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October 1993/New Products

Industry-Related News & Announcements

Gpf Upgrades Gpf GUI Tool

Gpf Systems, Inc. has upgraded its OS/2-based programmer's tool for developing graphical user interfaces. The Gpf (GUI Programming Facility) version 2.1 generates native OS/22.1 Presentation Manager Work-Place Shell and Windows 3.1 interface code from single design, supporting a common look and feel across both platforms. To generate interface code with Gpf, a developer creates a design using Gpf's point-and-click forms and pull-down menus, tests the design, and by selecting a menu item, generates 16-bit or 32-bit code for either OS/2 2.1 or Windows 3.1.

Quoting Kenneth Rucker, senior programmer/analyst of AMR Corp.'s Sabre Technology group. "GPf's ease of use, the quality of code it generates, and the ease of maintaining the resulting application make it the best PC programmer productivity tool I've seen in ten years of writing PC applications. Gpf has cut our coding time at least in half, and probably more."

Gpf version 2.1 also supports C/C++ compilers and automatically generates dynamic linked libraries (DLLs), which allows more modularity of design. Gpf also provides Windows 3.1 support, including the CUA '91 control set, as well as the SQL features of OS/2 2.x.

Gpf version 2.1 is compatible with previous versions of Gpf. OS/2 applications designed with an earlier version of Gpf can be maintained or enhanced with Gpf 2.1. Gpf version 2.1 runs on OS/2 version 2.0 or higher. The program requires a mouse, at least 6Mb of disk space, and 6Mb of RAM. Gpf version 2.1 is priced at $1,295. Registered users of Gpf versions 1.3 or 2.0 can upgrade for $295. For more information contact Gpf Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 414, 30 Falls Rd., Moodus, CT 06469, (800)831-0017; Fax:(203)873-3302

The Periscope Company Ships WinScope

The Periscope Company has begun shipping WinScope, a discovery and debugging tool for Windows applications. WinScope is a high-level, non-intrusive, event capturing tool that displays Windows messages and API calls, including parameter names and return values, message filter hooks, Toolhelp notifications, and debug kernel messages. Breakpoints support analyzing specific combinations of events, or permit passing control to a source-level debugger such as CodeView, Turbo Debugger, or the Visual C++ integrated debugger. WinScope does not modify the flow of events or API calls.

WinScope intercepts selected events and records them in the trace buffer, which the user can search for specific events, display in various ways, print, or save to disk for later examination. Because WinScope captures Windows events in a trace buffer, users can study how an application behaves and how it interacts with Windows and other applications. WinScope can display hierarchical lists of APIs, windows, modules, messages, and hooks so the user can select events to be traced.

WinScope doesn't require source code or debugging information to work. WinScope plugs into Windows' messaging system and API functions at run time, so it provides an inside view of programs that run under Windows, regardless of whether users have the source code. WinScope is priced at $249. For more information contact The Periscope Company, 1475 Peachtree St., Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30309, (800) 722-7006; FAX: (404)888-5520.

MetaWare Upgrades High C/C++ Compiler

MetaWare Incorporated has upgraded its High C/C++ Extended DOS and Windows compiler. The High C/C++ compiler v3.1 supports Microsoft Windows 3.1 and includes specific optimizations for Intel's Pentium Processor.

Richard Wirt, Director of Software Technology at Intel, has said, "MetaWare's High C/C++ optimized for Inte1486 and Pentium Processors is capable of taking full advantage of the 32-bit CPUs to deliver high performance applications on a variety of operating systems. At Intel we are working closely with our technology partners to deliver compilers that truly exploit the performance capabilities of Intel silicon."

According to MetaWare, Intel publishes Pentium Processor benchmarks using MetaWare High C as the standard for DOS. Because of MetaWare's prior work with Intel on the Inte1386, Intel486, and i860 Processors, MetaWare's compiler already contained many of the global optimizations and much of the technology needed to optimize for the Pentium Processor, such as advanced instruction scheduling, inlining, and loop strength reduction.

The list price of High C/C++ v3.1 for Extended DOS and Windows 3.1 is $795. Users of High C/C++ Version 3.0 for Extended DOS and Windows may upgrade for $195. Any MetaWare customer with a High C DOS compiler may upgrade their current C compiler to High C/C++ Version 3.1 for $295. For more information contact MetaWare Incorporated, 2161 Delaware Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060, (408) 429-6382; FAX: (408)429-9273.

Insoft Releases Prosac

Insoft Oy has released Prosac, a C code generator for the Prosa visual programming environment. Prosa is a set of design, analysis, verification and documentation tools, which includes Prosasql, an SQL code generator, Prosacdm, a concurrent document manager, and Pma, an analysis and reporting tool.

Prosac automatically generates C implementation code in graphical SA/SD/RT modes designed with the Prosa modeling tools. Prosac generates code for both real-time and sequential applications; converts the SA/SD/RT model from the context diagram level into portable ANSI standard C source ready for compiling, linking, and executing; and generates variable declarations supporting C data types such as variables, arrays, structures, unions, and enumerated types. Prosac supports the reusability of SA/SD/RT models, mini specifications, and existing software, as well as concurrent and incremental development, and verification.

