((byte *) (xx) - sizeof(MEMBLK))

/*      This is an entry in the master block table. */

struct  masterSegmentEntry {
                void                *block;  /* Address, associated block */
                uint                size;    /* Size of block */
                uint                freeSpace; /* Amount of free space */
                struct memBlkHdr    *free;     /* First free block */
                struct memBlkHdr    *last;     /* Last reference free block */
        } ;

#define DEFSEGSIZE              4096            /* Default segment size */
#define CB                      'S'

/*      MINREMAINDER is the smallest free block that can remain after
        allocation.  Making this larger reduces fragmentation but wastes
        more space. */

#define MINREMAINDER            20

/*      MINBLOCKDATA is the smallest block data area that can be created. This
        must be at least sizeof(FREEBLK) bytes so there is space for the
        next and prev pointers stored in a free block. */

#define MINBLOCKDATA    (sizeof(FREEBLK))

/*      Function prototypes */

#ifndef NOPROTO

int     MemInit(long int, int);
int     MemLocked(void **);
void    MemLock(void **);
void    MemUnlock(void **);
void    MemDeletable(void **);
void    MemUndeletable(void **);
int     MemDeleted(void **);
void    **MemAlloc(uint);
void    **MemAllocFunc(uint,void (*)(void *,byte, uint, void *), uint);
void    MemFree(void **);
uint    MemGetLargest(void);
uint    MemGetCurrentLargest(void);
void    MemCompact(void);



/*****  mem.c           Compactible memory manager
        S. Peterson     programmer      12/88, 1/89
        This module provides a memory management system with the following
        .       Relocatable memory blocks
        .       Able to collapse fragemented free space
        .       Disposable blocks
        .       Lockable blocks

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <stddef.h>
#include        <malloc.h>
#include        <string.h>
#include        <process.h>
#include        <stdlib.h>
#include        <conio.h>
#include        "mem.h"

/*      Static module data */

struct masterSegmentEntry *mst = NULL;          /* Master segment table */

byte    numSegs         = -1;   /* Number of whole & partial segments */
byte    lastSeg         = -1;   /* Index of last segment used */

void    **mpt           = NULL; /* Master pointer table */
int     numMP           = -1;   /* Number of master pointers allocated */
int     mpFree          = -1;   /* Number of master pointers free */
int     lastMP          = -1;   /* Last master pointer used */

/*      Local function declarations */

#ifndef NOPROTO

static int      FindFreeBlock(int, uint, void **);
static int      AllocBlock(uint, void **, byte);
static int      GetFreeMP(void);
static void     ReleaseMP(int);
static void     CompactSeg(byte, uint, int);


/**     MemInit -- initalize memory manager
        Entry   lSize           size of requested memory in bytes
                nHandles        number of block handles to allocate
        Exit    none
        Returns TRUE            worked
                FALSE           failed
MemInit(lSize, nHandles)
long int        lSize;
int             nHandles;
        byte    numWhole;       /* Number of whole segments to create */
        uint    numBytes;       /* Size of partial segment */
        uint    createSize;     /* Size to create */
        MEMBLK  *mbh;           /* Work block header */
        int     i;              /* Work */
        FREEBLK *f;             /* Free links */

        /* Allocate handle list */

        if ((mpt = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *)*nHandles)) == NULL)
                return  FALSE;

        numMP = nHandles;
        for (i = 0; i < numMP; mpt[i] = NULL, i++) ;
        mpFree = numMP;
        lastMP = 0;

        /* Determine size of segments to create */

        numWhole = (byte) (lSize / (long) DEFSEGSIZE);
        numBytes = (uint) (lSize % (long) DEFSEGSIZE);
        numSegs = numWhole + 1;
        lastSeg = 0;

        if ((mst = (struct masterSegmentEntry *) malloc(sizeof
                      (struct masterSegmentEntry)*(numSegs))) == NULL)
                return  FALSE;

