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A Simple Real-Time Executive

November 1992/A Simple Real-Time Executive/Listing 2

Listing 2 tinyexec.c

*                                      *
*              tiny exec               *
*                                      *
  written by: Charles B. Allison
  Allison Technical Services
  8343 Carvel
  Houston, TX 77036
  PHONE#  (713) 777-0401 | BBS/FAX (713) 77-4746
version 1.1
last change 6-3-92 11:35
/* ***** include files ****** */
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "tinyexec.h"
/* ********* define statements ********* */
/* #define DEBUG 1*/
#define MICROSOFT 1
#define NUM_TIMERS 3 /* number of timers */
#define NUM_TASKS 3  /* number of tasks  */
#define TASK_TICKS 2 /* TASK_TICKS is the # of */
       /* rtc clock ticks between task exec runs */
#define OLD_TICKS 1
/* OLD_TICKS is the number of rtc clock ticks between
running oldtimer, the system clock at 18.2Hz */
#define NORMAL_COUNT 0
/* value normally used in counter 65536 (= 0)*/
#define RTC_COUNT (unsigned)((65536L/OLD_TICKS)&0xffff)
/* value to be used in rtc interrupt rate
      -- relates to OLD_TICKS */
#ifdef MICROSOFT /* Microsoft compatibility */
#include <graph.h>
#pragma intrinsic (inp, outp, _enable, _disable)
#define gotoxy(x,y) _settextposition(y,x)
#define clrscr()_clearscreen(_GWINDOW)
/* ********** Inline Functions ************ */
/* -------- set_timer ----------- */
/* set timer i to count down in time t */
#define set timer(i,t) _disable();\
timers [i] =t;\
/* -------- req_task ----------- */
/* request task i */
#define req_task(i)_disable();\
task_flag[i] = REQ_TASK;\
/* -------resume_task -------- */
#define resume_task(i)_disable();\
task_flag[i] |= REQ_TASK;\
/* use following inline when ints are disabled */
/* -------- iset_timer ----------- */
/* set timer i to count down in time t */
#define iset_timer(i,t) timers[i]=t;
/* -------- ireq_task ----------- */
/* request task i ints disabled */
#define ireq_task(i) task_flag[i] = REQ_TASK;
/* -------iresume_task -------- */
/* resume task - interrupts disabled */
#define iresume_task(i) task_flag[i] |= REQ_TASK;\
/* ******** function prototypes ************* */
void main(void);
void task0(void);
void task1(void);
void init_rtc(void);  /* set up rtc/tasker */
void close_rtc(void); /* shut down rtc/tasker */
void init_cntr(unsigned count);
void interrupt rtcint(void);
void timr0(void);
void timr1(void);
void timr2(void);
/* ******* tiny exec variables ******** */
/* timer counter and function arrays */
unsigned timers[NUM_TIMERS] = { 0, 0, 0 };
void (*timer[NUM_TIMERS]) (void)={timr0,timr1,timr2};
/* ticks between task exec */
unsigned task_time = TASK_TICKS;
/* new timer ticks between old timer calls */
unsigned old_time=OLD_TICKS;
/* storage for old system clock int vector*/
void (interrupt far *oldtimer)(void);
/* task flag and function arrays */
unsigned task_flag[NUM_TASKS] = {0,0,IN_PROC};
void (*task[NUM_TASKS])(void) = {task0,task1,main};
int cur_task_num;/* indicates what is current task */
/* *************** functions ***************** */
/* combination real time clock and task exec */
void interrupt rtcint(void)
int i; /* local stack variable */
/* handle timers here, then 18.2Hz system clock
then do tasks
***************************************** */
for(i = 0;i < NUM_TIMERS;i++ )
    if (timers[i])
       if(!(--timers[i])) (*timer[i])();
/* call system clock 18.2 x per second */
#ifndef DEBUG
  (*oldtimer)();      /* call old timer here */
  }  else {
    outp (XT8259,CLR_INT);  /* clear int req */
/* ------end of timers ---------- */
task_time--;    /* one less time tick */
if(task_time) return; /*not time for task exec */
task_time = TASK_TICKS; /* do tasks now*/
/* --------- task exec section ---------- */
for(i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS;i++)
 if (task_flag[i] & IN_PROC)
   cur_task_num = i;
   return;  /* found one in process so return */
 if(task_flag[i] & REQ_TASK)
   task_flag[i]=IN_PROC | (task_flag[i] & ~REQ_TASK);
       /* begin task */
       cur_task_num = i; /* current task in process*/
       _enable();        /* now allow interrupts */
       (*task[i])();     /* do task */
       task_flag[i] &: ~IN_PROC;  /* done */
/* ***************** init_rtc ******************** */
void init_rtc(void)  /* routine to set up rtc/tasker */
 oldtimer = _dos_getvect(TIMER); /* get timer vector*/
 _dos_setvect(TIMER,rtcint); /* set real time timer */
 init_cntr( RTC_COUNT);
/* ****************** close_rtc ******************* */
void close_rtc(void) /* shut down rtc/tasker */
 _dos_setvect(TIMER,oldtimer); /* restore timer */
 init_cntr( NORMAL_COUNT);
/* *************** init_cntr ***************** */
void init_cntr(unsigned count)
 int lowb, highb;
 lowb = count % 256;
 highb = count / 256;
 outp (TIMR1_C,LOAD_T1); /* load count for 8253 */
 outp (TIMRI_T1, lowb);
 outp (TIMRI_T1, highb);
/* **** Example main and tasks *********** */
void set_beep(void);
void clr_beep(void);
void tsk1sub1 (void); /*subtasks for task 1 */
void tsk1sub2 (void);
int beep_len = 6; /* default to about 1/3 sec */

