The IDEA Encryption Algorithm

The International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) may be one of most secure block algorithm available to the public today. Bruce examines its 128-bit long key (over twice the length of the familiar DES) and unravels the algorithm for both encryption and decryption.

December 01, 1993

Figure 1

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

Figure 2

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

Figure 3

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

Figure 1

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

Figure 2

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

Figure 3

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

Table 1

Copyright © 1993, Dr. Dobb's Journal

DEC93: The IDEA Encryption Algorithm

The IDEA Encryption Algorithm

An advanced block-cipher approach to encryption

Bruce Schneier

Bruce is author of Applied Cryptography (John Wiley & Sons, 1993) and can be contacted at 730 Fair Oaks Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302.

For the past 15 years, the best security most of have heard about is the Digital Encryption Standard (DES). It's a good algorithm, and secure against mid-seventies technology. With the computing power of today's machines, however, DES's small key size has made the algorithm vulnerable, leading cryptographers to look for, and propose new, stronger algorithms.

One such proposal, the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) invented in Switzerland by Xuejia Lai and James Massey, may be one of most secure block algorithms available to the public today. IDEA is a block cipher, operating on 64-bit data blocks: 64 bits of plaintext go in one end and 64-bits of ciphertext come out the other. The key is 128 bits long. The same algorithm is used for both encryption and decryption.

The design philosophy behind the algorithm is one of "mixing operations from different algebraic groups." There are three algebraic groups whose operations are being mixed, all of which are easily implemented in both hardware and software:

All these operations (and these are the only operations in the algorithm--there are no permutations) operate on 16-bit subblocks, making it efficient even on 16-bit processors.

Figure 1 shows a diagram of IDEA. The 64-bit data block is divided into four 16-bit subblocks, which are X1, X2, X3, and X4. These four subblocks become the input to the first round of the algorithm. There are eight rounds total. In each round, the four subblocks are XORed, added, and multiplied with each other and six 16-bit subblocks of key material. Between each round, the second and third subblocks are swapped.

The sequence of events in each round is as follows:

That's it. The output of the round is the four subblocks that result from steps 11, 13, 12, and 14. Swap the two inner blocks (except for the last round), and that's the input to the next round. After the eighth round, there's a final output transform:

Finally, the four subblocks are reattached to produce the ciphertext.

Creating the key subblocks is also easy. The algorithm uses 52 of them (six for each of the eight rounds, and four more for the output transform.) First, the 128-bit key is divided into eight 16-bit subkeys. These are the first eight subkeys for the algorithm (the six for the first round, and the first two for the second round). Then, the key is rotated 25 bits to the left and again divided into eight subkeys. The first four are used in round two; the last four are used in round three. The key is rotated another 25 bits to the left for the next eight subkeys, and so on until the end of the algorithm.

Decryption is the same, except that the key subblocks are reversed and slightly different. The decryption key subblocks are either the additive or multiplicative inverses of the encryption-key subblocks. (For the purposes of IDEA, the multiplicative inverse of 0 is 0.) Calculating these takes some doing, but you only have to do it once for each decryption key. Table 1 shows the encryption key subblocks and the corresponding decryption key subblocks.

Current software implementations of IDEA are faster than DES (about 1.5 to 2 times as fast). On a 33-MHz 386 machine, IDEA encrypts data at 880 kbps. (An equivalent DES implementation encrypts data at only 584 kbps.) On a VAX 9000, the speed is almost four times greater. Listing One (page 105) is an implementation of IDEA in C.

A VLSI implementation of IDEA (developed at ETH Zurich) consisting of 251,000 transistors on a chip 107.8mm on a side, encrypts data using IDEA at a 177 Mbits/second data rate when clocked at 25 MHz.

