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Encapsulating the Observer Pattern

October 1998/Encapsulating the Observer Pattern/Figure 1

Figure 1: The Event and Multicast classes

#if !defined(MULTICAST_H)
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <strstream>
#include <set>
#include <assert.h>

template <unsigned> class NumType {};
typedef NumType<0> Args0; // Use to overload on values
                          // 0, 1, 2, etc.
typedef NumType<1> Args1; // typedef'ed for readability and to
typedef NumType<2> Args2; // appease VC 5.0

class DefType{}; // Minimal default type

// ArgC<T>::Count is 1 for all types except DefType.
template <typename T> struct ArgC{enum {Count=1};};
template <> struct ArgC<DefType>{enum {Count=0};};

// The interface to the Event class
template <class IObserver> class AbstractEvent {
      typedef AbstractEvent<IObserver> Self;
      virtual ~AbstractEvent(){}
      virtual void Invoke(IObserver * p) const = 0;

      // Compare two events, events are equal if they invoke
      // the same function.
      bool operator==(const Self & rhs) const
          {return Value()== rhs.Value();}
      typedef void (DefType:: * ValueType)();
      virtual ValueType Value() const = 0;

// Event class holding zero to n parameters, for brevity n = 2;
template <class IObserver, typename ObserverFunc,
          typename P1 = DefType, typename P2 = DefType>
class Event : public AbstractEvent<IObserver> {
      explicit Event(ObserverFunc Func, const P1& v1 = P1(),
                     const P2& v2 = P2()) :
         // Take a copy of the parameters for the event
         pFunc(Func), p1(v1), p2(v2) {}

      // Call an observer, by delegating to
      // the correct implementation
      virtual void Invoke(IObserver * pObserver) const {
         const size_t ArgCount =
             ArgC<P1>::Count + ArgC<P2>::Count;
         if (pObserver != NULL)
            InvokeImpl(pObserver, NumType<ArgCount>());
      // Provides a means of comparing events
      virtual ValueType Value() const {
         return reinterpret_cast<ValueType>(pFunc);

      // These functions will pass the parameters to the
      // observer. Only one function is instantiated, and only
      // it is legal. We are effectively overloading on the value
      // of the ArgCount.
      template <class T>
      void InvokeImpl(T * pObserver, Args0) const {
         (void)(pObserver->*pFunc)(); // Call with 0 parameters
      template <class T>
      void InvokeImpl(T * pObserver, Args1) const {
         (void)(pObserver->*pFunc)(p1); // Call with 1 parameter
      template <class T>
      void InvokeImpl(T * pObserver, Args2) const {
         (void)(pObserver->*pFunc)(p1, p2); // Call with 2 params
   private: // The member function to call and
            // the parameters to pass
      const ObserverFunc pFunc; const P1 p1; const P2 p2;

// For thread safety, this automatically locks and
// unlocks an object.
template <class Lockable> class AutoLock {
      AutoLock(Lockable & obj) :
         m_obj(obj) {m_obj.Lock();}
      ~AutoLock()   {m_obj.Unlock();}
      AutoLock(); // Stop default construction
      Lockable & m_obj;

// ** TODO ** Implement CritSec class to provide thread safety
struct CritSec {void Lock(){} void Unlock(){}};
typedef AutoLock<CritSec> TSLock; // Thread safe lock

template <class IObserver> class Multicast {
   typedef Multicast<IObserver> Self;
   typedef std::multiset<IObserver*,std::less<IObserver*> >
   typedef std::vector<AbstractEvent<IObserver> *> Events;

      virtual bool OnActive(){return true;} // 1st observer
                                            // registered
      virtual void OnInactive(){} // Last observer deregistered

      // Called by observers to register
      bool Advise(IObserver * pObserver) {
         TSLock write_lock(m_Lock);
         if (m_Observers.size() == 1) // Tell the subject that the
             if (!OnActive()) {       // 1st observer wants to
                m_Observers.clear();  // register. The subject can
                return false;         // refuse to accept the
                                      // registration.
         return true;

