Programming Paradigms

Before continuing his examination of little languages for the Macintosh, Michael looks at a number of books devoted to HTML coding.

February 01, 1996


This month I thought I'd share my experience in looking for a good HTML book. In addition, there's the third installment in my survey of alternative programming paradigms, or "Languages That Are Not C."

I got roped into a project to develop a one-day, intensive course in HTML for raw beginners. My task was to find a text for the course, a book on which we could base the lectures. I suspected right from the start that this was either impossible or unwise. Any book that could be covered in a day would have to be pretty skimpy. A book that we could give the students for further study, sure, that might make sense, but a text for the course? I was skeptical.

Over a dozen books later, my suspicion had turned into a conviction. No book was going to work. I made the obvious proposal: that we write the class materials from scratch and not try to cut corners. Having done the research, though, I found that I was in a good position to recommend HTML books to the students. Or maybe to others. Because it occurred to me that, while some of the books I read were written for the raw beginner, some assume a level of sophistication that you would only find--well, among readers of this magazine.

So. If you sometimes get questions from people hoping to write HTML, if you occasionally write or expect to write HTML, if you have responsibility for maintaining a Web site or for maintaining in-over-their-heads Web site maintainers, or if you have noticed that everybody in the world seems to want to put up a Web page and you figure you might as well put together a course or seminar and make a buck off this madness, here's my take on the HTML books I examined.

Although I read more, I've whittled the list down to five books. There are probably good books I've left off the list, but every book on the list is worth buying. Some of these books were first published in 1994, which makes them unusably ancient. They're all good enough that their publishers should be updating them regularly, but I haven't tried to project which ones will have new 1996 editions out by the time you read this.

Quick Study

HTML Manual of Style (Ziff-Davis Press, 1994, ISBN 1-56276-300-8) is Larry Aronson's first book, and he's to be commended. The book is short (132 pages), simple, and clearly organized. By the end of the first 30 pages, he's introduced and exemplified most of the vocabulary of HTML 2.0.

Aronson gets purity points for recommending that links be incorporated into the flow of a paragraph rather than laid out in lists or detached from context ("Click HERE for my resume.") In this way he honors the hypertext intent of the Web. Incorporating links into the flow of the text works great for budding hyperfiction writers and researchers trying to smooth the footnote bumps out of their reports. I imagine, though, that we're going to see more and more violations of this design ideal as more and more people bend the Web to uses for which it was not originally intended. Aronson has good advice on the quirks of particular browsers, in particular in how they handle partial URLs.

HTML Manual of Style lacks some reference material that I'd like to see. There's no complete reference on URLs, nothing on CGI or multimedia or server issues. And the HTML tag reference could be more complete; it lists, but doesn't explain, the values for tag attributes.

Aronson uses real Web pages as examples and does real critiques on them. There are two schools of thought on examples: Some people think that only made-up examples can get across their pedagogical points, while others think that real-world examples are the best way to point out real problems. I'm with the latter group. Maybe it's because I get a perverse pleasure out of watching real people's work being picked apart. Aronson isn't cruel, but he is honest. He cites errors and evaluates their seriousness. Each of the pages he's chosen exemplifies some virtue, so most of what he has to say is positive (and useful). One of the best pages he presents is by John December. The first 30 pages of this book are the closest I got in my research to what I was looking for: a truly short course in HTML. The rest of this book is style advice and reference. A clear, well-organized HTML manual.

Massive Tome

John December and Neil Randall have produced a huge book entitled The World Wide Web Unleashed (Sams Publishing, 1994, ISBN 0-672-30617-4). It attempts to cover everything about the Web: how to connect to the Web as a user, reviews of browsers, a tour of Web sites, HTML, and the future of electronic commerce. The book is 1058 pages long; nearly 100 pages of that is appendices, and these are nearly all links to useful sites. These sites are the most important part of the book. John December, well known on the Web for his lists of resources and informed commentary, wrote the HTML and Web-development sections. Randall and several others joined December in writing the less technical material.

I guess I'll give the authors purity points for wondering why Web browsers make it possible to print out pages. Larry Aronson knows one answer that should be obvious to December and Randall: so that you can produce decent examples of Web pages in a book on Web-page design.

HTML is covered in the broader context of designing Web pages. It's not concise, but it's solid. There is nothing substantial on CGI or multimedia, and there is no comprehensive URL reference--surprising in a book this fat.

The book is way fatter than it needs to be: The authors are not concise, the very useflinks in the appendices belong on a disk or a disc or a Website, and some of the chapters are merely informed or interesting speculation. Nevertheless, there is a lot of good information here, and if you are your company's Web guru, you probably will appreciate having it on your shelf.

No Nonsense

Mary E.S. Morris takes a no-nonsense approach to her subject. Her HTML for Fun and Profit (Prentice Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-359290-1) jumps right into the details of setting up a server. By the time she gets through with that, she has probably weeded out the people who just want to mark up documents and has narrowed down her readership to people capable of and willing to take on the whole process of creating and publishing Web pages.

This 264-page book has more information on the specific topic of relative URLs than any book I've looked at. I'd picked this topic deliberately as one benchmark of completeness. The coverage Morris provides would be very useful if you were setting up a site that you might later need to move to another machine, or that you might want to mirror.

Morris's coverage of server includes and CGI scripting is strong. She gives a good introduction for UNIX, Mac, and NT systems and provides a number of useful Perl scripts. As for HTML specifically, the coverage is good. The reference table on HTML tags doesn't indicate permissible nesting, which some of the other books are clear about. Her discussion of forms is clear and seems exhaustive. This is a good book for people setting up and running Web servers.

