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Customizing Windows Installer

March 2001/Customizing Windows Installer/Listing 5

Listing 5: 1stfile.vbs — Inspecting file versions

Option Explicit

Public installer, database

Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly     = 0

' Connect to Windows Installer object

REM On Error Resume Next

Set installer = Nothing

Set installer = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")_

    : CheckError

' Open database

Dim databasePath:databasePath = "orca.msi"

Set database = installer.OpenDatabase(databasePath, _

    msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly) : CheckError


Wscript.Quit 0

' List all files in database

Sub ListFiles

Dim view, record, afile, aversion, fullmsg

    fullmsg = ""

    Set view = database.OpenView(_

        "SELECT `FileName`,`Version` FROM `File`") : CheckError

    view.Execute : CheckError


        Set record = view.Fetch : CheckError

        If record Is Nothing Then Exit Do

        afile = record.StringData(1)

        aversion = record.stringdata (2) 

        fullmsg = fullmsg & afile & " " & aversion & vbcrlf


    msgbox fullmsg

End Sub

Sub CheckError

    Dim message, errRec

    If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub

    message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description

    If Not installer Is Nothing Then

        Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord

        If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & _

            vbLf & errRec.FormatText

    End If

    Fail message

End Sub

Sub Fail(message)

    Wscript.Echo message

    Wscript.Quit 2

End Sub

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Listing 2: manuf.vbs — Determining the BIOS version

dim Systemset, System, Bios, Manuf, Model, BiosVersion, BiosName

Set SystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf _


for each System in SystemSet

    Manuf = System.Manufacturer

    Model = System.Model

    exit for 


for each Bios in GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf ("win32_bios")

        BiosName = Bios.name 

        BiosVersion = Bios.Version 

    exit for


if Manuf = "HP" and Left(Model, 9) = "NetServer" and _

        Left(BiosVersion, 9)="05/01/00" then

    Property("NEWBIOS") = "yes"

end if

Msgbox (Property("NEWBIOS")    )

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Listing 3: cadll.cpp — Finding shared files

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include <MsiQuery.h>


                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, 

                       LPVOID lpReserved



    switch (ul_reason_for_call )







    return TRUE;


UINT __stdcall FindShared(MSIHANDLE hInstall)




    HKEY hk;

    long res = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 


        0, KEY_READ, &hk); 


    DWORD inx;

    char thevalue [MAX_PATH] = {0};

    DWORD buflen; 

    DWORD type;

    for (inx=0; 1; inx++ )


    buflen = sizeof(thevalue);

    long regres = RegEnumValue(hk, inx, thevalue, 

        &buflen, NULL, &type, NULL, NULL);

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS==regres)


            _strlwr (thevalue);

            char* pf = strstr (thevalue, "another.exe");

            if (pf!=NULL)


                MsiSetProperty(hInstall, "FOUNDANOTHER", thevalue);







    RegCloseKey (hk);

    return 0;


//End of File

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Listing 4: findxl.vbs — Figuring out if Excel is installed

Option Explicit

Public installer, state, path

Const msiInstallStateDefault      =  5

' Connect to Windows Installer object

set installer = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

state = installer.productstate _


if state <> msiInstallStateDefault then 

   MsgBox ("Office not Installed " & state)


end if

path = installer.ComponentPath _

    ("{00000409-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}", _


if path <> "" then

path = path & " Version " & installer.FileVersion (path, false)

end if

msgbox path

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Listing 5: 1stoff.vbs — Iterating through Installer collections

Option Explicit

Public installer, state, feature, product, component, fullmsg, num

Const msiInstallStateDefault      =  5

' Connect to Windows Installer object

set installer = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

fullmsg = ""

for each product in installer.products

fullmsg = fullmsg & product & " " & installer.ProductInfo _

        (product, "InstalledProductName") & vbcrlf


msgbox fullmsg

state = installer.productstate _


if state <> msiInstallStateDefault then 

   MsgBox ("Office not Installed " & state)


end if

fullmsg = ""

for each feature in installer.features _


   fullmsg = fullmsg & feature & " " & installer.FeatureState _

    ("{00000409-78e1-11d2-b60f-006097c998e7}", feature) & vbcrlf


msgbox fullmsg

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Listing 6: listobjs.cpp — Enumerating Platform SDK components

// ListObjs.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.


#include "stdafx.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include <msi.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    FILE *listdata;

    listdata = fopen  ("lstobjs.txt" , "w"); 

    char cbuff [100];

    char pbuff[100];

    char pathbuff [MAX_PATH];

    char descbuff [500]; 

    const char psdkproduct [] = "{FB392771-9E4A-4DF8-9262-080BD65C0967}";

    INSTALLSTATE sval = MsiQueryProductState (psdkproduct); 



        fprintf (listdata, "Platform SDK not installed\n");

        return 0;


    DWORD dwdescbuff = sizeof(descbuff);

    UINT pi = MsiGetProductInfo (psdkproduct, 


        descbuff, &dwdescbuff);

    fprintf (listdata, "%s \n", descbuff);

    DWORD ix = 0; 

    for (ix=0; 1; ix++)


        UINT urc;

        urc = MsiEnumComponents (ix, cbuff);

        if (ERROR_SUCCESS!=urc)


        UINT urp = MsiGetProductCode (cbuff, pbuff); 

        if (_stricmp (psdkproduct, pbuff) ==0)


            DWORD dwpathbufflen = sizeof (pathbuff);

            INSTALLSTATE ival = MsiGetComponentPath (pbuff,

                cbuff, pathbuff, &dwpathbufflen);

            if (INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL==ival)


                 // starts with a zero - it's a registry key 

                if (memcmp (pathbuff, "0", 1) ==0)


                    char regname [MAX_PATH] = {0};

                    switch (pathbuff[1]) 


                    case '0': strcpy (regname, "HKCR"); break;

                    case '1': strcpy (regname, "HKCU"); break;

                    case '2': strcpy (regname, "HKLM"); break;

                    case '3': strcpy (regname, "HKUSERS"); break;


                    strcat (regname, pathbuff+3);

                    strcpy (pathbuff, regname);


                fprintf(listdata, "Component %s installed at %s\n",

                        cbuff, pathbuff);




    return 0;


//End of File

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