IDEA can work within any block-cipher mode discussed in relation to the DES algorithm: Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Output Feedback (OFB), and Cipher Feedback (CFB). ECB (see Figure 2) is the simplest mode. The plaintext is encrypted in blocks of 64 bits. The first 64 bits of plaintext are encrypted to become the first 64 bits of ciphertext; the second 64 bits of plaintext are encrypted to become the second 64 bits of ciphertext; and so on. Each block is encrypted independently of all other blocks. Decryption is the reverse.

The problem with ECB mode is that, if a cryptanalyst has the plaintext and ciphertext for several messages, he can start to compile a codebook without knowing the key. In most real-world situations, fragments of messages tend to repeat. One message may have bit sequences in common with another. Computer-generated messages (such as electronic mail) may have a regular structure. Messages may have parameters that take only a few values, or long strings of zeros or spaces. Other computer-generated messages may always have important data in the same place.

If the cryptanalyst learns that the plaintext block "5e081bc5" encrypts to the ciphertext block "7ea593a4", he can immediately decrypt that ciphertext block whenever he sees it in another message. If the application encrypts messages with many redundancies, and these redundancies tend to show up in the same places in the message, this can be a very powerful attack.

The other three modes defend against this sort of attack. In CBC mode, the plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before it is encrypted. Figure 3 shows CBC in action. After a plaintext block is encrypted, the resulting ciphertext is also stored in a feedback register. Before the next plaintext block is encrypted, it is XORed with the feedback register to become the next input to the encrypting routine. The resultant ciphertext is again stored in the feedback register, to be XORed with the next plaintext block. And so on until the end of the message. The encryption of each block depends on all the previous blocks.

Decryption is just as straightforward. A ciphertext block is decrypted normally, and also saved in a feedback register. After the next block is decrypted, it is XORed with the results of the feedback register. Then the next ciphertext block is stored in the feedback register, and so on, until the end of the message.

Mathematically, this appears thus:

Ci = EK(Pi XOR Ci-1)

Pi = Ci-1 XOR DK(Ci)

OFB and CFB (described in standard cryptography books) are two other feedback mechanisms.

IDEA Security

IDEA's key length is 128 bits--over twice as long as the DES key. Assuming that testing every possible key (a brute-force attack) is the most efficient way to break the algorithm, it would require 2128 encryptions to recover the key. DES only requires 256 encryptions to break; a million chips capable of testing a million keys a second can break DES in 20 hours. IDEA is much stronger. Design a chip that can test a billion keys per second, and throw a billion of them at the problem, and it will still take 1013 years to break IDEA. An array of 1024 such chips can find the key in a day, but it questionable whether there are enough silicon atoms in the universe to build such a machine.

Unless, of course, brute force isn't the best way to attack IDEA. The algorithm is still too new for any definitive statements about its security. The designers have done their best to make the algorithm immune to all known cryptanalytic attacks (including a new and powerful attack called "differential cryptanalysis").

While IDEA appears to be significantly more secure than DES, it isn't always easy to substitute one for the other in an existing application. If your database and message templates are hardwired to accept a 64-bit key, it may be impossible to implement IDEA's 128-bit key.

For those applications, generate a 128-bit key by concatenating the 64-bit key with itself. Remember, however, that IDEA is weakened considerably by this modification.


IDEA is a new algorithm that looks secure. While it appears to be resistant to differential and related-key cryptanalysis, secure-looking algorithms have fallen to new forms of cryptanalysis time and time again. Several academic and military groups currently cryptanalyzing IDEA. None of them have succeeded yet, but who knows what they might come up with tomorrow.

The IDEA block cipher is patented in Europe, and the patent is pending in the United States. The patent is held by Ascom-Tech AG. No license fee is required for noncommercial use. Commercial users interested in licensing the algorithm should contact Dr. Dieter Profos, Ascom Tech AG, Solothurn Lab, Postfach 151, 4502 Solothurn, Switzerland (Tel: +41 65 242-885 or fax: +41 65 235-761).