Charting a Course

Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML in a Week (Sams Publishing, 1995, ISBN 0-672-30667-0) is the first of two books on HTML by Laura LeMay. The second, which I haven't seen, is Teach Yourself More Web Publishing with HTML in a Week. Now, here is a book (two, actually) obviously designed for a course. And, equally obviously, not for a one-day course. LeMay's 403-page book implicitly makes the case that the one-day intensive course is a bad idea. If it takes her a week (or two) and she's bragging about it, well.... I found several of the things that I was looking for specifically. Her HTML reference indicates the permissible nesting of tags, and hers is the only book that contained what I considered a sufficiently thoughtful discussion of the pros and cons of lumping apparently separate pages into one file, linked using named anchors.

LeMay gives a lot of design advice, including a discussion of storyboarding. Her URL reference includes the specification for the URL for nonanonymous ftp, which is rare in HTML books. She has good advice on URLs, such as when not to use File URLs. She gives an overview of CGI scripting and imagemaps. Possibly she gets into these subjects more deeply in week two.

LeMay is of the made-up-examples school. It works well for her. This is a good course book and a good reference; although I don't think I'd call it "the most complete HTML reference I have seen" as the cover blurb does.

Duke of URLs

It's probably foolish to talk about "the most complete HTML reference I have seen," since I'm sure I'll see three or four more by the time this column sees print. Nonetheless, if I were to nominate a most complete, it would probably be Ian Graham's HTML Sourcebook (John Wiley & Sons, 1995, ISBN 0-471-11849-4). This 416-page book is an introduction to, and reference for, HTML, URLs, HTTP, and CGI scripting.

The HTML coverage is clear and readable. I found most of the things I was looking for. The coverage of URLs is the best I've seen. Like LeMay, Graham gives the URL for nonanonymous ftp; his discussion of Gopher URLs suggests, as the other books don't, that you might actually want to support the Gopher protocol. He also discusses the rlogin URL, personal directories using the tilde character, and fragment reference using the # character. His is the only book in which I could find out what to do with a filename that includes a forward slash.

The discussion of CGI scripting is mostly an overview with links to tools. There is a good chapter on the HTTP protocol, and an appendix on MIME.

Potion for the C-Sick

The rest of this column is the third installment in my ongoing look at alternative programming paradigms.

These tend to be embodied in little languages, sometimes in the Jon Bentley sense and sometimes in the sense of a pared-down, single-author implementation of a paradigm that typically tromps a bigger footprint on the disk. Tiny Ada, as it were. As it is, in fact, although not this month. What I'm looking for when I look at these little languages is what makes the paradigm distinctive, and the state of its health. My interest is not in the merits of the paradigms or of the implementation so much as in their distinctiveness and their chances for survival in the Darwinian struggle. I confess that this comes out of a blind, a priori faith in the value of diversity. Save the paradigmatic rain forest, that's my motto.

Rewriting ReWrite

Roy Ward ([email protected]) has written an interesting little language called "ReWrite." It runs only on the Macintosh, requiring at least a 68020 and System 7.0, and will run in emulation on a PowerMac. It is a compiled language, and the ReWrite compiler is written in ReWrite. ReWrite is interesting specifically as a testbed for exploring the rewrite-rule programming paradigm.

Programming using rewrite-rule syntax is usually encountered in functional languages like Haskell, ML, Miranda, Clean, or in the functional mode of Mathematica. When you use ReWrite, you feel as though you're using one of these functional languages. You define functions with rewrite rules. Example 1(a) is the definition of the factorial function in ReWrite. The basic syntax is a list of rules specifying a transformation; see Example 1(b). You can add conditions (or guards) to these rules; Example 1(c) is that factorial function in a more-robust form. The modification inside the brackets specifies a condition for the match to take place, and the one outside the brackets specifies an additional condition (beyond the match) that must be satisfied for the rule to apply. More precisely, these two forms of rule syntax are as in Example 1(d), where name is a token, patterns is zero or more patterns separated by commas, condition is an expression, and results is zero or more expressions separated by commas. A pattern can be a constant (optionally coerced to a type), a token (which matches any single value, optionally conditioned to a type), or a list or portion of a list of values. The list representation is somewhat Lisp-like, and allows ReWrite to define core Lisp functions, as in Example 1(e).

As is the case with proper functional languages, these functions don't have side effects (other than obvious ones like screen output).

No Garbage

But underneath the rewrite syntax, ReWrite is working in an applicative way. That is, the code is fully compiled and there is no eval mechanism, no garbage collection, and no other complicated memory management. Functions clean up after themselves, including all the list-processing functions. And code compiles to "moderately efficient" 68020/68030 machine code. Ward presents an example program in ReWrite and Pascal to find the nth prime. In one test, nprime [2000] takes 32 ticks in Pascal and 134 ticks in ReWrite. This isn't bad, surely, for a language implementation designed for exploratory purposes and only in an early rev, but it does require a lot of explicit typing of variables. A naive ReWrite version of this program is a lot slower.

On the other hand, ReWrite is a lot faster than Mathematica, which has a similar syntax. The reason is that Mathematica is interpreted, and ReWrite is strictly compiled. And Mathematica costs money, while ReWrite is freeware.

On the third through fifth hands, Mathematica is a robust, professional, supported product that runs on many platforms, and a major new version of Mathematica is due out imminently. I hope to write about it soon.

Example 1: Using ReWrite.

factorial [0] -> 1;

factorial [n] -> n * factorial [n-1];

rule [pattern] -> result;

factorial [0] -> 1;

factorial [n : int] :: n>0 -> n * factorial [n-1];

name [patterns] -> results;

name [patterns] :: condition -> results;

car [ {x, . rest} ] -> x;

cdr [ {x, . rest} ] -> rest;

cons [ x, rest ] -> {x, . rest};

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