Dynamic Markov Compression

Dynamic Markov Compression is a statistical compression technique that produces good results when applied to large binary files.

January 01, 1996

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 1

JAN96: Dynamic Markov Compression

Dynamic Markov Compression

Better compression for large binary files

Tong Lai Yu

Tong Lai Yu is an associate professor of computer science at the California State University, San Bernadino. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Compression packages such as PKZIP, Stacker, and DoubleSpace are all based on variations of the so-called "LZ77'' algorithm, a dictionary-lookup technique invented by Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv in the late 1970s. The LZ77 algorithm requires a relatively small amount of memory and performs very well in both speed and compression ratios for small and large files.

In this article, I'll present a statistical technique called "Dynamic Markov Compression" (DMC) that uses a very different approach. DMC was first introduced by Gordon Cormack and Nigel Horospool in the late 1980s. Its overall performance is not as good as that of PKZIP or other similar archiving packages. However, DMC yields a better compression ratio when applied to large binary files such as speech and image files. Since it handles one bit at a time, DMC might also be appropriate for fax machines that compress black-and-white images.

Implementing DMC is straightforward, requiring no special data structures. In fact, its implementation is simpler than any other compression scheme with a comparable compression ratio. Here, I'll concentrate on DMC's working principles, rather than its performance.

Dynamic Markov Modeling

Like other statistical techniques, DMC consists of two parts--modeling and coding. The model, which is created from the data to be compressed, feeds information to the coder, which codes the data. An unusual feature of DMC is that it employs arithmetic coding to encode only two symbols, namely 0 and 1. (For more information, see "Arithmetic Coding and Statistical Modeling," by Mark R. Nelson, DDJ, February 1991.)

The model consists of a finite number of states. Each state gives you information about the probability of finding a 0 or a 1 at that state. The probabilities of 0 and 1 at the current state are used to encode the current incoming bit.

The central scheme of DMC is its cloning mechanism. Figure 1 (a) shows a portion of a simple, finite-state model. Through the cloning mechanism, this evolves into the more complex model in Figure 1 (b). If, in Figure 1 (a), the instance at state A receives symbol x (which is either 0 or 1), the instance will transit to state D. There can be many other transitions into state D at different times. If state D has been visited often and the transition of A->D upon receiving x is frequent, you clone state D to form an additional state D'. In Figure 1 (b), upon receiving x, the instance at state A will transit to state D' instead of D. The output transition counts from the old state D are divided between D' and D; you assume that the total number of transitions into a state is equal to the total number of transitions out of a state.

Two threshold parameters, min_cnt1 and min_cnt2, are used to determine when a state should be cloned--a state D is cloned if it satisfies the following conditions:

You should start cloning as early as possible. In the implementation presented here, I set min_cnt1 and min_cnt2 to two. You could start the model with min_cnt1 and min_cnt2 values equal to one and increase their values slowly, as cloning adds states to the model. When the number of states reaches a certain maximum value, you discard all the states and start the model all over again. Again, you could save some final states in a buffer and start a model based on those states.

The Code

Listing One includes the main function and housekeeping (parsing files, computing compression ratios, and the like). Listing Two is a basic implementation of DMC. (The complete source code and executables are available electronically; see "Availability," page 3.) I've compiled the program with both Turbo C and Watcom C.

To save time in file I/O processing, I define the macros input_bit() and output_bit() instead of using function calls to handle file input and output; the macros are in Listing Three. The function compress() calls other functions to compress an input file. Because I'm dealing with only two symbols (0 and 1), I don't want to add an extra END_OF_STREAM symbol to signify the end of the encoding stream. To help the decoder recognize the end of the original message, compress() first calls put_file_length() to save the original file size. It then calls initialize_model() to start DMC with a simple model. The function initialize_encoder() is used to initialize the arithmetic coder with certain initial values. The next step is to call encode() to compress the input file and output the encoded stream to an output file. With probabilities of finding 0 and 1 generated by the model, encode() uses a standard arithmetic-encoding technique to encode the current bit read from the input file; when the most significant bits (MSBs) of variables low and high match, they are pushed out and saved. To avoid underflow, you must throw away the second MSBs if their values differ and the MSBs of low and high do not match; the model must be updated (by function update_count()) before or after each bit is encoded. When encoding is done, the remaining bits in the arithmetic encoder are pushed out and saved by flush_encoder(). An extra 16 0 bits are then saved in the output file, so that during the expansion phase, you won't run into the EOF mark before decoding has finished.

