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Instant Update

 * TemperaturePanel.java

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Observer;

 * This class models both View and Controller functionality. 

Note that the actual implementation of the Observer (View) interface is 
 * left to concrete subclasses. This is because subclasses will render a 
 * different view, depending whether the a Fahrenheit or Celsius representation 
 * of the data model is to be rendered.
public abstract class TemperaturePanel extends java.awt.Panel 
		implements java.util.Observer 
	private String				label;
	private TemperatureModel	model;			// data model that is both
viewed and controlled from this object
	private TextField			display;		// textbox to display the
current temperature
	private Button				raiseButton;	// button to increase the temp
by 1 degree (F or C)
	private Button				lowerButton;	// button to decrease the temp
by 1 degree (F or C)
	 * Construct a new TemperaturePanel object. Need a String that labels 
	 * the panel with a name, and a TemperatureModel that will be linked 
	 * to this object (which is both a View and a Controller).
	 * @param label String to name this Panel
	 * @param model data model to be linked w/ the View/Controller embedded in
this object
	public TemperaturePanel(String label,TemperatureModel model)
		this.label = label;	
		this.model = model;
		this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
		display = new TextField();
		raiseButton = new Button("Raise");
		lowerButton = new Button("Lower");

		this.add("North",new Label(label));
		Panel buttons = new Panel();
		model.addObserver(this);	// <-- MVC method that links the data Model
with the View
	 * Hook through which program users can update the data model. Code
	 * that implements updates to data model is found in the concrete
	 * subclasses of this class. In the subclasses, the "display" TextField 
	 * object is linked to an ActionListener that interfaces with the data
	 * This method merely sets the text in the TextField object.
	 * @param s new temperature value, entered by user at the screen.
	public void setDisplay(String s) { display.setText(s); }
	 * Hook through which program users can view the current state of the 
	 * data (as rendered through this particular View object). Code that 
	 * actually updates the View (based on changes made to the data Model by 
	 * Controller objects) is found in the concrete subclasses of this class. 
	 * Concrete subclasses implement the Observer method by implementing the 
	 * update() method, which is called from the Model whenever its state has 
	 * changed. This method merely parses a double value out of the text 
	 * value found in the TextField object.
	 * @return double value in the TextField object, displayed to user.
	public double getDisplay() {
		double result = 0.0;
		try {
			result = Double.valueOf(display.getText()).doubleValue();
		} catch ( NumberFormatException ex ) { }
		return result;
	 * Allow child objects access to the data model.
	 * @return TemperatureModel return model object to client
	protected TemperatureModel model() { return model; }	
	// next three methods allow child objects to ActionListener
	// objects the GUI controls available to the end user. This 
	// implements Controller functionality for this object.
	protected void addRaiseListener(ActionListener a) {
raiseButton.addActionListener(a); }
	protected void addLowerListener(ActionListener a) {
lowerButton.addActionListener(a); }
	protected void addDisplayListener(ActionListener a) {
display.addActionListener(a); }

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