Lai, X., J. Massey, and S. Murphy. "Markov Ciphers and Differential Cryptanalysis." Advances in Cryptology--EUROCRYPT '91 Proceedings. Springer-Verlag, 1991.

Massey, J.L. and X. Lai, "Device for Converting a Digital Block and the Use Thereof." International Patent PCT/CH91/00117, November 28, 1991.

Schneier, Bruce. Applied Cryptography. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

Figure 1: Diagram of the IDEA approach to cryptography.

Table 1: IDEA encryption- and decryption-key subblocks.

Figure 2: Electronic codebook (ECB) mode.

Figure 3: Cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode.


/* idea.h - header file for idea.c */

#include "usuals.h"  /* typedefs for byte, word16, boolean, etc. */
#define IDEAKEYSIZE 16
void initcfb_idea(word16 iv0[4], byte key[16], boolean decryp);
void ideacfb(byteptr buf, int count);
void close_idea(void);
void init_idearand(byte key[16], byte seed[8], word32 tstamp);
byte idearand(void);
void close_idearand(void);

/* prototypes for passwd.c */
/* GetHashedPassPhrase -get pass phrase from user, hashes it to an IDEA key. */
int GetHashedPassPhrase(char *keystring, char *hash, boolean noecho);

/* hashpass - Hash pass phrase down to 128 bits (16 bytes). */
void hashpass (char *keystring, int keylen, byte *hash);

/* idea.c - C source code for IDEA block cipher. IDEA (International Data
 * Encryption Algorithm), formerly known as IPES (Improved Proposed Encryption
 * Standard). Algorithm developed by Xuejia Lai and James L. Massey, of ETH
 * Zurich. This implementation modified and derived from original C code
 * developed by Xuejia Lai. Zero-based indexing added, names changed from IPES
 * to IDEA. CFB functions added. Random number routines added. Optimized for
 * speed 21 Oct 92 by Colin Plumb <[email protected]>. This code assumes that
 * each pair of 8-bit bytes comprising a 16-bit word in the key and in the
 * cipher block are externally represented with the Most Significant Byte
 * (MSB) first, regardless of internal native byte order of the target CPU.  */

#include "idea.h"

#ifdef TEST
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define ROUNDS      8               /* Don't change this value, should be 8 */
#define KEYLEN      (6*ROUNDS+4)    /* length of key schedule */

typedef word16 IDEAkey[KEYLEN];

#ifdef IDEA32/* Use >16-bit temporaries */
#define low16(x) ((x) & 0xFFFF)
typedef unsigned int uint16;        /* at LEAST 16 bits, maybe more */
#define low16(x) (x)                /* this is only ever applied to uint16's */
typedef word16 uint16;

#ifdef _GNUC_
/* __const__ simply means there are no side effects for this function,
 * which is useful info for the gcc optimizer */
#define CONST __const__
#define CONST