The function uncompress() calls other functions to decode a compressed file. It first calls get_file_length() to obtain the original size of the file before compression. It then calls initialize_model() to start a simple compression model. As before, the arithmetic encoder has to be initialized by the function initialize_decoder(). Decoding is done primarily by the function decode() in a manner similar to that of encode(). The same model is reconstructed while bits are decoded. Again, the standard arithmetic technique uses probabilities from the bit stream generated from the model.

Figure 1: The DMC cloning mechanism. (a) The simple model; (b) the complex model.

Listing One

/*****  main.c  :
housekeeping for dmc.c ******/ 
void usage_exit( char *argv ) { 
	char *filename, *extension; 
	filename = strrchr( argv, '\\' );   /* find '\' */ 
	if ( filename == NULL ) 
		filename = strrchr( argv, '/' ); 
	if ( filename == NULL ) 
		filename = strrchr( argv, ':' ); 
	if ( filename != NULL ) 
		filename++;                        /* strip off the path */ 
		filename = argv; 
	extension= strrchr( filename, '.'); 
	if ( extension!= NULL ) 
		*extension= '\0'; 
	printf( "\nUsage:  %s [-c/e] in-file out-file \n", filename ); 
	printf("\n%s is for compression ! ", filename ); 
	printf("\n%s", info ); 
	printf("\nThe switches -c means compress \( default \),"); 
	printf("\n             -e means expand,"); 
	exit( 0 ); 
}   /* usage_exit() */ 
#ifndef SEEK_END 
#define SEEK_END 2 

long file_size( char *name ) 
	long eof_fp; 
	FILE *file; 
	file = fopen( name, "r" ); 
	if ( file == NULL ) 
		return( 0L ); 
	fseek( file, 0L, SEEK_END );    /* points to END OF FILE */ 
	eof_fp = ftell( file );         /* get current file pointer */ 
	fclose( file ); 
	return( eof_fp ); }   /* file_size() */

/* This routine prints out the compression ratios after the input 
 * and output files have been closed. */ 
void print_ratios( char *input, char *output ) 
	long input_size; 
	long output_size; 
	float ratio; 
	input_size = file_size( input ); 
	if ( input_size == 0 ) 
		input_size = 1; 
	output_size = file_size( output ); 
	ratio = ( float ) output_size * 100 / input_size; 
	if ( output_size == 0 ) 
		output_size = 1;
	printf( "\nCompressed Size in bytes : %12ld", output_size ); 
	printf( "\nOriginal   Size in bytes : %12ld", input_size ); 
	printf( "\nCompression ratio        : %12.1f%%\n", ratio ); 
main( int argc, char *argv[] ) 
	char    *p[10], c; 
	if ( argc < 3 ) 
		usage_exit( argv[ 0 ] );
	c = *(argv[0]+1); 
	if ( *argv[0] != '-' ){ 
		compress( argv ); 
		print_ratios ( *argv, *(argv+1) ); 
	} else { 
		if ( argc < 4 ) 
			usage_exit( argv[0] ); 
		if ( c == 'c' || c == 'C' ){ 
			compress( argv  ); 
			print_ratios ( *argv, *(argv+1) ); 
		} else if ( c == 'e' || c == 'E' ){ 
			uncompress( argv ); 
			print_ratios ( *(argv+1), *argv ); 
		} else 
			usage_exit( argv[0] ); 
	}   /* else */ 
}   /* main */

Listing Two

/* dmc.c -- uses dynamic markov model to compress data. The program has been 
 * compiled using Turbo C or Watcom C. If you use Turbo C, choose huge model. 
 * This program is for demonstration use. Compression improvement can be 
 * obtained by adjusting min_cnt1, min_cnt2 and the way of reconstructing model 
 * when memory is full. 
 *  Usage --  to compress :   dmc input_file    output_file 
 *            to expand   :   dmc -e input_file output_file 

#include    <stdio.h> 
#ifdef      __TURBOC______LINEEND____
#include    <alloc.h> 
#include    <malloc.h> 
#include    <string.h> 
#include    <io.h> 
#include    "iodmc.fun"        /* io functions */ 

