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Sharing Is the Root of All Contention

Stepping Back: A Perspective on Symptoms vs. Causes

I frequently see assertions like these, which are basically correct but focus attention on symptoms rather than on the root cause:

  • "Taking an exclusive lock kills scalability."
  • "Compare-and-swap kills scalability."

Yes, using locks and CAS incurs waiting and overhead expenses, but those all arise from the root cause of having a mutable shared object at all. Once we have a mutable shared object, we have to have some sort of concurrency control to prevent races where two writers corrupt the shared object's bits; instead of trying to get exclusive use of each individual byte of an object, we typically employ a mutex that conveniently stands for the object(s) it protects and synchronize on that instead; and mutexes in turn are ultimately built on CAS operations. Alternatively, we might bypass mutexes and directly use CAS operations in lock-free code. Whichever road we take, we end up in the same place and ultimately have to pay the CAS tax and all the other costs of synchronizing memory. And, as we saw in column C, even in a race we'd still have real contention in hardware and degraded performance — for no other reason than that we're writing to a shared object.

I wouldn't say "locks kill scalability" or "CAS kills scalability" for the same reason I wouldn't say something like "Stop signs and traffic lights kill throughput." The underlying problem that throttles throughput is having a shared patch of pavement that requires different users to acquire exclusive access; once you have that, you need some way to control the sharing, especially in the presence of attempted concurrent access. [11] So, once again, it's sharing that kills scalability, the ability to increase throughput using more concurrent workers -- whether we're sharing "the file," "the object," or "the patch of pavement." Even having to ask for "the crayon" kills scalability for a family's artistic output as we get more and more little artists.


Sharing is the root cause of all contention, and it is an enemy of scalability. In all of the cases listed at the outset, the act of sharing a resource forces its users to wait idly and to incur overhead costs -- and, often enough, somebody ends up crying. Much the same drama plays out whether it's because kids both want the one blue crayon at the same time, processes steal a shared CPU's cycles or evict each other's data from a shared cache, or threads possibly retry work and are forced to ping-pong the queue's memory as only one processor can have exclusive access at a time. Some of the costs are visible in our high-level code; others are invisible and hidden in lower layers of our software or hardware, though equally significant.

Prefer isolation: Make resources private and unshared, where possible; sometimes duplicating resources is the answer, like providing an extra crayon or a copy of an object or an additional core. Otherwise, prefer immutability: Make shared resources immutable, where possible, so that no concurrency control is required and no contention arises. Finally, use mutable shared state when you can't avoid it, but understand that it's fundamentally an enemy of scalability and minimize touching it in performance-sensitive code including inner loops. Avoid false sharing by making sure that objects that should be usable concurrently by different threads stay on different cache lines.

On Deck

The fact that sharing is the root cause of contention and an enemy of scalability adds impetus to pursuing isolation. Next month, we'll look at the question of isolation in more detail as we turn to the topic of the correct use of threads (hint: threads should try hard to communicate only through messages). Stay tuned.


Thanks to Joe Duffy for his comments and data on this topic.


[1] For details on wait-free vs. lock-free vs. obstruction-free algorithms, see: M. Herlihy. "Obstruction-Free Synchronization: Double-Ended Queues as an Example" (Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2003). Available at http://www.cs.brown.edu/~mph/HerlihyLM03/main.pdf.

[2] H. Sutter. "Use Critical Sections (Preferably Locks) to Eliminate Races" (Dr. Dobb's Journal, 32(10), October 2007). Available online at http://www.ddj.com/cpp/201804238.

[3] H. Sutter. "Apply Critical Sections Consistently" (Dr. Dobb's Journal, 32(11), November 2007). Available online at http://www.ddj.com/hpc-high-performance-computing/202401098.

[4] For simplicity I'm going to talk about the way caches tend to operate on mainstream desktop and server hardware, but there's a lot of variety out there.

[5] H. Sutter. "Maximize Locality, Minimize Contention." (Dr. Dobb's Journal, 33(6), June 2008.) Available online at http://www.ddj.com/architect/208200273.

[6] For added fun, imagine the synchronization involved in adding two more levels to the memory hierarchy: having a server containing some system-wide RAM and several "blades," where each blade contains two or four Dunnington chips and additional cache or RAM that is local to the processors on that blade.

[7] H. Sutter "Measuring Parallel Performance: Optimizing a Concurrent Queue" (Dr. Dobb's Journal, 34(1), January 2009). Available online at http://www.ddj.com/cpp/211800538.

[8] J. Duffy and E. Essey. "Parallel LINQ: Running Queries On Multi-Core Processors" (MSDN Magazine, October 2007).

[9] Joe Duffy, personal communication.

[10] P. McKenney and R. Silvera. "Example POWER Implementation for C/C++ Memory Model" (ISO/IEC C++ committee paper JTC1/SC22/WG21/N2745, August 2008). Available online at http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2008/n2745.html.

[11] I find it useful to compare a mutable shared object to the patch of pavement in an intersection. You don't want timing "races" because they result in program crashes. Sharing requires control: Locks are like stop signs or traffic lights. Wait-free code is often like building a cloverleaf -- it can eliminate some contention by removing direct sharing (sometimes by duplicating resources), at the cost of more elaborate architecture and more space and pavement (that you won't always have room for), and paying very careful attention to getting the timing right as you automatically merge the cars on and off the freeway (which can be brittle and have occasional disastrous consequences if you don't get it right).

[12] As this article was going to press, Joe Duffy posted a nice overview of some of the issues of reader/writer mutexes: J. Duffy. "Reader/writer locks and their (lack of) applicability to fine-grained synchronization" (Blog post, February 2009). Available online at http://www.bluebytesoftware.com/blog/default,date,2009-02-11.aspx.

Herb is a bestselling author and consultant on software development topics, and a software architect at Microsoft. He can be contacted at www.gotw.ca.

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