TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95

The good news is that every new version of Windows provides new API functions. The bad news is that if you use these new functions, your code probably won't work anymore. This article provides backwardly compatible implementations of TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend(), two of the more useful new Windows functions.

September 01, 2001

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95

Every new version of Windows provides new and improved API functions. The problem is, if you take advantage of those improvements, then your code no longer runs on older versions of Windows. This article provides backwardly compatible implementations of two of the more useful newer Windows functions: TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend().

The source code I’ll be discussing is in gdiu.h (Listing 1) and gdiu.c (Listing 2). Complete source code is in this month’s code archive.


There is probably no area where the problem of backward compatibility is more frustrating than graphics. A number of highly useful functions (and some I am yet to see a use for) have crept in over the years, enough so that when I started work on a paint package for my employer, my first question was, “Are we targeting Windows 95 machines?” Well, I’m glad he said “yes,” only because of the things I learned in writing replacements for what I consider the two staple functions introduced in Windows 98: TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend(). The purpose of this article is to provide you with replacements for these functions, so you can use them and still support Windows 95 and hopefully learn some cool tricks as you examine how they do their stuff.


I’ll start with TransparentBlt() because it is the easiest. To avoid conflict with the GDI function, I have called my variation TransparentBltU(), where the “U” stands for “Universal.” When I set out to write this function, I started by copying the prototype from MSDN, so it is exactly the same as the GDI version. It looks like this:

bool TransparentBltU(
HDC dcDest,         // handle to Dest DC
int nXOriginDest,   // x-coord of dest upper-left corner
int nYOriginDest,   // y-coord of dest upper-left corner
int nWidthDest,     // width of destination rectangle
int nHeightDest,    // height of destination rectangle
HDC dcSrc,          // handle to source DC
int nXOriginSrc,    // x-coord of source upper-left corner
int nYOriginSrc,    // y-coord of source upper-left corner
int nWidthSrc,      // width of source rectangle
int nHeightSrc,     // height of source rectangle
UINT crTransparent  // color to make transparent

TransparentBltU() takes a handle to the destination device context, four integers corresponding to the top-left corner and width/height of the area to copy to, a handle and four integers providing the same details of the source, and a UINT, which comes from the RGB macro to provide the color to mask out. This means one call can specify an area you want to draw and draw it into an area that need not have the same dimensions, excluding pixels of the specified color. Internally, this is achieved by stretching the source area to the same dimensions as the destination before going through the masking process.

What follows is an explanation of how the masking process works. Figure 1 and Figure 2 are both images of my daughter, Hannah. You’ll notice that Figure 2 has a mask drawn around her. I propose to use this mask to draw her, without the background, onto Figure 2, giving the illusion of twins. To do this, I use a very helpful feature of BitBlt(). A device context has a text color and a background color. The background color is the color of the bounding box drawn if you draw text into a device context in OPAQUE mode. However, if you first select a one-bit HBITMAP into the device context before you draw an image into it, every pixel that corresponds to the background color will be drawn white; the rest will be black. This means I can easily create a black and white mask to use in merging my two images. This can be seen in Figure 3.

Now by using the SRCAND raster operation, I can apply a Boolean AND to draw the mask back over the source image, which leaves me with black pixels in the place of our mask, as shown in Figure 4. Note, I could eliminate this step if I enforced the need for the transparent color to be black. This, and the stretching code, leaves good room for some obvious optimization if you need to make the code faster for any reason, at the loss of some flexibility.

It is at this point in the code that the mask and image are stretched to accommodate the new dimensions. I then use the SRCAND raster op again, this time to draw the black mask onto the destination image where my final image will be (Figure 5), and finally use SRCPAINT with the source image over the destination (Figure 6). SRCPAINT combines the colors of source and destination using a boolean OR, meaning that the pixels that are not black (off) in the source get merged to the destination. This works because the pixels left behind would, if combined, create a black square, so no pixels are actually merged, but only the pixels I want are copied across verbatim.


Alphablending basically blends the source and destination bitmap, by assigning a weight to each, in the range of 0-255, where 0 means the destination pixel should be left as is (no matter what the source pixel is), 127 means that the destination pixel should be an equal blend of its original value and that of the corresponding source pixel, and 255 means that the destination pixel should just get set to the source pixel.

Alphablending lets you fade in bitmaps, create fogging effects, etc. I have also provided a function called AlphaBlendCK(), (CK = Color Key), which mixes this technique with the previous idea, letting you specify a mask color, although you’ll see this is much easier to do when you’re forced to step through the bitmap bits anyhow! By the end of this, it should be trivial for you to implement an additional function that takes a handle to another bitmap and uses its values to apply alpha values that vary per pixel. Traditionally, such values are stored in the fourth (or alpha) channel, but apart from Windows Paint, no paint packages really support 32-bit bitmaps, so it would make more sense to pass the values in through a different bitmap or a geometric function (for example, to provide soft edges and a circular bitmap).

The function prototype differs from GDI’s AlphaBlend() and looks like this:

bool AlphaBlendCK(HDC dcDest, int x, int y,
   int cx, int cy, HDC dcSrc, int sx, int sy,
   int scx, int scy, int alpha)

The form is similar to TransparentBlt(), but instead of a mask color, you provide an alpha value. AlphaBlendCK() takes a color reference as an extra parameter. I am again able to use this function to simultaneously stretch the source image. In all three cases, it is wise to check the return value, as StretchBlt() will return false if it is asked to stretch the image too far, and this result is passed back to indicate failure. According to the MSDN, it was intended to limit StretchBlt(), but it was accidentally limited more than was originally the idea. In practice, I have found a magnification of more than 16 to cause failure. In your own code, I suggest using a temporary HDC to hold a median stage and doing multiple StretchBlt()’s to get a higher magnification if needed.