        /* Allocate segments */

        for(i = 0; i < numSegs; i++) {
                if (i == numSegs - 2) {         /* Second to last */
                        if (numBytes < DEFSEGSIZE / 4) {   /* Last is small */
                                numBytes += DEFSEGSIZE / 4;
                                createSize = DEFSEGSIZE - (DEFSEGSIZE / 4);
                        } else {
                                createSize = DEFSEGSIZE;
                } else if (i == numSegs - 1) {  /* Last */
                        createSize = numBytes;
                } else {                        /* Whole segment */
                        createSize = DEFSEGSIZE;
           if (createSize < sizeof(MEMBLK) + 10)
                        return  FALSE;
                if ((mst[i].block = (void *) malloc(createSize)) == NULL)
                        return  FALSE;
                mst[i].size = createSize;
                mst[i].freeSpace = createSize;

                /* Allocate one block in segment */

                mbh             = (MEMBLK *) mst[i].block;
                mst[i].free     = mbh;
                mst[i].last     = mbh;

                mbh->checkByte  = CB;
                mbh->prev       = NULL;
                mbh->flags      = BLK_LAST;
                mbh->size       = mst[i].size;
                mbh->segment    = (byte) i;

                /* Clear next and prev pointer area */

                f = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(mbh);
                f->prev = NULL;
                f->next = NULL;
        return  TRUE;

/**     MemLocked       -- test whether a block is locked
        Entry   block           address of a block
        Exit    none
        Returns TRUE            block is locked
                FALSE           not locked
void    **block;
        return  !(((MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*block))->flags & BLK_LOCKED);

/**     MemLock         -- locks a block into a particular location in memory
        Entry   block           address of block to lock
        Exit    none
        Returns void
void    **block;
        ((MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*block))->flags |= BLK_LOCKED;

/**     MemUnlock               -- unlocks a block
        Entry   block           address of block to unlock
        Exit    none
        Returns void
void    **block;
        ((MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*block))->flags &= ~BLK_LOCKED;

/**     MemDeletable            -- make a block deletable
        Entry   block           address of block to mark as deletable
        Exit    none
        Returns void
void    **block;
        ((MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*block))->flags |= BLK_DELETABLE;

/**     MemUndeletable          -- mark a block as undeletable
        Entry   block           address of block to mark
        Exit    none
        Returns void
void    **block;
        ((MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*block))->flags &= ~BLK_LOCKED;

/**     MemIsDeleted    -- test whether a block has been deleted
        Entry   block           address of a block
        Exit    none
        Returns TRUE            block is available
                FALSE           has been deleted
void    **block;
        return  (((MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*block))->flags & BLK_DELETED) != 0;

/**     MemAlloc        -- allocate memory block
        Entry   size            size of block to allocate
        Exit    none
        Returns pointer to created block, or NULL if not enough room to create
        Notes   The function operates by first examining the current segment
                for a first fit to the requested size.  It then proceeds to
                the remaining blocks looking for a free block of adequate
                If no block exists that is large enough, it examines the
                segment list looking for a segment that can be compacted
                to produce enough room.  The segment with the fewest
                allocated blocks is favored for compaction.
                Possible enhancement:  if no segment has enough room, shuffle
                blocks between segments.
                If there is not enough room in any segment, the function
void **
uint    size;
        byte            curSeg;         /* Current segment */
        byte            segIndex;       /* Index of segment in list */
        long            ltotalFree      = 0l;  /* Total free space */
        byte            maxFreeSeg      = 255; /* Segment, most free space */
        uint            maxFreeSize     = 0;   /* Segment space, most space */
        MEMBLK          *b;                    /* Block address to allocate */
        int             created         = FALSE;        /* Block created */
        int             mp;                             /* Master pointer */

        if ((mp = GetFreeMP()) < 0)
                return  NULL;

        if (size > DEFSEGSIZE - sizeof(MEMBLK))
                return  NULL;

        if (size < MINBLOCKDATA)        /* Smallest allocatable block */
                size = MINBLOCKDATA;
        size += sizeof(MEMBLK);         /* Add header to block */

        /* First pass -- try to allocate from current block structure */

        for (segIndex = 0; (segIndex < numSegs) && (!created); segIndex++) {

                curSeg = (lastSeg + segIndex) % numSegs;

