ISO Considers OOXML-ODF "Harmonization"

The contentious decision to adopt OOXML as a standard has the ISO looking for ways to heal the wounds.

April 11, 2008

Last week's decision by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to adopt OOXML as a standard was marred by accusations of irregularity in the voting within various national standards bodies, and on Wednesday led to a protest in Oslo. The protest was led by Steve Pepper, the former chairman of Standards Norway, who resigned that seat in protest over the alleged voting improprieties.

The ISO has now convened three committees, two to deal with OOXML, and one specifically tasked with addressing issues of OOXML-Open Document Format (ODF) interoperability.

The move is unlikely to mollify the members of standards bodies in several countries who claim their problems with OOXML were not addressed sufficiently, and that Microsoft exerted local influence over the voting, in some cases allegedly disenfranchising the members of those organizations opposed to OOXML.

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