Oh Hey, It's A Rails 3 Beta

It's been well over a year since the Ruby on Rails and Merb teams announced that the projects would merge for the upcoming Rails 3 release. Like most of you, I haven't been closely tracking the progress on a regular basis. Fortunately, a number of my friends and colleagues have been much more involved, contributing to and tracking the progress of the effort.

From an outsider point of view, watching their updates and conversations, I've seen a mixture of intense enthusiasm about the overall project direction along with pessimism about the sheer amount of code that's been rewritten or replaced. None of this is surprising of course; merging two well-loved web frameworks into one entity while undertaking a major architectural overhaul is not a task to be trivialized :).

In any case, here we are, February of 2010, and we finally have a Rails 3 beta release, something maybe not quite finished but fully usable -- a snapshot of what the next evolution of the premier Ruby web framework will look like.

February 05, 2010

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