static void en_key_idea(word16 userkey[8], IDEAkey Z);
static void de_key_idea(IDEAkey Z, IDEAkey DK);
static void cipher_idea(word16 in[4], word16 out[4], CONST IDEAkey Z);
/* Multiplication, modulo (2**16)+1. Note that this code is structured like
 * this on the assumption that untaken branches are cheaper than taken
 * branches, and the compiler doesn't schedule branches. */
CONST static uint16 mul(register uint16 a, register uint16 b)
       register word32 p;
       if (a)
       {     if (b)
             {      p = (word32)a * b;
                    b = low16(p);
                    a = p>>16;
                    return b - a + (b < a);
             {      return 1-a;
       {     return 1-b;
}        /* mul */
#endif /* SMALL_CACHE */
/* Compute multiplicative inverse of x, modulo (2**16)+1, using Euclid's GCD
 * algorithm. It is unrolled twice to avoid swapping the meaning of the
 * registers each iteration; some subtracts of t have been changed to adds.  */
CONST static uint16 inv(uint16 x)
       uint16 t0, t1;
       uint16 q, y;
       if (x <= 1)
             return x;    /* 0 and 1 are self-inverse */
       t1 = 0x10001 / x;  /* Since x >= 2, this fits into 16 bits */
       y = 0x10001 % x;
       if (y == 1)
             return low16(1-t1);
       t0 = 1;
       {     q = x / y;
             x = x % y;
             t0 += q * t1;
             if (x == 1)
                    return t0;
             q = y / x;
             y = y % x;
             t1 += q * t0;
       } while (y != 1);
       return low16(1-t1);
} /* inv */
/*     Compute IDEA encryption subkeys Z */
static void en_key_idea(word16 *userkey, word16 *Z)
       int i,j;
       /* shifts */
       for (j=0; j<8; j++)
             Z[j] = *userkey++;
       for (i=0; j<KEYLEN; j++)
       {     i++;
             Z[i+7] = Z[i & 7] << 9 | Z[i+1 & 7] >> 7;
             Z += i & 8;
             i &= 7;
}        /* en_key_idea */
/*     Compute IDEA decryption subkeys DK from encryption subkeys Z */
/* Note: these buffers *may* overlap! */
static void de_key_idea(IDEAkey Z, IDEAkey DK)
       int j;
       uint16 t1, t2, t3;
       IDEAkey T;
       word16 *p = T + KEYLEN;
       t1 = inv(*Z++);
       t2 = -*Z++;
       t3 = -*Z++;
       *--p = inv(*Z++);
       *--p = t3;
       *--p = t2;
       *--p = t1;
       for (j = 1; j < ROUNDS; j++)
             t1 = *Z++;
             *--p = *Z++;
             *--p = t1;
             t1 = inv(*Z++);
             t2 = -*Z++;
             t3 = -*Z++;
             *--p = inv(*Z++);
             *--p = t2;
             *--p = t3;
             *--p = t1;
       t1 = *Z++;
       *--p = *Z++;
       *--p = t1;
       t1 = inv(*Z++);
       t2 = -*Z++;
       t3 = -*Z++;
       *--p = inv(*Z++);
       *--p = t3;
       *--p = t2;
       *--p = t1;
/* Copy and destroy temp copy */
       for (j = 0, p = T; j < KEYLEN; j++)
             *DK++ = *p;
             *p++ = 0;
} /* de_key_idea */
/* MUL(x,y) computes x = x*y, modulo 0x10001. Requires two temps, t16 and t32.
 * x must me a side-effect-free lvalue. y may be anything, but unlike x, must
 * be strictly 16 bits even if low16() is #defined. All of these are
 * equivalent; see which is faster on your machine.  */
#define MUL(x,y) (x = mul(low16(x),y))
#define MUL(x,y) (x = low16(x-1), t16 = low16((y)-1), \
             t32 = (word32)x*t16+x+t16+1, x = low16(t32), \
             t16 = t32>>16, x = x-t16+(x<t16) )
#define MUL(x,y) ((t16 = (y)) ? (x=low16(x)) ? \
        t32 = (word32)x*t16, x = low16(t32), t16 = t32>>16, \
        x = x-t16+(x<t16) : \
        (x = 1-t16) : (x = 1-x))
/* IDEA encryption/decryption algorithm . In/out can be the same buffer */
static void cipher_idea(word16 in[4], word16 out[4], register CONST IDEAkey Z)
       register uint16 x1, x2, x3, x4, t1, t2;