                /* Get stats */

                ltotalFree += (long) mst[curSeg].freeSpace;

                /* Is there enough space in the current segment to allocate? */

                if (mst[curSeg].freeSpace >= size) {

                        if (maxFreeSize < mst[curSeg].freeSpace) {
                                maxFreeSize     = mst[curSeg].freeSpace;
                                maxFreeSeg      = curSeg;

                        /* Search free list for first fit */

                        if (FindFreeBlock(curSeg, size, &b)) {

                                /* Allocate */

                                if (!(created = AllocBlock(size, &b, curSeg)))
                                        return  FALSE;

        /* Which segment could be compacted to create a block large enough?
           We kept track of the segment with the most free space.  This should
           compact easily. */

        if (!created && (maxFreeSeg != 255)) {
                /* Compact to produce needed free space */

                curSeg = maxFreeSeg;
                CompactSeg(curSeg, size, FALSE);

                if (!FindFreeBlock(curSeg, size, &b)) {
                        CompactSeg(curSeg, size, TRUE);

                        if (!FindFreeBlock(curSeg, size, &b))
                                return  NULL;

                if (!(created = AllocBlock(size, &b, curSeg)))
                        return  FALSE;

        if (created) {
                mst[curSeg].freeSpace   -= b->size;
                mpt[mp]                 = DATALOC(b);
                b->pointerNum           = mp;
                b->func                 = NULL;
                lastSeg                 = curSeg;
                return  (void *) &(mpt[mp]);
        } else {
                return  NULL;

/**     MemAllocFunc    -- allocate a memory block with an associated function
        Entry   size    size of block to allocate
                func    function to call
                flags   following constants:
                        BLK_FUNCDELETE  call function when block deleted
                        BLK_FUNMOVE     call function when block moved
        Exit    none
        Returns pointer to allocated block, or NULL if no space available
        Notes   Calls memAlloc to allocate memory
void **
MemAllocFunc(size, func, flags)
uint    size;
void    (*func)(void *, byte, uint, void *);
uint    flags;
        void    **aBlock;               /* Allocated block */
        MEMBLK  *b;                     /* Dereferenced block header */

        if ((aBlock = MemAlloc(size)) != NULL) {
                b = (MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*aBlock);
                b->flags |= flags & (BLK_FUNCMOVE | BLK_FUNCDELETE);
                b->func = func;
                return  aBlock;
        } else {
                return  NULL;

/**     FindFreeBlock   -- locate a free block in a segment
        Entry   seg             segment to search
                size            bytes required for block including header
        Exit    b               address of block header (if found)
        Returns TRUE            block found
                FALSE           no space
        Notes   Finds a free block in the current segment.  Starts
                with the last-referenced free block in the segment.  This
                spreads the allocations through the segment and combats
                The caller can save some time by first checking to see if
                the segment has enough free space to allocate the block.
                This algorithm uses the first-fit method, which is fast but
                promotes fragmentation.
static int
FindFreeBlock(seg, size, b)
int     seg;
uint    size;
void    **b;
        MEMBLK  *m;                             /* Current memory block */

        m = mst[seg].last;

        if (m != NULL) {
                while (m->size < size) {
                        if ((m = ((FREEBLK *) DATALOC(m))->next) == NULL) {
                                /* End of free list */
                                m = mst[seg].free;

                        if (m == mst[seg].last)

                if (m->size < size) {           /* No block large enough */
                        *b = NULL;
                        return  FALSE;
                } else {                        /* Block found */
                        *b = m;
                        return  TRUE;
        } else {                                /* No block */
                *b = NULL;
                return  FALSE;

/**     AllocBlock      -- allocate a block
        Entry   size            size of block (including header) to allocate
                b               address of block where it will be allocated
        Exit    b               Address of allocated block header (this is
                                different that the b input parameter)
        Returns TRUE            allocated
                FALSE           memory structure corrupt
        Notes   This function takes a block and splits it in two.  If the
                remaining free block is small, the entire block is allocated
                and no free portion is created.  This can waste some memory,
                but avoids extreme fragmentation.