/*  because we only have two symbols, we do not need higher precision */ 
#define     NBITS   15          /* # of bits used in high, low */
#define     MSBIT   0x4000      /* most significant bit */ 
#define     MSMASK  0x7FFF      /* consider 15 bits */ 
#define     MASK2   0x1FFF      /* for underflow use */ 

char        *info = "Dynamic Markov Compression ( DMC ) "; 
ui          code,  low,  high, mp; 
int         underflow_bits; 
int         times = 1; 
ul          switch_delta = 5000; 
ul          *switch_state; 
ul          switch_len; 

void    put_file_length( long l, FILE *output ) 
	char    *pc=(char*) &l, i; 
	printf(" l = %ld ", l ); 
	for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( long ); ++i ) 
		putc( *pc++, output ); 
long    get_file_length( FILE   *input ) 
	long    l; 
	char    *pc = (char *) &l, i; 
	for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( long ); ++i ) 
	*pc++ = getc( input ); 
	return( l ); 
void 	initialize_encoder() 
	low = 0;
	high = MSMASK; 
	underflow_bits = 0; 
void initialize_decoder( FILE *input ) 
	int i, bit; 
	code = 0; 
	for ( i = 0 ; i < NBITS; i++ ) { 
		code <<= 1;
		input_bit( input, bit ); 
		code += bit; 
	low = 0; 
	high = MSMASK; 
/* 	next_state[d][s]  = state reached from s after transition d 
	trans_cnt[d][s]   = number of observations of input d when in state s 
	state             = number of current state 
	min_cnt1          = minimum # of transitions from the current state 
						to state s before s is eligible for cloning 
	min_cnt2          = minimum # of visits to a state s from all predecessors 
						of S other than the current state before S is eligible 
						for cloning. A simple choice for min_cnt1 and min_cnt2
						values is to set them to 2, 2. 
/* int and unsigned int are 32 bits  for WATCOM C */ 
#ifdef   __TURBOC______LINEEND____ 
#define maxstates    32760          /* TURBO C can access low DOS mem only*/ 
#define maxstates    500000l        /* for WATCOM C */ 
ui *next_state[2], *trans_cnt[2]; 
ui state, last_state;
ui nbits, total_states; 
int   min_cnt1 = 2, min_cnt2 = 2;/* for comparison, thus make it signed*/ 