       register uint16 t16;
       register word32 t32;
       int r = ROUNDS;
       x1 = *in++;  x2 = *in++;
       x3 = *in++;  x4 = *in;
             x2 += *Z++;
             x3 += *Z++;
             MUL(x4, *Z++);
             t2 = x1^x3;
             MUL(t2, *Z++);
             t1 = t2 + (x2^x4);
             MUL(t1, *Z++);
             t2 = t1+t2;
             x1 ^= t1;
             x4 ^= t2;
             t2 ^= x2;
             x2 = x3^t1;
             x3 = t2;
       } while (--r);
       MUL(x1, *Z++);
       *out++ = x1;
       *out++ = x3 + *Z++;
       *out++ = x2 + *Z++;
       MUL(x4, *Z);
       *out = x4;
} /* cipher_idea */
#ifdef TEST
/* Number of Kbytes of test data to encrypt. Defaults to 1 MByte. */
#ifndef KBYTES
#define KBYTES 1024
void main(void)
{      /* Test driver for IDEA cipher */
       int i, j, k;
       IDEAkey Z, DK;
       word16 XX[4], TT[4], YY[4];
       word16 userkey[8];
       clock_t start, end;
       long l;
       /* Make a sample user key for testing... */
       for(i=0; i<8; i++)
key[i] = i+1;
       /* Compute encryption subkeys from user key... */
       printf("\nEncryption key subblocks: ");
       for(j=0; j<ROUNDS+1; j++)
             printf("\nround %d:   ", j+1);
             if (j==ROUNDS)
                    for(i=0; i<4; i++)
                          printf(" %6u", Z[j*6+i]);
                    for(i=0; i<6; i++)
                          printf(" %6u", Z[j*6+i]);
       /* Compute decryption subkeys from encryption subkeys... */
       printf("\nDecryption key subblocks: ");
       for(j=0; j<ROUNDS+1; j++)
             printf("\nround %d:   ", j+1);
             if (j==ROUNDS)
                    for(i=0; i<4; i++)
                          printf(" %6u", DK[j*6+i]);
                    for(i=0; i<6; i++)
                          printf(" %6u", DK[j*6+i]);
       /* Make a sample plaintext pattern for testing... */
       for (k=0; k<4; k++)
             XX[k] = k;
       printf("\n Encrypting %d KBytes (%ld blocks)...", KBYTES, KBYTES*64l);
       start = clock();
       cipher_idea(XX,YY,Z);         /* encrypt plaintext XX, making YY */
       for (l = 1; l < 64*KBYTES; l++)
             cipher_idea(YY,YY,Z);   /* repeated encryption */
       cipher_idea(YY,TT,DK);        /* decrypt ciphertext YY, making TT */
       for (l = 1; l < 64*KBYTES; l++)
             cipher_idea(TT,TT,DK);  /* repeated decryption */
       end = clock() - start;
       l = end * 1000. / CLOCKS_PER_SEC + 1;
       i = l/1000;
       j = l%1000;
       l = KBYTES * 1024. * CLOCKS_PER_SEC / end;
       printf("%d.%03d seconds = %ld bytes per second\n", i, j, l);
       printf("\nX %6u   %6u  %6u  %6u \n",
         XX[0], XX[1],  XX[2], XX[3]);
       printf("Y %6u   %6u  %6u  %6u \n",
         YY[0], YY[1],  YY[2], YY[3]);
       printf("T %6u   %6u  %6u  %6u \n",
         TT[0], TT[1],  TT[2], TT[3]);
       /* Now decrypted TT should be same as original XX */
       for (k=0; k<4; k++)
             if (TT[k] != XX[k])
                    printf("\n\07Error!  Noninvertable encryption.\n");
                    exit(-1);      /* error exit */
       printf("\nNormal exit.\n");
       exit(0);/* normal exit */
}        /* main */
#endif       /* TEST */
/* xorbuf - change buffer via xor with random mask block. Used for Cipher
 * Feedback (CFB) or Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) modes of encryption. Can be
 *  applied for any block encryption algorithm, with any block size, such as
 * the DES or the IDEA cipher.  */
static void xorbuf(register byteptr buf, register byteptr mask,
       register int count)
/*     count must be > 0 */
       if (count)
                    *buf++ ^= *mask++;
             while (--count);
}      /* xorbuf */
/* cfbshift - shift bytes into IV for CFB input. Used only for Cipher Feedback