static int
AllocBlock(size, b, segment)
uint    size;
void    **b;
byte    segment;
        MEMBLK  *freeBlock;     /* Free block */
        MEMBLK  *nextBlock;     /* Next block */
        MEMBLK  *aBlock;        /* Allocated block */
        FREEBLK *curFree;       /* Free pointers in block we are allocating */
        FREEBLK *t;             /* Pointer to free block we are adjusting */

        freeBlock = (MEMBLK *) *b;

        if ((freeBlock->size - MINREMAINDER < size)) {

                /* Whole block will be allocated */

                aBlock                  = freeBlock;
                size                    = aBlock->size;
                aBlock->flags           |= BLK_INUSE;

                curFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(aBlock);

                if (mst[segment].free == aBlock) {
                        /* Implicit:  aBlock is first in list */
                        mst[segment].free = curFree->next;

                if (curFree->next != NULL) {
                        t = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(curFree->next);
                        t->prev = curFree->prev;
                        mst[segment].last = curFree->next;
                } else if (curFree->prev != NULL) {
                        t = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(curFree->prev);
                        t->next = curFree->next;
                        mst[segment].last = curFree->prev;
                } else {                        /* No free block */
                        mst[segment].last = NULL;
                        mst[segment].free = NULL;

        } else {        /* Block will be split */

                aBlock = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) freeBlock +
                                              (freeBlock->size - size));
                aBlock->checkByte       = CB;
                aBlock->prev            = freeBlock;
                aBlock->flags           = BLK_INUSE;
                aBlock->size            = size;
                aBlock->segment         = segment;

                freeBlock->size -= size;

                /* Is block last in segment? */

                if ((freeBlock->flags & BLK_LAST) != 0) {
                        freeBlock->flags        &= ~BLK_LAST;
                        aBlock->flags           |= BLK_LAST;
                } else {
                    nextBlock = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) aBlock + (aBlock->size));
                    nextBlock->prev = aBlock;

        *b = aBlock;
        return  TRUE;

/**     GetFreeMP       -- return next free master pointer
        Entry   none
        Exit    none
        Returns index of next free master pointer
static int
        int     i;

        if (mpFree == 0)
                return  -1;

        for (i = 0; i < numMP; i++, lastMP++) {
                if (lastMP >= numMP)
                        lastMP = 0;
                if (mpt[lastMP] == 0) {
                        return  lastMP;

        return  -1;

/**     ReleaseMP       -- release a master pointer to free pool
        Entry   mp      master pointer to release
        Exit    none
        Returns void
static void
int     mp;
        mpt[mp] = NULL;

/**     MemFree         -- free a block of memory
        Entry   blockPtr        pointer to mpt entry for block
        Exit    none
        Returns none
void    **blockPtr;
        MEMBLK  *cur;           /* Actual block */
        FREEBLK *curFree;       /* Free block in current block */
        MEMBLK  *workMem;       /* Work block in memory */
        FREEBLK *workFree;      /* Work block in next block */
        int     combined = FALSE; /* Has been combined */

        cur             = (MEMBLK *) HEADERLOC(*blockPtr);

        if (cur->checkByte != CB)

        ReleaseMP(cur->pointerNum);             /* blockPtr no longer valid */

        curFree         = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(cur);

        /* Mark block as unallocated */

        cur->flags                      &= ~BLK_INUSE;
        mst[cur->segment].freeSpace     += cur->size;

        /* Combine with subsequent block? */

        if ((cur->flags & BLK_LAST) == 0) {
                workMem = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) cur + cur->size);

                if ((workMem->flags & BLK_INUSE) == 0) {   /* unallocated */
                        combined = TRUE;

                        if ((workMem->flags & BLK_LAST) != 0)
                                cur->flags |= BLK_LAST;

                        workFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(workMem);
                        curFree->next = workFree->next;
                        curFree->prev = workFree->prev;
                        cur->size += workMem->size;

                        /* New top of free list? */

                        if (workMem == mst[cur->segment].free)
                                mst[cur->segment].free = cur;

