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Accessing Type Libraries from VB

December 1999/Accessing Type Libraries from VB/Listing 1

Listing 1: typeinfo.bas — Code to browse type libraries

Attribute VB_Name = "basTypeInfo"
Option Explicit
Public Sub invoke(nSelected As Node, obj As Object)

    Dim iDash As Integer
    Dim iParmIndx As Integer
    Dim iNbrParms As Integer
    Dim sMethod As String
    Dim sParmValue As String
    Dim vParm As Variant
    Dim vaParms() As Variant
    Dim nChild As Node
    Dim ii As InterfaceInfo
    Dim mi As MemberInfo
    Dim tli As TLIApplication
'/* error trapping */
    On Error GoTo invoke_error
    Set tli = New TLIApplication
'/* methods/properties always delimited with a dash */
    sMethod = nSelected.Text
    iDash = InStr(sMethod, "-")
    If iDash > 0 Then
        sMethod = Trim$(Left$(sMethod, iDash - 1))
        Set ii = tli.InterfaceInfoFromObject(obj)
    '/* get member by id */
    '/* (tag set in loadTreeViewWithClassInfo) */
        Set mi = ii.Members.Item(nSelected.Tag)
        Select Case mi.InvokeKind
            Case INVOKE_FUNC
                iNbrParms = mi.Parameters.Count
                If iNbrParms > 0 Then
                    ReDim vaParms(iNbrParms - 1)
                '/* there is one child item in treeview */
                '/* for each invoke method parameter */
                    Set nChild = nSelected.Child
                    For iParmIndx = 1 To nSelected.Children
                        sParmValue = InputBox( _
                                     "Enter Parameter Value " & _
                    '/* blank - assume optional and remove */
                        If Trim$(sParmValue) = "" Then
                            ReDim Preserve vaParms(iNbrParms - 1)
                        '/* set parameter type */
                        '/* (tag set in loadTreeViewWithClassInfo) */
                            vaParms(iNbrParms - 1) = _
                                setType(sParmValue, nChild.Tag)
                        End If
                    '/* in reverse order! */
                        iNbrParms = iNbrParms - 1
                        Set nChild = nChild.Next
                    Next iParmIndx
                    vParm = tli.InvokeHookArray(obj, sMethod, _
                                        INVOKE_FUNC, vaParms())
                '/* no parameters */
                    vParm = tli.InvokeHook(obj, sMethod, _
                End If
                MsgBox "Return =  " & vParm
                sParmValue = InputBox( _
                             "Enter Value for Property ", _
                             "Property Put")
                If sParmValue <> "" Then
                    vParm = setType(sParmValue, mi.ReturnType)
                    Call tli.InvokeHook(obj, sMethod, _
                                        INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT, vParm)
                End If
                vParm = tli.InvokeHook(obj, sMethod, _
                MsgBox "Property Value = " & vParm
        End Select
    End If
    Set mi = Nothing
    Set ii = Nothing
    Set tli = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description & " (invoke)"
    Resume invoke_exit
End Sub
Public Function loadListboxWithClassNames(sFilename As String, _
                                          lstClasses As ListBox) _
                                          As String
    Dim iTypeIndx As Integer
    Dim sRetInfo As String
    Dim ti As TypeLibInfo
    Dim tli As TLIApplication
'/* error trapping */
    On Error GoTo loadListboxWithClassNames_error
    Set tli = New TLIApplication
    Set ti = New TypeLibInfo
    Set ti = tli.TypeLibInfoFromFile(sFilename)
    sRetInfo = ti.Guid & "  " & ti.MajorVersion & "." & _
    For iTypeIndx = 1 To ti.TypeInfoCount
    '/* only classes - ignore anything else */
        If ti.TypeInfos.Item(iTypeIndx).TypeKind = _
                TKIND_COCLASS Then
            lstClasses.AddItem ti.Name & "." & _
        End If
    Next iTypeIndx
    Set ti = Nothing
    Set tli = Nothing
'/* return */
    loadListboxWithClassNames = sRetInfo
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description & _
           " (loadListboxWithClassNames)"
    Resume loadListboxWithClassNames_exit
End Function
Public Function loadTreeviewWithClassInfo(sCOMName As String, _
                                          tvwClasses As TreeView) _
                                          As String
    Dim iMemberIndx As Integer
    Dim iNbrMembers As Integer
    Dim iParameterIndx As Integer
    Dim iTreeviewIndx As Integer
    Dim iSaveIndx As Integer
    Dim iNbrParms As Integer
    Dim iMemberID As Integer
    Dim sRetInfo As String
    Dim obj As Object
    Dim n As Node
    Dim ii As InterfaceInfo
    Dim mi As MemberInfo
    Dim ti As TypeLibInfo
    Dim tli As TLIApplication
'/* error trapping */
    On Error GoTo loadTreeviewWithClassInfo_error
    Set obj = CreateObject(sCOMName)
    Set tli = New TLIApplication
    Set ti = New TypeLibInfo
    Set ii = tli.InterfaceInfoFromObject(obj)
    iNbrMembers = ii.Members.Count
    Set ti = ii.Parent
    sRetInfo = ti.Guid & "  " & ti.MajorVersion & "." & _
    tvwClasses.Nodes.Add , , , Mid$(ii.Name, 2)
'/* treeview index, assign to each node sequentially */
    iTreeviewIndx = 1
'/* type lib id for method, ie. function or property get/put */
    iMemberID = 0
    For iMemberIndx = 1 To iNbrMembers
        Set mi = ii.Members.Item(iMemberIndx)
        iMemberID = iMemberID + 1
        If Not ignoreName(mi.Name) Then
        '/* method name, method type and return type */
            tvwClasses.Nodes.Add 1, tvwChild, , mi.Name & " - " & _
            getInvokeKindsName(mi.InvokeKind) & _
                " (" & getVTTypeName(mi.ReturnType) & ")"
            iTreeviewIndx = iTreeviewIndx + 1
        '/* save member id - see InvokeHook logic */
            tvwClasses.Nodes.Item(iTreeviewIndx).Tag = iMemberID
            iNbrParms = mi.Parameters.Count
            iSaveIndx = iTreeviewIndx
            For iParameterIndx = 1 To iNbrParms
            '/* parameter name and type as child node of method */
                tvwClasses.Nodes.Add iSaveIndx, tvwChild, , _
                    mi.Parameters.Item(iParameterIndx).Name & _
                    " (" & getVTTypeName(mi.Parameters.Item _
                    (iParameterIndx).VarTypeInfo) & ")"
                iTreeviewIndx = iTreeviewIndx + 1
            '/* save parameter type - see InvokeHook logic */
                tvwClasses.Nodes.Item(iTreeviewIndx).Tag = _
            Next iParameterIndx
        End If
    Next iMemberIndx
    tvwClasses.Nodes(1).Expanded = True
    Set mi = Nothing
    Set ii = Nothing
    Set ti = Nothing
    Set tli = Nothing
    Set obj = Nothing
'/* return */
    loadTreeviewWithClassInfo = sRetInfo
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description & _
           " (loadTreeviewWithClassInfo)"
    Resume loadTreeviewWithClassInfo_exit
End Function

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