 * (CFB) mode of encryption. Can be applied for any block encryption algorithm
 * with any block size, such as the DES or the IDEA cipher.  */
static void cfbshift(register byteptr iv, register byteptr buf,
             register int count, int blocksize)
/* iv is initialization vector. buf is buffer pointer. count is number of bytes
 * to shift in...must be > 0. blocksize is 8 bytes for DES or IDEA ciphers. */
       int retained;
       if (count)
             retained = blocksize-count;   /* number bytes in iv to retain */
         /* left-shift retained bytes of IV over by count bytes to make room */
             while (retained--)
                    *iv = *(iv+count);
             /* now copy count bytes from buf to shifted tail of IV */
             do     *iv++ = *buf++;
             while (--count);
}      /* cfbshift */
/* Key schedules for IDEA encryption and decryption */
static IDEAkey Z, DK;
static word16 *iv_idea;        /* pointer to IV for CFB or CBC */
static boolean cfb_dc_idea;    /* TRUE iff CFB decrypting */
/* initkey_idea initializes IDEA for ECB mode operations */
void initkey_idea(byte key[16], boolean decryp)
       word16 userkey[8]; /* IDEA key is 16 bytes long */
       int i;
       /* Assume each pair of bytes comprising a word is ordered MSB-first. */
       for (i=0; i<8; i++)
             userkey[i] = (key[0]<<8) + key[1];
             key++; key++;
       if (decryp)
             de_key_idea(Z,Z);   /* compute inverse key schedule DK */
       for (i=0; i<8; i++)/* Erase dangerous traces */
             userkey[i] = 0;
} /* initkey_idea */
/* Run a 64-bit block thru IDEA in ECB (Electronic Code Book) mode, using the
 * currently selected key schedule. */
void idea_ecb(word16 *inbuf, word16 *outbuf)
       /* Assume each pair of bytes comprising a word is ordered MSB-first. */
#ifndef HIGHFIRST   /* If this is a least-significant-byte-first CPU */
       word16 x;
       /* Invert the byte order for each 16-bit word for internal use. */
       x = inbuf[0]; outbuf[0] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       x = inbuf[1]; outbuf[1] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       x = inbuf[2]; outbuf[2] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       x = inbuf[3]; outbuf[3] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       cipher_idea(outbuf, outbuf, Z);
       x = outbuf[0]; outbuf[0] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       x = outbuf[1]; outbuf[1] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       x = outbuf[2]; outbuf[2] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
       x = outbuf[3]; outbuf[3] = x >> 8 | x << 8;
#else  /* HIGHFIRST */
       /* Byte order for internal and external representations is the same. */
       cipher_idea(inbuf, outbuf, Z);
#endif /* HIGHFIRST */
} /* idea_ecb */
/* initcfb - Initializes IDEA key schedule tables via key; initializes Cipher
 * Feedback mode IV. References context variables cfb_dc_idea and iv_idea.  */
void initcfb_idea(word16 iv0[4], byte key[16], boolean decryp)
/* iv0 is copied to global iv_idea, buffer will be destroyed by ideacfb. key is
 * pointer to key buffer. decryp is TRUE if decrypting, FALSE if encrypting. */
       iv_idea = iv0;
       cfb_dc_idea = decryp;
} /* initcfb_idea */
/* ideacfb - encipher a buffer with IDEA enciphering algorithm, using Cipher
 *  Feedback (CFB) mode. Assumes initcfb_idea has already been called.
 * References context variables cfb_dc_idea and iv_idea.  */
void ideacfb(byteptr buf, int count)
/* buf is input, output buffer, may be more than 1 block. count is byte count
 * is byte count of buffer.  May be > IDEABLOCKSIZE. */
       int chunksize;                /* smaller of count, IDEABLOCKSIZE */
       word16 temp[IDEABLOCKSIZE/2];

