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Building Your Own Plugin Framework: Part 2

Gigi Sayfan specializes in cross-platform object-oriented programming in C/C++/ C#/Python/Java with emphasis on large-scale distributed systems. He is currently trying to build intelligent machines inspired by the brain at Numenta (www.numenta.com).
Editor's Note: This is the second installment of a five-part series by Gigi Sayfan on creating cross-platform plugins in C++. Other installments are: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5.

This article is the second in a series of articles about developing cross-platform plugins in C++. The first article described the problem in detail, explored various solutions, and introduced the plugin framework. In this installment, I describe the architecture and design of a plugin-based system based on the plugin framework, the lifecycle of a plugin, and the internals of the generic plugin framework. Beware! Some code may surface here and there.

The Architecture of a Plugin-Based System

A plugin-based system can be divided into three parts that are loosely coupled: The main system or application with its object model, the plugin manager and the plugins themselves. The plugins conform to the plugin manager's interfaces and protocols and also implement the object model interfaces. Let's illustrate it with a concrete example. The main system is a turn-based game. The game takes place in a battlefield that contains various monsters. The hero fights the monsters until he dies or all the monsters die. Pretty basic yet gratifying. Listing One is the definition of the Hero class.

#ifndef HERO_H
#define HERO_H

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "object_model/object_model.h"

class Hero : public IActor
  // IActor methods
  virtual void getInitialInfo(ActorInfo * info);
  virtual void play(ITurn * turnInfo);
Listing One

The BattleManager is the engine that drives the game. It takes care of instantiating the hero and the monsters and populating the battlefield. Then in each turn it calls upon each actor (hero or monsters) to do their worst via the play() method.

The hero and the monsters implement the IActor interface. The hero is a built-in game object with a predefined behavior. The monsters on the other hand are implemented as plugin objects. This allows the game to be extended with new monsters and decouples the development of new monsters from the development of the main game engine. The PluginManager's job is to abstract away the fact that monsters are spawned from plugins and present them to the BattleManager as actors just like the hero. This scheme also allows the game to come with some built-in monsters that are statically linked in and are not implemented in plugins. The BattleManager shouldn't even be aware ideally there is such a thing as plugins. It should just operate at the C++ object level. This makes it easier to test too, because you can create mock monster in the test code without having to write a full-fledged plugin.

The PluginManager itself can be either generic or specialized. A generic plugin manager is unaware of the specific underlying object model. When a C++ PluginManager instantiates a new object implemented in a plugin it must return a generic interface, which the caller must cast to the actual interface from the object model. This is a little ugly, but necessary. A custom PluginManager is aware of your object model and can operate in terms of the underlying object model. For example, a custom PluginManager for our game can have a CreateMonster() function that returns an IActor interface. The PluginManager I show is a generic one, but I'll demonstrate how simple it is to put an object model specific layer on top of it. This is standard practice because you don't want your application code to deal with explicit casts.

Plugin System Lifecycle

It's time to figure out the lifecycle of the plugin system. The application, PluginManager and the plugins themselves participate in a complicated dance according to a strict protocol. The good news are that the generic plugin framework can mostly orchestrate the process. The application gets access to the plugins when it needs it and the plugins just need to implement a few functions that will be called in due time.

Registration of Static Plugins

Static plugins are plugins that are deployed in static libraries and are linked statically into the application. The registration can be done automatically if the library defines a global registrar object whose constructor is called automatically. Unfortunately it doesn't work on all platforms (e.g., Windows). The alternative is to explicitly tell the PluginManager to initialize static plugin by passing it a dedicated init function. Since, all the static plugin are statically linked to the main executable the init() function (which must have the signature of PF_InitPlugin) of each plugin must have a unique name. A good convention is something like <Plugin Name>_InitPlugin(). Here is the prototype of the init() function of a static plugin called "StaticPlugin":

extern "C" PF_ExitFunc 
StaticPlugin_InitPlugin(const PF_PlatformServices * params)

The explicit initialization creates a tight coupling between the main application and the static plugins because the main application need to "know" at compile time what plugins are linked to it in order to initialize them. The process can be automated as part of the build if all the static plugins follow some convention that the build process can use to find them and generate the code that initializes each one of them on-the-fly.

Once a static plugin's init() function is called it will register all its object types with the PluginManager.

Loading of Dynamic Plugins

Dynamic plugins are the more common ones. They should all be deployed in a dedicated directory. The application should invoke the PluginManager's loadAll() method and pass the dedicated directory path. The PluginManager scans all the files in this directory and load every dynamic library. The application may alternatively call the load() method, which loads a single plugin if it wants fine-grained control about what plugins are loaded exactly.

Plugin Initialization

Once a dynamic library has been loaded successfully, the PluginManager is looking for a well-known function entry point called PF_initPlugin. If such an entry point is found, the PluginManager initializes the plugin by calling this function and passing the PF_PlatformServices struct. This struct contains the PF_PluginAPI_Version, which lets the plugin perform some version negotiation and decide if it can function properly. If the application's version is inappropriate the plugin may decide to fail the initialization.The PluginManager logs the fact that the plugin wasn't initialized properly and continues to load the next plugin. It is not a fatal error from the point of view of the PluginManager if a plugin fails to load or initialize. The application may perform additional checks by enumerating the loaded plugins and verify that no crucial plugin is missing.

Listing Two contains the PF_initPlugin function of the C++ plugin (and its exit function).

#include "cpp_plugin.h"
#include "plugin_framework/plugin.h"
#include "KillerBunny.h"
#include "StationarySatan.h"

extern "C" PLUGIN_API apr_int32_t ExitFunc()
  return 0;
extern "C" PLUGIN_API PF_ExitFunc PF_initPlugin(const PF_PlatformServices * params)
  int res = 0;
  PF_RegisterParams rp;
  rp.version.major = 1;
  rp.version.minor = 0;
  rp.programmingLanguage = PF_ProgrammingLanguage_CPP;
  // Regiater KillerBunny
  rp.createFunc = KillerBunny::create;
  rp.destroyFunc = KillerBunny::destroy;
  res = params->registerObject((const apr_byte_t *)"KillerBunny", &rp);
  if (res < 0)
    return NULL;
  // Regiater StationarySatan
  rp.createFunc = StationarySatan::create;
  rp.destroyFunc = StationarySatan::destroy;
  res = params->registerObject((const apr_byte_t *)"StationarySatan", &rp);
  if (res < 0)
    return NULL;
   return ExitFunc;
Listing Two

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