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STL Algorithms vs. Hand-Written Loops

Once you puzzle this out, you might come up with the following:

deque<double>::iterator insertLocation =

// update insertLocation each time
// insert is called to keep the iterator valid,
// then increment it
for (size_t i = 0; i < numDoubles; ++i) {
  insertLocation =
    d.insert(insertLocation, data[i] + 41);

This code finally does what you want, but think about how much work it took to get here! Compare that to the following call to transform:

// copy all elements from data to the
// front of d, adding 41 to each
transform(data, data + numDoubles,
          inserter(d, d.begin()),
          bind2nd(plus<int>(), 41));

The “bind2nd(plus<int>(), 41)” might take you a couple of minutes to get right (especially if you don't use STL's binders very often), but the only iterator-related worries you have are specifying the beginning and end of the source range (which was never a problem) and being sure to use inserter as the beginning of the destination range. In practice, figuring out the correct initial iterators for source and destination ranges is usually easy, or at least a lot easier than making sure the body of a loop doesn't inadvertently invalidate an iterator you need to keep using.

This example is representative of a broad class of loops that are difficult to write correctly, because you have to be on constant alert for iterators that are incorrectly manipulated or are invalidated before you're done using them. Given that using invalidated iterators leads to undefined behavior, and given that undefined behavior has a nasty habit of failing to show itself during development and testing, why run the risk if you don't have to? Turn the iterators over to the algorithms, and let them worry about the vagaries of iterator manipulation.

I've explained why algorithms can be more efficient than hand-written loops, and I've described why such loops must navigate a thicket of iterator-related difficulties that algorithms avoid. With luck, you are now an algorithm believer. Yet luck is fickle, and I'd prefer a more secure conviction before I rest my case. Let us therefore move on to the issue of code clarity. In the long run, the best software is the clearest software, the software that is easiest to understand, the software that can most readily be enhanced, maintained, and molded to fit new circumstances. The familiarity of loops notwithstanding, algorithms have an advantage in this long-term competition.

The key to their edge is the power of a known vocabulary. There are some 70 algorithm names in the STL — a total of over 100 different function templates, once overloading is taken into account. Each of those algorithms carries out some well-defined task, and it is reasonable to expect professional C++ programmers to know (or be able to look up) what each does. Thus, when a programmer sees a transform call, that programmer recognizes that some function is being applied to every object in a range, and the results of those calls are being written somewhere. When the programmer sees a call to replace_if, he or she knows that all the objects in a range that satisfy some predicate are being modified. When the programmer comes across an invocation of partition, she or he understands that the objects in a range are being moved around so that all the objects satisfying a predicate are grouped together. The names of STL algorithms convey a lot of semantic information, and that makes them clearer than any random loop can hope to be.

When you see a for, while, or do, all you know is that some kind of loop is coming up. To acquire even the faintest idea of what that loop does, you have to examine it. Not so with algorithms. Once you see a call to an algorithm, the name alone sketches the outline of what it does. To understand exactly what will happen, of course, you must inspect the arguments being passed to the algorithm, but that's often less work than trying to divine the intent of a general looping construct.

Simply put, algorithm names suggest what they do. “for,” “while,” and “do” don't. In fact, this is true of any component of the Standard C or C++ library. Without doubt, you could write your own implementations of strlen, memset, or bsearch, if you wanted to, but you don't. Why not? Because (1) somebody has already written them, so there's no point in your doing it again; (2) the names are standard, so everybody knows what they do; and (3) you suspect that your library implementer knows some efficiency tricks you don't know, and you're unwilling to give up the possible optimizations a skilled library implementer might provide. Just as you don't write your own versions of strlen et al., it makes no sense to write loops that duplicate functionality already present in STL algorithms.

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