#define SPKR_CNTRL 0x61
#define SPKR_ENABLE 0x03
#define SPKR_DISABLE 0xfc

int t0_flag =0, t1_flag = 0;
int timer0= 0,timer1 = 0,timer2 = 0;
int state_of_tasks[NUM_TASKS];
int state_of_timers[NUM_TIMERS];
/* --------- main ------------ */
void main (void)
int i,oldt0,oldtmr0=0,endit = 1;
time_t t;
#ifndef DEBUG
 init_rtc(); /* open rtc */
printf("Counts for t0_flag t1_flag ");
printf("timer0 timer1 timer2");
printf("task and timer flag images");
printf("task0 task1 timer0 timer1 timer2");
set_timer(0,18); /* begin timer 0 in 12 ticks */
req_task(0);     /* request task 0 to run once */
set_timer(1,90); /*begin timer 1 in 90 ticks */
     case '\x1b':  /* exit on Esc */
      endit = 0;
     case ' ':
      req_task(1); /* do a beep*/
    } /* end of switch */
  } /* end of if */
if(t0_flag != oldt0)
  gotoxy(1,6); /* show current tasks and timers */
    printf("%4x ",state_of_tasks[i]);
    printf(" %4d ",state_of_timers[i]);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("           %4d    %4d     %4d   %4d   %4d",\
if(timer0 != oldtmr0)
    oldtmr0 = timer0;
 } /* end of while */
#ifndef DEBUG
 close_rtc();  /* restore rtc */
/* *********** tasks ************** */
/* -------- task0 ----------- */
void task0(void)
/* get current timer and task states */
int i;
  state_of_timers[i] = timers[i];
 state_of_tasks[i] = task_flag[i];
/* ------- task1 --------- */
void task1(void)
{ /* handle beeps - 2 subtasks */
static void (*subexec1[])(void) = {
(*subexec1[task_flag[cur_task_num] & 0x01])();
} /* end task 1 */
void tsk1sub1 (void)
{                /* turn on beep */
set_timer(2,beep_len); /*beep length*/
void tsk1sub2(void)
{              /* turn off beep here */
/* ***************** timers ********************** */
/*Note - timers are run with interrupts disabled*/
void timr0(void)
timer0++; /* count of timer runs */
timers[0]=18; /* set time again */
void timr1(void)
timer1++; /* count of timer runs */
timers[1]=2; /* set timer again */
ireq_task(0);  /* request task 0 */
void timr2(void)
/* beep turn off timer */
timer2++; /* count of timer runs */
/* End of File */

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