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The Byzantine Generals Problem


This agreement problem doesn't lend itself to an easy solution. Imagine, for example, that the source process is the only faulty process. It tells half the processes that the value of their order is 0, and the other half that their value is 1.

After receiving the order from the source process, the remaining processes have to agree on a value that they will all decide on. The processes could quickly poll one another to see what value they received from the source process.

In this scenario, imagine the decision algorithm of a process that receives an initial message of 0 from the source process, but sees that one of the other processes says that the correct value is 1. Given the conflict, the process knows that either the source process is faulty, having given different values to two different peers, or the peer is faulty, and is lying about the value it received from the source process.

It's fine to reach the conclusion that someone is lying, but making a final decision on who is the traitor seems to be an insurmountable problem. And in fact, it can be proven that it is impossible to decide in some cases. The classic example used to show this is when there are only three processes: One source process and two peer processes.

In the configurations in Figures 1 and 2, the peer processes attempt to reach consensus by sending each other their proposed value after receiving it from the source process. In Figure 1, the source process (P1) is faulty, sending two different values to the peers. In Figure 2, P3 is faulty, sending an incorrect value to the peer.

Figure 1: The case in which the source process is faulty.

Figure 2: The case in which P3 is faulty.

You can see the difficulty P2 faces in this situation. Regardless of which configuration it is in, the incoming data is the same. P2 has no way to distinguish between the two configurations, and no way to know which of the two other processes to trust.

This situation doesn't necessarily get better just by throwing more nonfaulty processes at the problem. A naïve algorithm (as in Figures 1 and 2) would have each process tell every other process what it received from P1. A process would decide the correct decision by simple majority.

It's relatively easy to show that, regardless of how many processes are in the system. A subversive source process with one collaborator can cause half the processes to choose to attack, and half the processes to retreat, leading to maximum confusion.

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