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Life Support

Nov01: Embedded Space

01 23 39 43 CC: Okay. As of 47 hours, RCS total 1096, quad Alfa 270, Bravo 278, Charlie 270, Delta 278, and the H2 — They gave me the H2s in percent, 76 percent, and on the 02 we have 81 percent. However, we show the O2 tank 2 reading off-scale high now. We're quite sure it's a sensor failure. We'd like you to verify it with your onboard reading.

01 23 40 29 CDR: Okay. Stand by.

01 23 40 47 CDR: Joe, we confirm. Our gage reading is — on the number 2 O2 tank is reading off-scale high now, but Jack just tells me that it was okay when we first looked at it this morning.

01 23 41 00 CC: We verify that. At 46:45 we had 82 percent and apparently when he stirred the, the cryos, the sensor broke.

01 23 41 17 CDR: Okay.

Then, eight hours later. . .

02 07 52 58 CC: 13, we've got one more item for you, when you get a chance. We'd like you to stir up your cryo tanks. In addition, I have shaft and trunnion —

02 07 53 06 CMP: Okay.

02 07 53 07 CC: — for looking at the Comet Bennett, if you need it.

02 07 53 12 CMP: Okay. Stand by.

02 07 55 19 LMP: Okay, Houston —

02 07 55 20 CDR: I believe we've had a problem here.

02 07 55 28 CC: This is Houston. Say again, please.

02 07 55 35 CDR: Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a MAIN B BUS UNDERVOLT.

02 07 55 42 CC: Roger. MAIN B UNDERVOLT.

02 07 55 58 CC: Okay, stand by, 13. We're looking at it.

Figure 1: Apollo 13 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription. CC=Capsule Communicator in Houston, CDR=Commander James Lovell, CMP=Command Module Pilot John Swigert, LMP=Lunar Module Pilot Fred Haise.

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