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How Non-Member Functions Improve Encapsulation

In addition, this approach is extensible. When the declarations for the functions making up a class's interface are spread across multiple header files, it becomes natural for clients creating application-specific sets of convenience functions to cluster those functions into a new header file and to #include that file as appropriate. In other words, to treat the application-specific convenience functions just like they treat the convenience functions provided by the author of the class. This is as it should be. After all, they're all just convenience functions.

Minimalness and Encapsulation

In Effective C++, I argued for class interfaces that are complete and minimal. Such interfaces allow class clients to do anything they might reasonably want to do, but classes contain no more member functions than are absolutely necessary. Adding functions beyond the minimum necessary to let clients get their jobs done, I wrote, decreases the class's comprehensibility and maintainability, plus it increases compilation times for clients. Jack Reeves has written that the addition of member functions beyond those truly required violates the open/closed principle, yields fat class interfaces, and ultimately leads to software rot. That's a fair number of arguments for minimizing the number of member functions in a class, but now we have an additional reason: failure to do so decreases a class's encapsulation.

Of course, a minimal class interface is not necessarily the best interface. I remarked in Effective C++ that adding functions beyond those truly necessary may be justifiable if it significantly improves the performance of the class, makes the class easier to use, or prevents likely client errors. Based on his work with various string-like classes, Jack Reeves has observed that some functions just don't "feel" right when made non-members, even if they could be non-friend non-members. The "best" interface for a class can be found only by balancing many competing concerns, of which the degree of encapsulation is but one.

Still, the lesson of this article should be clear. Conventional wisdom notwithstanding, use of non-friend non-member functions improves a class's encapsulation, and a preference for such functions over member functions makes it easier to design and develop classes with interfaces that are complete and minimal (or close to minimal). Arguments about the naturalness of the resulting calling syntax are generally unfounded, and adoption of a predilection for non-friend non-member functions leads to packaging strategies for a class's interface that minimize client compilation dependencies while maximizing the number of convenience functions available to them.

It's time to abandon the traditional, but inaccurate, ideas of what it means to be object-oriented. Are you a true encapsulation believer? If so, I know you'll embrace non-friend non-member functions with the fervor they deserve.


Thanks to Arun Kundu for asking the question that led to this article. Thanks also to Jack Reeves, Herb Sutter, Dave Smallberg, Andrei Alexandrescu, Bruce Eckel, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Andrew Koenig for comments on pre-publication drafts that weren't as good as they should have been. (That's why they were drafts.) Finally, great thanks to Adela Novak for organizing the C++ seminars in Lucerne (Switzerland) that led to the many hours on planes and trains that allowed me to write the initial draft of this article.

Scott Meyers is a recognized authority on C++; he provides consulting services to clients worldwide. He is the author of Effective C++, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 1998), More Effective C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1996), and Effective C++ CD (Addison-Wesley, 1999). Scott received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Brown University in 1993.

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