/* initialize the model */ 
	int i, j, k, m, n; 
	static initialized = 0; 
	min_cnt1 = min_cnt2 = 2; 
	if ( !initialized ) {
		next_state[0] = (ui *) malloc( maxstates*sizeof( ui ) ); 
		check_mem_error( next_state[0] ); 
		next_state[1] = (ui *) malloc( maxstates*sizeof( ui ) );
		check_mem_error( next_state[1] ); 
		trans_cnt[0] = (ui *) malloc( maxstates*sizeof( ui ) ); 
		check_mem_error( trans_cnt[0] ); 
		trans_cnt[1] = (ui *) malloc( maxstates*sizeof( ui ) ); 
		check_mem_error( trans_cnt[1] ); 
		initialized = 1; 
	} else { 
		for ( i = 0; i < maxstates; ++i ) 
			trans_cnt[0][i] = trans_cnt[1][i] = 0; 
	n = 8; 
	printf(" initialize_model %d times ", times++);
 	m = 1; 
 	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) 
 		m = 2 * m; 
	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) 
		for ( j = 0; j < m; ++j ) { 
			state = i + n * j; k = ( i + 1 ) % n; 
			next_state[0][state] = k + (( 2*j ) % m ) * n; 
			next_state[1][state] = k + ((2*j+1) % m ) * n;
			trans_cnt[0][state] = 1;   /* force this to 1 to avoid overflow*/
			trans_cnt[1][state] = 1; 
	 last_state = n * m - 1; 
update_count( int   x ) 
/* x is current bit */ 
	int b; 
	unsigned int nxt, nxt_cnt, new; 
	if ( trans_cnt[x][state] > 0xfff1 ){ 
		trans_cnt[0][state] /= 2;        /* rescale counts to avoid overflow*/ 
		trans_cnt[1][state] /= 2; 
	nxt = next_state[x][state];       /* next state */ 
					/* total transitions out of "nxt" on receiving 0, or 1 */ 
	nxt_cnt = trans_cnt[0][nxt] + trans_cnt[1][nxt]; 
	if ( (trans_cnt[x][state] > min_cnt1) &&
	 ((int)(nxt_cnt - trans_cnt[x][state])>min_cnt2) ){ 
	 	++last_state; new = last_state;       /* obtain a new state # */ 
	 	next_state[x][state] = new;
	 	for ( b = 0; b <= 1; ++b ){ 
	 		next_state[b][new] = next_state[b][nxt]; 
	 		trans_cnt[b][new] = (ui) ( (ul) trans_cnt[b][nxt] * 
	 									trans_cnt[x][state] / nxt_cnt );
			trans_cnt[b][nxt] = trans_cnt[b][nxt] - trans_cnt[b][new]; 
		nxt = new; 
	state = nxt; 
void    flush_encoder( FILE *output ) 
	int b, i; 
	output_bit( output, low & ( MSBIT >> 1 ) ); 
	b = (~low & ( MSBIT >>1 ) ) ? 1 : 0; 
	while ( underflow_bits-- > 0 ) 
		output_bit( output, b ); 
	b = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) 
		output_bit( output, b ); 
ui  get_mp () 
/*  get mid point of high-low interval */ 
	ui  p0, p1, mp; 
	ul ps, range; 
	p0 = trans_cnt[0][state] + 1; 
	p1 = trans_cnt[1][state] + 1; 
	ps = p0 + p1; 
	ps = ( ul )p0 + ( ul ) p1;          /* ps is unsigned long */ 
	range = ( ul )( high - low ) + 1; 
	mp = low + (ui)  (( range * p0 ) / ps ); 
	if ( mp >= high ) mp = high - 1;        /* take care of roundoff error*/ 
	return( mp ); 
void   shift_out_encoded_bits( FILE *output )
	int b; 
	for ( ; ; ) { 
	/* Shift out matched MSBs. */ 
	if ( ( low & MSBIT ) == ( high & MSBIT ) ) { 
		b = ( high & MSBIT ) ? 1 : 0; 
		output_bit(output, b);      /* output one bit */ 
		b = b ? 0 : 1; 
		while ( underflow_bits > 0 ){ 
			output_bit( output, b ); 
	}   /* if */ 
	/* If uderflow is threatening, throw away 2nd MSBs */ 
	else if ((low & ( MSBIT >> 1)) && !( high & (MSBIT >> 1) )) {
		underflow_bits += 1; 
		low = low &  
		MASK2; high = high | (MSBIT>>1); 
	} else 
	low = ( low << 1) & MSMASK;         /* shift in 0s */ 
		high = ( high << 1) & MSMASK; 
		high |= 1;                      /* shift in 1s */ } 
	}   /* shift_out_encoded_bits() */ 
encode( FILE *input, FILE *output ) 
	int mark, c; 
	int i, j, k,  b; 
	long   range; 
	state = 0; 
	do { 
		mark = c = getc( input ); 
		for ( k = 0; k < 8; ++k ){ 
			b = 0x80 & c; 
			b = ( b > 0 ) ? 1 : 0; 
			mp = get_mp(); 
			if ( last_state == maxstates ) 
			update_count( b ); 
			c <<= 1; 
			if ( b == 1 ) 
				low = mp;            /* pick upper part of range */ 
			else high = mp - 1;      /* pick lower part of range */
			shift_out_encoded_bits( output ); 
		}   /* for k */ 
	}   while ( mark != EOF );  /* do loop */ 
}   /* encode */ 
void    remove_and_get_bits( FILE   *input ) 
	int bit; 
	for ( ; ; ) { 
		/* If the MSBs match, shift out the bits.*/ 
		if ( ( high & MSBIT ) == ( low & MSBIT ) ) 
		/* Else, throw away 2nd MSB to prevent underflow.*/ 
		else if ((low & (MSBIT>>1)) && ! (high & (MSBIT >> 1) ) ) { 
			code ^= (MSBIT>>1); 
			low   = low & MASK2; 
			high |= (MSBIT>>1); 
		} else 
		/* Otherwise, nothing to shift, so  return.*/ 
		low = ( low << 1) & MSMASK; 
		high = ( high << 1) & MSMASK;
		high |= 1; 
		code = ( code << 1 ) & MSMASK; 
		input_bit( input, bit ); 
		code += bit; 
	}    /* for (;;) */ 
}   /* remove_and_get_bits() */ 
decode( long    flen,  	FILE *input,    FILE *output ) 
	FILE    *fp; 
	int b,n, i, j, k=0; 
	ul  len = 0;
	state = 0; 
	while ( 1 ) { 
		mp = get_mp(); 
		if ( code >= mp ){      /* determine if symbol is 0 or 1 */ 
			b = 1; 
			low = mp; 
		} else{ 
			b = 0; 
			high = mp -1; 
		output_bit( output, b);         /* output a bit */ 
		if ( ++k == 8 ){ 
			k = 0;
		if ( len == flen ) 
		if ( last_state == maxstates ) 
		update_count(b);   /* update state */ 
		/* Next, remove matched or underflow bits.*/ 
		remove_and_get_bits( input ); 
	}    /* while ( 1 ) */ 
}   /* decode */ 
void   compress( char  *argv[] ) 
	FILE *input,  *output; 
	long file_length, file_size();             /* in main.c */ 
	int c; 
	if ( ( input = fopen( *argv++, "rb" ) ) == NULL ){ 
		printf("\n%s doesn't exist ", *(argv-1)); 
		exit( 1 ); 
	output = fopen( *argv, "wb" ); 
	file_length = filelength ( fileno( input ) ); 
	put_file_length( file_length, output ); 
	initialize_model();        /* initialize the model */ 
	encode( input, output );
	printf("\nmin_cnt1 = %d ", min_cnt1 ); 
	flush_encoder( output );
	close_output( output ); 
	fclose( input ); 
	fclose( output ); 
}   /* compress */
void    uncompress( char *argv[] ) 
	FILE    *input, *output; 
	long   file_length; 
	if ( ( input = fopen( *argv++, "rb" ) ) == NULL ){
		printf("\n%s doesn't exist ", *(argv-1) );
		exit( 1 ); 
	output = fopen(*argv, "wb" ); 
	file_length = get_file_length( input );
	initialize_model();         /* initialize the model */ 
	initialize_decoder( input ); 
	decode( file_length, input, output ); 
	fclose( input ); 
	fclose( output ); 
}  /* umcompress */ 
#include    "main.c"        /* housekeeping */ 