                        if (workMem == mst[cur->segment].last)
                                mst[cur->segment].last = cur;

                /* Adjust pointers in free chain. Point to new block */

                        if (curFree->next != NULL) {
                                workFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(curFree->next);
                                workFree->prev = cur;

                        if (curFree->prev != NULL) {
                                workFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(curFree->prev);
                                workFree->next = cur;

                        /* Adjust previous block chain */

                        if ((cur->flags & BLK_LAST) == 0) {
                                workMem = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) workMem +
                                workMem->prev = cur;

        /* Combine with previous block? */

        if (cur->prev != NULL) {
                workMem = cur->prev;

                if ((workMem->flags & BLK_INUSE) == 0) { /* unallocated */
                        workMem->size += cur->size;

                        if ((cur->flags & BLK_LAST) != 0)
                                workMem->flags |= BLK_LAST;
                        cur->checkByte = '\0';

                        if (combined) {

                                /* Eliminate free block from links */

                                workFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(workMem);
                                workFree->next = curFree->next;

                                if (workFree->next != NULL) {
                                        workFree = (FREEBLK *)
                                        workFree->prev = workMem;

                        } else {

                                /* Free block already linked */

                                combined = TRUE;

                        /* Connect block chain */

                        if ((cur->flags & BLK_LAST) == 0) {
                             workMem = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) cur + cur->size);
                             workMem->prev = cur->prev;

                        if (cur == mst[cur->segment].free)
                                mst[cur->segment].free = workMem;

                        if (cur == mst[cur->segment].last)
                                mst[cur->segment].last = workMem;


        /* If not combined, link into free chain */

        if (!combined) {

                /* We scan backwards looking for the last block that
                   is free */

                workMem = cur->prev;

                while ((workMem != NULL) && ((workMem->flags &
                                                          BLK_INUSE) != 0)) {
                        workMem = workMem->prev;

                /* A block is prior to the free block in memory */

                if (workMem != NULL) {
                        workFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(workMem);
                        curFree->prev = workMem;
                        curFree->next = workFree->next;
                        workFree->next = cur;

                        if (curFree->next != NULL) {
                                workFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(curFree->next);
                                workFree->prev = cur;
                } else {        /* Place at beginning of list */
                        curFree->prev = NULL;
                        curFree->next = mst[cur->segment].free;

                        if (mst[cur->segment].free != NULL) {
                         workFree=(FREEBLK *) DATALOC(mst[cur->segment].free);
                         workFree->prev = cur;
                        mst[cur->segment].free = cur;

        if (mst[cur->segment].last == NULL) {
                mst[cur->segment].last = cur;
                mst[cur->segment].free = cur;

/**     MemGetLargest   -- returns size of largest block available after
        Entry   none
        Exit    none
        Returns Free space in segment with most free space, less the size of
                one block header.
        byte    seg;                            /* Current segment */
        uint    largest = 0;                    /* Free space */

        for (seg = 0; seg < numSegs; seg++)
                if (largest < mst[seg].freeSpace)
                        largest = mst[seg].freeSpace;

        if (largest < sizeof(MEMBLK))
                return  0;
                return  largest - sizeof(MEMBLK);

/**     MemGetCurrentLargest    -- returns size of largest available block
        Entry   none
        Exit    none
        Returns size of largest available block
        byte    seg;                            /* Current segment */
        MEMBLK  *curBlock;                      /* Current block */
        FREEBLK *curFree;                       /* Current free block */
        uint    largest = 0;                    /* Largest block found */

        for (seg = 0; seg < numSegs; seg++) {
                curBlock = mst[seg].free;
                while (curBlock != NULL) {
                        if (curBlock->size > largest) {
                                largest = curBlock->size;
                        curFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(curBlock);
                        curBlock = curFree->next;

        if (largest < sizeof(MEMBLK))
                return  0;
                return  largest - sizeof(MEMBLK);

/**     MemCompact      -- invoke compaction routine
        Entry   none
        Exit    none
        Returns none
        byte    seg;

        for (seg = 0; seg < numSegs; seg++) {
                CompactSeg(seg, DEFSEGSIZE, FALSE);

