Script Junkie | REBOL Bots

Over the past two decades, my search for the perfect scripting language led me to work with companies such as HP, Amiga, and Apple. In that time, I investigated more than 50 different languages, from Ada to C, from Pascal to Lisp. I wanted a language that was very simple and readable with almost no syntax, yet very flexible with a wide degree of expressive freedom.

January 01, 2002

   Title:  "Example Script"
   Date:   20-July-1999
   File:   %example.r
   Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
   Email:  [email protected]
   Purpose: "Show an example header"
   Title:  "Scan Web Sites"
   Date:   20-June-1999
   Purpose: "Scan web sites for keywords"

user: [email protected]

web-sites: []

keywords: ["robot" "agent" "filter"]

foreach site web-sites [
   page: read join http:// site
   foreach item keywords [
      if find page item [send user page  break]





   Title: "Mail Summary"
   Date:  4-June-1999
   Purpose: {
      Creates an HTML file that summarizes
      the email in your inbox.

html: make string! 10000

emit: func [data] [append html reduce data]

emit [
   <H2>"Mailbox Summary for " now</H2>

inbox: read pop://user:[email protected]

foreach message inbox [
   mail: import-email message
   emit [
      <td> first mail/from </td>
      <td> mail/date </td>
      <td> mail/subject </td>
      <td> length? mail/content </td>

emit [</table><p></body></html>]

write %inbox.html html  ; the % indicates a filename

forward [email protected]

forward "urgent"

list %docs

send %docs/letter.txt

delete %docs/salaries.html

   Title: "Download Web Page Links"
   Purpose: {
      Save items of a particular variety
      (images, MP3s, etc.) from a web site.

system/schemes/default/timeout:  0:10

start:  "archives_content.html"
suffix: ".html"

save-dir: %savedir
tags: make block! 100  ; list of tags

page: read join site start

parse page [
   to "<" some [
      copy tag ["<" thru ">"] 
      (append tags tag) | to "<"

web-link-rules: [
   "<A" thru "HREF="
   [{"} copy link to {"} | copy link to ">"]
   to end

foreach tag tags [
   if all [
      parse tag web-link-rules
      not find link http://
      find link suffix
      file: second split-path to-url link
      if not exists? file [
         print ["Retrieving: " link]
         write/binary save-dir/:file read/binary site/:link
send [email protected] append "pass-email^/" mold [

   forward [email protected]

   list %docs

   send %docs/letter.txt

   delete %docs/salaries.html

   Title: "Micro Web Server"
   Date:  24-June-1999
   Purpose: "A web server for HTML and images only"

   web-dir: %web-pages

   listen-port: open/lines tcp://:80  ; port used for web connections

   errors: [
      400 "Forbidden" "No permission to access:"
      404 "Not Found" "File was not found:"

   send-error: function [err-num file] [err] [
      err: find errors err-num
      insert http-port form ["HTTP/1.0" 
         err-num err/2 "^/Content-type: text/html^/^/" 
         <HTML> <TITLE> err/2 </TITLE>
         "<BODY><H1>SERVER ERROR</H1><P>REBOL Webserver Error:"
         err/3 file newline <P> </BODY> </HTML>

   send-page: func [data mime] [
      insert data rejoin ["HTTP/1.0 200 OK^/Content-type: " mime "^/^/"]
      write-io http-port data length? data

   while [on] [
      http-port: first wait listen-port
      request: first http-port
      file: "index.html"
      mime: "text/plain"
      parse request ["get" ["http" | "/ " | copy file to " "]]
      parse file [thru "." [
            "html" (mime: "text/html") |
            "gif"  (mime: "image/gif") |
            "jpg"  (mime: "image/jpeg")
   any [
      if not exists? web-dir/:file [send-error 404 file]
      if error? try [data: read/binary web-dir/:file] [send-error 400 file]
      send-page data mime
   close http-port
parse file [
   "time" (send-page form now mime) |
   "dir" "+" copy name thru end
      (send-page read to-file append name "/") |
   "del" "+" copy name thru end
      (delete to-file name
      send-page "file deleted" mime) |
   "read" ["+" copy name thru end
      (send-page read name)] |
    "mail?" (mail-port: open pop://user:pass@server
      send-page reform [length? mail-port "new messages"] mime
      close mail-port) |
   thru "." [
      "html" (mime: "text/html") |
      "gif"  (mime: "image/gif") |
      "jpg"  (mime: "image/jpeg")
   ] (any [
      if not exists? web-dir/:file [send-error 404 file]
      if error? try [data: read/binary web-dir/:file] [
         send-error 400 file]
      send-page data mime

REBOL [Title: "Remote Email Agent"]

   users: [[email protected] [email protected]]
   password: "pass-email"
   stop-time: now + 12:00
   prior-len: 0

   do-ops: func [ops user mailbox /local action] [
      foreach [op arg] ops [
         action: select [
            forward [
               if string? arg [
                  foreach mail mailbox [
                     if find mail arg [send user mail]
               if email? arg [
                  foreach mail mailbox [
                     msg: import-email mail
                     if arg = first msg/from [send user mail]
            list [send user read arg]
            send [send user read arg]
            delete [delete arg]
            quit [quit]
         ] op
         either action [do action][
            send user join "bad op: " op

   while [now < stop-time] [
      mailbox: read pop://user:[email protected]

      foreach msg skip mailbox prior-len [
         msg: import-email msg
         from: first msg/from
         if all [
            find users from
            msg/subject = password
            ops: try [load msg/content]
            either error? ops [
               send from join "Error: " msg/content
               do-ops ops from mailbox
      prior-len: length? mailbox
      wait 0:10

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