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The Future of Java: Part 1


Shortly after Sun discovered Java's popularity amongst consumers three years ago, it launched the Java.com web site (see Figure 1). The site regularly sees around 15 million unique visitors a month. Although the site is clearly aimed at a younger audience (18 to 35-year-olds) and game enthusiasts, the site does see visitors with a complete cross-section of interests in a broad age range.

Figure 1: The Java.com web site for consumers has links to applications and games for the desktop and mobile devices such as cell phones and PDAs.

Over 80 percent of the visitors to Java.com do so to download the latest Java runtime environment (JRE) to their desktops. Additionally, a good number of people repeatedly visit the site to download the latest applications and games for their desktop and/or mobile device. An emulator is also available at the site that allows you to run mobile games on your desktop, as well as on a mobile device.

On Java.com, you'll find links to fun, yet useful, information, such as Duke's Zone, which is based on the colorful Java mascot. Here you'll find Duke's blog, which contains information on fun stuff happening in the Java world. Presented in a light and airy fashion, visitors are treated to a gentle introduction to the world of Java software development.

Overall, the Java.com site focuses on Java-powered applications, with links to developer tools as well. Sun has taken a neutral view on the site; it doesn't sell anything directly. It's simply a showcase for cool and unique applications written in Java, with pointers to information and vendors who do sell the applications.

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