/**     CompactSeg      -- compact a segment
        Entry   seg             segment to compact
                size            desired free block size
                deletable       TRUE if deletable segments should be deleted
                                FALSE otherwise
        Exit    none
        Returns none
static void
CompactSeg(seg, size, deletable)
byte    seg;
uint    size;
int     deletable;
        MEMBLK  *copyLoc = NULL;                /* Next place to copy */
        FREEBLK *copyFree;                      /* Free pointers */
        MEMBLK  *curBlk;                        /* First block */
        MEMBLK  *saveBlk;                       /* Saved block location */
        MEMBLK  *prevBlk = NULL;                /* Previous block */
        MEMBLK  *nextFree = NULL;               /* Saved next free block */
        MEMBLK  *prevFree = NULL;               /* Saved prev. free block */
        FREEBLK *tmpFree;                       /* Temporary free pointer */
        uint    spaceRecovered = 0;             /* Amount space recovered */
        int     last = FALSE;                   /* Last record found */

        curBlk = mst[seg].block;

        while ((spaceRecovered < size) && (!last)) {

                last = (curBlk->flags & BLK_LAST) != 0;

                if (((curBlk->flags & BLK_DELETABLE) != 0) && (deletable) &&
                             (curBlk->size > sizeof(MEMBLK) + MINBLOCKDATA)) {
                        spaceRecovered += curBlk->size - sizeof(MEMBLK) -

                        if (copyLoc != NULL) {

                                if ((curBlk->flags & BLK_FUNCDELETE) != 0)
                                     (*(curBlk->func))(curBlk, BLK_FUNCDELETE
                                       | BLK_FUNCMOVE, curBlk->size, copyLoc);

                                /* Save location of block */

                                saveBlk = curBlk;

                                /* Move block header to new location */
                                memmove(copyLoc, curBlk, sizeof(MEMBLK));

                                /* Set up new pointer to previous block */

                                copyLoc->prev = prevBlk;
                                copyLoc->flags &= ~BLK_LAST;
                                copyLoc->flags |= BLK_DELETED;
                                copyLoc->size = sizeof(MEMBLK) + MINBLOCKDATA;
                                mpt[copyLoc->pointerNum] = DATALOC(copyLoc);
                                prevBlk = copyLoc;
                                curBlk = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) saveBlk +
                                copyLoc = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) copyLoc +

                        } else {
                                if ((curBlk->flags & BLK_FUNCDELETE) != 0)
                                          BLK_FUNCDELETE, curBlk->size, NULL);

                                /* Initialize free area after block */

                                curBlk->flags &= ~BLK_LAST;
                                curBlk->flags |= BLK_DELETED;
                                saveBlk = curBlk;
                                prevBlk = curBlk;
                                curBlk = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) curBlk +
                                saveBlk->size = sizeof(MEMBLK) + MINBLOCKDATA;
                                copyLoc = (MEMBLK *) DATALOC(saveBlk);


                } else if ((curBlk->flags & BLK_INUSE) != 0) {
                        if (copyLoc == NULL) {
                                prevBlk = curBlk;
                                curBlk  = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) curBlk +
                        } else {
                                if ((curBlk->flags & BLK_LOCKED) == 0) {
                                      if ((curBlk->flags & BLK_FUNCMOVE) != 0)
                                                   BLK_FUNCMOVE, curBlk->size,

                                        /* Move block to new location */

                                      saveBlk = curBlk;
                                      memmove(copyLoc, curBlk, curBlk->size);

                                        copyLoc->prev           = prevBlk;
                                        copyLoc->flags          &= ~BLK_LAST;
                                        prevBlk                 = copyLoc;

                                        mpt[copyLoc->pointerNum] =

                                        /* Move pointer to next block */

                                      curBlk = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *)saveBlk +
                                       copyLoc = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *)copyLoc +