As you may or may not be aware, there are three types of Windows bitmaps: a device dependant bitmap, which is accessed through a HBITMAP and can be selected into a device context; a device independent bitmap, which cannot be selected into a device context for GDI functionality; and a DIBSection, which has both a HBITMAP and a BYTE*, the latter providing direct access to the bitmap bits. To access the bits of the incoming bitmap, I create a same size DIBSection, select it into a device context, and copy the source bitmap onto it. In this manner, I can control the bit depth of the image and access the bits directly. Note that the bytes represent lines of the bitmap going from left to right, bottom to top. Note also that when I step through the bits, Windows stores the image colors in blue, green, red order (not red, green, blue).

The heart of my blending function looks like this:

for (int j = 0; j < cy; ++j)
LPBYTE pbDestRGB= (LPBYTE)&((DWORD*)pDestBits)[j * cx];
LPBYTE pbSrcRGB = (LPBYTE)&((DWORD*)pSrcBits)[j * cx];
    for (int i = 0; i < cx; ++i)
        pbSrcRGB[0]=(pbDestRGB[0] * (255-alpha)
            + pbSrcRGB[0] * alpha)>>8;
        pbSrcRGB[1]=(pbDestRGB[1] * (255-alpha)
            + pbSrcRGB[1] * alpha)>>8;
        pbSrcRGB[2]=(pbDestRGB[2] * (255-alpha)
            + pbSrcRGB[2] * alpha)>>8;
        pbSrcRGB += 4;
        pbDestRGB += 4;

j represents the y axis; i represents the x axis. The two pointers declared inside the first loop point to the lines; then I use pointer arithmetic to step through them four pixels at a time. (I made the bitmaps 32-bit, so there are four BYTEs per pixel.) This leaves the design open for use of an alpha channel if desired, although it would be just as easy to create another DIBSection from a mask bitmap and then use its colors to specify the value currently set by the constant “alpha.” To add masking, I simply use the GetRValue(), GetGValue(), and GetBValue() macros to find the components of the COLORREF passed in and then compare them to the pixels and, if they match, copy the pixel across verbatim instead of blending. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show two alphablended images, one using a mask color, the second not.

Having gained access to the pixel bits, filters such as lightness, contrast, color levels, gamma, and greyscale are simple and obvious to apply. Spatial filters like embossing, sharpen, smooth, etc. take a bit more work. They all take the same basic form though, that of a 3 x 3 (or 5 x 5, if you like ) matrix, a divisor, and an additive. The end result looks like this:

Pixel [x,y] = (pixel [x - 1, y -1]
            + pixel [x, y-1]
            + pixel[x, y+1]
            + pixel[x-1,y]
            + pixel[x,y]
            + pixel[x+1,y]
            + pixel[x-1,y+1]
            + pixel[x,y+1]
            + pixel[x+1, y+1])
            /divisor + additive.

As you can see, this requires a little more work with the pointers and also leaves the outer square of pixels inaccessible. What makes it work is that each of the nine matrix values is given a weight, so, for example, an emboss gives all the values a zero weight except the ones above and below the x,y position, with a divisor of two. Then an additive of 128 is used to stop the image from being too dark, or a smooth gives every matrix position a weight of one, and the divisor is set to nine, resulting in an average value used based on surrounding pixels (which logically results in smoothing). Obviously, filters are outside the scope of this article, but the possibilities are opened by the techniques I have discussed, so I hope by arming you with some basic information, I can encourage you to experiment further and hopefully find something exciting as you do so.

If you download this month’s source code from the WDJ website, you will find an example project, which illustrates the use of these functions and also shows you the steps taken by TransparentBltU(), as shown also in the examples here.


We have seen in this article that GDI offers a number of advanced functions not common to all 32-bit Windows varieties, but with a little digging “under the hood” we can successfully simulate these functions and provide a basis to use them without losing compatibility with earlier Windows variants.

Christian Graus has been programming computers since his first Apple ][, about 16 years ago. Currently, he is working on a paint package and contributing to a 3-D design program called ViewBuild, as well as various personal projects.

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 1

Figure 1: Image to be modified

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 2

Figure 2: Image to add to Figure 1

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 3

Figure 3: Black and white mask from Figure 2

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 4

Figure 4: Black mask version of Figure 2

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 5

Figure 5: SRCAND of Figure 1 and Figure 3

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 6

Figure 6: SRCPAINT of Figure 4 and Figure 5

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 7

Figure 7: Alphablend without mask color

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Figure 8

Figure 8: Alphablend with mask color

September 2001/TransparentBlt() and AlphaBlend() for Windows 95/Listing 1

Listing 1: gdiu.h — Interface to TransparentBltU() and alphablend functions

bool TransparentBltU(
     HDC dcDest,         // handle to Dest DC
     int nXOriginDest,   // x-coord of destination upper-left corner
     int nYOriginDest,   // y-coord of destination upper-left corner
     int nWidthDest,     // width of destination rectangle
     int nHeightDest,    // height of destination rectangle
     HDC dcSrc,          // handle to source DC
     int nXOriginSrc,    // x-coord of source upper-left corner
     int nYOriginSrc,    // y-coord of source upper-left corner
     int nWidthSrc,      // width of source rectangle
     int nHeightSrc,     // height of source rectangle
     UINT crTransparent  // color to make transparent

bool AlphaBlendU(HDC dcDest, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
                 HDC dcSrc, int sx, int sy, int scx, int scy,
                 int alpha);

bool AlphaBlendCK(HDC dcDest, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
                  HDC dcSrc, int sx, int sy, int scx, int scy,
                  int alpha, COLORREF rgbMask);
//End of File

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