Five Questions With Dmitri Klementiev

Dmitri Klementiev tests software at Microsoft. No, he develops software for Microsoft. No, he tests software for Microsoft. I'm confused.

Oh, I get it: Dmitri is the type of tester for whom Microsoft originally coined the title Software Development Engineer in Test: he spends his days developing software to help other testers better do their job. In Dmitri's case this has largely meant putting massive amounts of time into developing the tool many Microsoft testers use to automate their drive-my-application's-user-interface test cases. Dmitri's Doctorate Of Mathematics and experience in mathematical and computer modeling seems to be holding him in good stead as he navigates the intricacies of automating the user interfaces of Microsoft's many different applications and operating systems.

Here is what Dmitri has to say:

September 14, 2008

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