The Prosa environment supports IBM PS/2 under Windows 3 or OS/2 PM, VAXStation VMS/DECwindows/Motif, SUN Sparcstation UNIX/Openwindows/Open-look, and AP/Apollo UNIX/Motif with compatible user interfaces and databases. Prosa supports multi-user designs in networked environments. For more information contact Insoft Oy, Kirkkokatu 5 B, SF-909100 Oulo, Finland, +358-81-376 128; FAX: +358-81-371 754.

Pure Software Announces Quantify

Pure Software of Sunnyvale CA has announced Quantify, a development tool for evaluating and improving performance of C/C++ programs. Quantify provides graphical displays of performance information, making it easier to identify performance bottlenecks. Quantify is built on the same Object Code Insertion (OCI) technology as Purify, Pure Software's error detection tool. Quantify uses OCI to analyze the entire application, including shared and third-party libraries.

An obstacle in exploiting the output of profiling tools is the presentation and interpretation of the data they provide. Quantify incorporates graphical presentations, such as the "River of Time" view, which shows function call chains as a tree with the width of branches indicating performance. Quantify also provides listings of the most compute-intensive functions for summarization and presentation of performance data.

Quantify drops into place alongside other tools in a developer's environments, requiring no special compilers, editors, or debuggers. Quantify is non-intrusive, needing only the addition of the word "quantify" to the makefile; there's no recompilation or addition of special libraries. Pure Software claims three key advantages to Quantify: its graphical presentation of data; ease of use (allowing performance problems to be explored and addressed earlier in the development cycle); and its capacity to measure performance for entire applications, including third-party and shared libraries.

Quoting Larry Sole, senior engineer at Synopsys, "After only 30 minutes, Quantify had shown me 2 or 3 pieces of code that I had never suspected to be performance culprits. Quantify told me exactly where I needed to make a change to improve may code's performance."

Quantify supports SPARC workstations running SunOS 4.1.x. Quantify is priced at $1,198 per individual for a simple license. Annual upgrades and support are an additional $250 per license. For more information contact Pure Software, Sunnyvale CA, (408) 524-3094; FAX: (408) 720-9200; email: bkay@pure. com.

Kuck Ships KAP/C for IBM

Kuck and Associates has begun shipping KAP/C for IBM, a C preprocessor for IBM RS/6000 platforms which promises improved performance in a variety of application areas, including robotics, simulation, and logic design. KAP/C's optimizations restructure C floating point and integer applications to execute on single processor RISC architectures. KAP/C for IBM is tuned specifically for the RISC/6000 to improve the object code produced by the IBM XL compiler.

According to the KAP/C news release, the preprocessor performs particularly well on three C language benchmarks: alvinn, ear, and eqntott; when running on a 25MHz RS/6000 Model 530, KAP attains speedups of 40% for alvinn, 45% for ear, and 20% for eqntott.

The performance improvement users can expect from KAP depends on the work performed by a particular program, the level of optimization already encoded in the program, and the coding style used for the program. On a single processor workstation, KAP's optimizations are most likely to improve performance of C programs that: use significant computation time; use a large data set (the total size of the data should be larger than the machine's cache, or better yet, the portion of each array being manipulated should exceed the cache size); have significant data reuse within a loop nest, for example matrix multiplication; and have loop nests that use many local arrays. In addition, KAP/C performs pointer and I/O analysis to identify optimization opportunities.

KAP/C for IBM is priced at $595 per user for a floating license. For more information contact Kuck and Associates, 1906 Fox Dr., Champaign, IL 61820, (217) 356-2288; FAX:(217)356-5199.

Expersoft Releases XShell 2.2

Expersoft Corporation has released XShell 2.2, an object-oriented environment for C++ developers building distributed systems. XShell 2.2 lets programmers build distributed systems using the same programming skills they use to build single-platform systems. For example, developers need no specialized knowledge of networks, protocols, sockets, datagrams, or byte ordering. XShell makes processes and objects on other computers look like local C++ objects. XShell automatically creates remote interfaces from your C++ class definitions. These interface objects (called surrogates) are like mirror images of the objects you create, acting as representatives of those objects in other programs on remote machines. When a program invokes a method on a local surrogate, Xshell transfers the request to the real object, calls the requested method on the object, and returns the result to the requesting program.

XShell components include a module processor, class processor, class library (extension to the C++ class system), and runtime driver. XShell uses the same core components as OSF DCE, such as Kerboros authentification and X.500 name services. In addition, Expersoft will provide CORBA 2.0-conformant IDL stubs and implement the OMG C++ language binding. XShell 2.2 supports a variety of UNIX platforms and is priced at $9,600 per development seat. For more information contact Expersoft Corporation, 6620 Mesa Ridge Rd., Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92121, (619) 546-4100; FAX: (619)546-4110.

Objectivity Introduces Objectivity/DB 2.1

Objectivity Inc. has introduced version 2.1 of their object database, Objectivity/DB. Features of Objectivity/DB Version 2.1 include: performance improvements for repeated operations on the same objects; support for clustered HP 9000 systems; and updated operating system and compiler support. The clustered HP 9000 support lets applications store and retrieve information on storage devices within the cluster by addressing them as local volumes rather than as remote volumes. Objectivity/DB 2.1 uses an HP protocol optimized for the HP Cluster environment. Other changes include support for the latest Sun, Solaris, NCR 3300, and HP-UX operating systems, the IBM XL C++ Compiler/6000, and CenterLine's ObjectCenter 2.0. For more information contact Objectivity Inc., 800 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, (415) 688-8000; FAX: (415) 325-0939; email: info@objy. com.

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