      // Called by observers to deregister
      void Unadvise(IObserver * pObserver) {
         TSLock write_lock(m_Lock);
         if (m_Observers.empty()) // Tell the subject that the
             OnInactive();        // last observer has deregistered

      // A window per object is inefficient but it works.
      Multicast() : m_hWnd(UniqueWindow()) {}

      // Facilitate copying of derived objects
      Multicast(const Self &) : m_hWnd(UniqueWindow()) {}
      Self & operator =(const Self &) {return *this;};

      virtual ~Multicast() {
         for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Events.size(); ++i)
            delete m_Events[i];
         (void) DestroyWindow(m_hWnd);

      // Called by the subject to fire events to the observers.
      // The repetition gives the appearance of two template
      // functions:
      // FireEvent(Func, [P1 .. Pn])
      // FireSingleEvent(Func, [P1 .. Pn])
      // Func: member function pointer - the observers' function
      // P1 .. Pn: between 0 & n parameters to pass
      // to the observers.
      template <typename FuncType>
         void FireEvent(FuncType Func) {
         typedef Event<IObserver, FuncType> EventType;
         DoEvent(new EventType(Func));
      template <typename FuncType, typename P1>
         void FireEvent(FuncType Func, const P1& p1) {
         typedef Event<IObserver, FuncType, P1> EventType;
         DoEvent(new EventType(Func, p1));

      template <typename FuncType>
         void FireSingleEvent(FuncType Func) {
         typedef Event<IObserver, FuncType> EventType;
         DoSingleEvent(new EventType(Func));
      template <typename FuncType, typename P1>
         void FireSingleEvent(FuncType Func, const P1& p1) {
         typedef Event<IObserver, FuncType, P1> EventType;
         DoSingleEvent(new EventType(Func, p1));
      // Create a new window based on a unique window class. 
      HWND UniqueWindow() const {
          std::ostrstream Name;
          Name << "Multicast" << this << '\0'; // Unique class
                                               // name
          WNDCLASSA wc = {0, WndProc, 0, 0, GetModuleHandle(NULL),
                          0, 0, 0, 0, Name.str()};
          (void) RegisterClassA(&wc);
          HWND hWnd = CreateWindowA(wc.lpszClassName, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, wc.hInstance,0);
          assert(hWnd != NULL);
          return hWnd;
      void DoEvent(AbstractEvent<IObserver> * pEvent) {
         TSLock write_lock(m_Lock);
         if (m_Events.empty())
            PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_USER+100, 0, (DWORD)this);

      void DoSingleEvent(AbstractEvent<IObserver> * pEvent) {
          TSLock write_lock(m_Lock);
          Events::iterator i;
          // Search for a pre-existing event
          for (i = m_Events.begin(); i != m_Events.end(); ++i)
              if (**i == *pEvent) { // If event is
                                    // already scheduled.
                  const AbstractEvent<IObserver> * pOldEvent = *i;
                  *i = pEvent;  // Replace old event
                                // with latest event
                  delete pOldEvent;
          if (i == m_Events.end())

      // This function is called by the operating system
      // asynchronously.
      static LRESULT WINAPI
      WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
         if (msg != WM_USER+100)
            return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
         return 0;

      inline void AsyncCall() {
          TSLock write_lock(m_Lock);
          // Invoke each event for each observer, then delete it.
          for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Events.size(); ++i) {
              const AbstractEvent<IObserver> * pEvent =
              for (Observers::iterator ppObserver =
                   ppObserver != m_Observers.end();
              delete pEvent;
      HWND       m_hWnd;      // Window handle to enable
                              // an async call
      CritSec    m_Lock;      // Thread safe protection for:
      Events     m_Events;    //  A collection of events to invoke
      Observers  m_Observers; //  A collection of registered
                              //  observers
#endif // MULTICAST_H
/* End of File */

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