                                } else {   /* Close up current free block */

                                        curBlk = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) curBlk +

                                        copyLoc->flags      = 0;
                                        copyLoc->checkByte  = CB;
                                        copyLoc->prev       = prevBlk;
                                        copyLoc->size       = spaceRecovered;
                                        copyLoc->pointerNum  = 0;
                                        copyLoc->segment     = seg;
                                        saveBlk =(MEMBLK *) ((byte *)copyLoc +
                                        saveBlk->prev = copyLoc;
                                        spaceRecovered  = 0;

                                        copyFree =(FREEBLK *)DATALOC(copyLoc);
                                        copyFree->prev  = prevFree;
                                        if (prevFree != NULL) {
                                                tmpFree = (FREEBLK *)
                                                tmpFree->next = copyLoc;

                                        copyFree->next = nextFree;
                                        if (nextFree != NULL) {
                                                tmpFree = (FREEBLK *)
                                                tmpFree->prev = copyLoc;

                                        prevBlk         = copyLoc;
                                        prevFree        = copyLoc;
                                        copyLoc         = NULL;
                } else {                /* Free */
                        if (copyLoc == NULL)
                                copyLoc = curBlk;

                        spaceRecovered += curBlk->size;

                        nextFree = (MEMBLK *) (((FREEBLK *)
                        curBlk = (MEMBLK *) ((byte *) curBlk + curBlk->size);

        /* At this point copyLoc points to the beginning of the free area,
           spaceRecovered is the size of the new free block, and saveBlk
           points to the next free block in the segment */

        if (copyLoc != NULL) {
                copyLoc->checkByte      = CB;
                copyLoc->prev           = prevBlk;
                copyLoc->size           = spaceRecovered;
                copyLoc->pointerNum     = 0;
                copyLoc->segment        = seg;

                if (last) {
                        copyLoc->flags = BLK_LAST;
                } else {
                       copyLoc->flags = 0;
                       saveBlk = (MEMBLK *)((byte *) copyLoc + copyLoc->size);
                       saveBlk->prev = copyLoc;

                copyFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(copyLoc);
                copyFree->prev = prevFree;
                if (prevFree != NULL) {
                        tmpFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(prevFree);
                        tmpFree->next = copyLoc;
                copyFree->next = nextFree;
                if (nextFree != NULL) {
                        tmpFree = (FREEBLK *) DATALOC(nextFree);
                        tmpFree->prev = copyLoc;
                mst[seg].free = copyLoc;
                mst[seg].last = copyLoc;


/*****  demo.c          Demonstration program for memory manager
        S. Peterson     programmer      1/89
        This program demonstrates the features of the memory manager.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <stddef.h>
#include        <process.h>
#include        <memory.h>
#include        "mem.h"

void    blockFunc(void *, byte, uint, void *); /* Prototype, block function */
int     main(void);

     void       **p;                            /* Double pointer to block */
     void       *q;                             /* Single pointer to block */

    /* Allocate a 30K buffer and 100 master pointers */

    if (MemInit(30000l, 100) != TRUE)

    /* Allocate a buffer of 1024 bytes.  It is created as moveable and
                undeletable */

    if ((p = MemAlloc(1024)) == NULL)
                printf("Error allocating 1024 bytes.\n");

     MemLock(p);                        /* Make the block unmoveable */
     q = *p;                            /* Get pointer to memory block */
     memset(q, 0, 1024);                /* Initialize block to 0 */

     MemUnlock(p);                      /* Make the block moveable */
                                        /* Note: q no longer valid */

     MemCompact();                      /* Cause memory to be compacted */

     MemFree(p);                        /* Deallocate p */

     /* Allocate a block with an associated function. */

     if ((p = MemAllocFunc(1024, blockFunc, BLK_FUNCDELETE |
                                                       BLK_FUNCMOVE)) == NULL)

     MemFree(p);                        /* Deallocate p */

     return     0;

blockFunc(blockPtr, flags, length, newLoc)
void    *blockPtr;
byte    flags;
uint    length;
void    *newLoc;
        if ((flags & BLK_FUNCMOVE) != 0) {
                /* Perform some action when block moves */

        if ((flags & BLK_FUNCDELETE) != 0) {
                /* Perform some action when block is deleted */

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