Listing Three

/*** iodmc.fun : functions for compression and expansion */ 
#define check_mem_error( x )    if ( x == NULL ){printf("\nout of memory");\ 
									exit( 1 );} 
#define rotater( x ) { x >>= 1; if ( x == 0) x = 0x80; }  /* rotate right */ 
#define input_bit( input, x )  {                    \ 
	rotater( in_control.mask );                     \ 
	if ( in_control.mask == 0x80 ){                 \ 
		in_control.code = getc( input );            \ 
		if ( in_control.code == EOF ){              \
			printf("\nerror! out of data");        \ 
			exit( 1 );                              \ 
		}             								\ 
		if ( !(comforter++ & 0x0fff)  ){            \
			putc('.', stdout );                     \ 
			fflush( stdout );                       \ 
		}                                           \ 
	}     										    \ 
    x = in_control.mask & in_control.code ? 1 : 0 ; \ 
#define output_bit( output,  bit ) {                \ 
	if ( bit )                                      \ 
		out_control.code |= out_control.mask;  	 	\ 
	rotater( out_control.mask )     	           	\ 
	if ( out_control.mask == 0x80 ){           	 	\ 
		if ( putc( out_control.code, output ) != out_control.code ) \ 
			printf("\nfatal error in output_bit" ); \ 
		out_control.code = 0;                       \ 
		if ( !(comforter++ & 0x0fff)  ){            \ 
			putc('.', stdout );                 	\ 
			fflush( stdout );                       \ 
		}                                 	        \ 
	}                                               \ 
typedef unsigned int ui; 
typedef unsigned short  int us; 
typedef unsigned char uc; 
typedef unsigned long ul; 

typedef struct { 
	uc  mask; 
	int code; 

IO_CONTROL out_control = { 0x80, 0 }; 
IO_CONTROL  in_control  = { 0x01, 0 }; 
ui  comforter = 0; 
FILE    *gopen( char name[] ) 
	FILE    *fp; i
	if ( ( fp = fopen( name, "rb" ) ) == NULL ){ 
		printf("\n%s doesn't exist ", name );
		exit( 1 ); 
	return( fp ); 
void    output_bits( FILE *output, ul value, int count ) 
	ul p; 
	static  ui  comforter = 0; 
	p = 1L << ( count - 1 ); 
	while ( p != 0 ) { 
		if ( p & value ) 
			out_control.code |= out_control.mask;   /* non-zero bit */ 
		p >>= 1; 
		out_control.mask >>= 1; 
		if ( out_control.mask == 0 ){ 
			putc( out_control.code, output ); 
			out_control.mask = 0x80; 
			out_control.code = 0; 
			if ( !(comforter++ & 0x0fff)  ){ 
				putc('.', stdout ); 
				fflush( stdout ); 
}   /* output_bits() */ 
close_output ( FILE *output )
	if ( out_control.mask != 0x80 ) 
		putc( out_control.code, output ); 
	fclose ( output );

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