       while ((chunksize = min(count,IDEABLOCKSIZE)) > 0)
             idea_ecb(iv_idea,temp);  /* encrypt iv_idea, making temp. */
             if (cfb_dc_idea)/* buf is ciphertext */
                    /* shift in ciphertext to IV... */
                    cfbshift((byte *)iv_idea,buf,chunksize,IDEABLOCKSIZE);
             /* convert buf via xor */
             xorbuf(buf,(byte *)temp,chunksize);/* buf has enciphered output */
             if (!cfb_dc_idea)/* buf was plaintext, is now ciphertext */
                    /* shift in ciphertext to IV... */
                    cfbshift((byte *)iv_idea,buf,chunksize,IDEABLOCKSIZE);
             count -= chunksize;
             buf += chunksize;
} /* ideacfb */
/* close_idea function erases all the key schedule information when we are
 * done with a set of operations for a particular IDEA key context. This is to
 * prevent any sensitive data from being left around in memory. */
void close_idea(void)     /* erase current key schedule tables */
       short i;
       for (i = 0; i < KEYLEN; i++)
             Z[i] = 0;
}      /* close_idea() */
/* These buffers are used by init_idearand, idearand, and close_idearand. */
static word16 dtbuf_idea[4] = {0};     /* buffer for enciphered timestamp */
static word16 randseed_idea[4] = {0};  /* seed for IDEA random # generator */
static word16 randbuf_idea[4] = {0};   /* buffer for IDEA random # generator */
static byte randbuf_idea_counter = 0;  /* random bytes left in randbuf_idea */
/* init_idearand - initialize idearand, IDEA random number generator. Used for
 *  generating cryptographically strong random numbers. Much of design comes
 * from Appendix C of ANSI X9.17. key is pointer to IDEA key buffer. seed is
 * pointer to random number seed buffer. tstamp is a 32-bit timestamp */
void init_idearand(byte key[16], byte seed[8], word32 tstamp)
       int i;
       initkey_idea(key, FALSE);      /* initialize IDEA */
       for (i=0; i<4; i++)            /* capture timestamp material */
       {     dtbuf_idea[i] = tstamp;  /* get bottom word */
             tstamp = tstamp >> 16;   /* drop bottom word */
             /* tstamp has only 4 bytes-- last 4 bytes will always be 0 */
       /* Start with enciphered timestamp: */
       /* initialize seed material */
       for (i=0; i<8; i++)
             ((byte *)randseed_idea)[i] = seed[i];
       randbuf_idea_counter = 0; /* # of random bytes left in randbuf_idea */
} /* init_idearand */
/* idearand - IDEA pseudo-random number generator. Used for generating
 * cryptographically strong random numbers. Much of design comes from Appendix
 * C of ANSI X9.17.  */
byte idearand(void)
       int i;
       if (randbuf_idea_counter==0)         /* if random buffer is spent...*/
       {     /* Combine enciphered timestamp with seed material: */
             for (i=0; i<4; i++)
                    randseed_idea[i] ^= dtbuf_idea[i];
             idea_ecb(randseed_idea,randbuf_idea);   /* fill new block */
             /* Compute new seed vector: */
             for (i=0; i<4; i++)
                    randseed_idea[i] = randbuf_idea[i] ^ dtbuf_idea[i];
             idea_ecb(randseed_idea,randseed_idea);    /* fill new seed */
             randbuf_idea_counter = 8;   /* reset counter for full buffer */
       /* Take a byte from randbuf_idea: */
       return(((byte *)randbuf_idea)[--randbuf_idea_counter]);
} /* idearand */
void close_idearand(void)
{      /* Erase random IDEA buffers and wipe out IDEA key info */
       int i;
       for (i=0; i<4; i++)
       {     randbuf_idea[i] = 0;
             randseed_idea[i] = 0;
             dtbuf_idea[i] = 0;
       close_idea();/* erase current key schedule tables */
}      /* close_idearand */
/* end of idea.c */

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