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Examining Doxygen

October, 2004: Examining Doxygen

Tag Description
a Displays the next word in a special font.
addtoindex Adds entry to index (LaTeX).
addtogroup Creates a group that will be merged with other groups sharing the same name.
author Identifies the author.
arg Introduces parameters (arguments) to method calls.
b Bolds next word.
brief Provides a brief description of an element.
bug Identifies a known bug.
c Uses typewriter font on next word.
callgraph Requests a call graph.
class Identifies documentation that applies to the class as a whole.
code Starts a block of code (used to insert code into comments); ends with endcode.
copydoc Copies documentation from one member to another location.
date Inserts a date.
def Identifies documentation that applies to a #define.
defgroup Defines a group (which must be unique).
deprecated Identifies members that are deprecated.
e Italicizes next word.
file Identifies documentation that applies to an entire file.
htmlonly Sends HTML text directly to HTML output (ends with endhtmlonly).
if Conditionally includes documentation.
image Inserts an image.
ingroup Adds element to a particular group.
interface Identifies documentation that applies to an interface.
latexonly Sends LaTeX commands directly to LaTeX output (ends with endlatexonly).
link Creates a link to another element.
mainpage Defines the documentation seen on the main page.
manonly Sends text directly to MAN output (ends with endmanonly).
n Forces new line.
page Generates a page of documentation not directly tied to an element.
param Introduces a parameter.
ref Creates a cross reference.
return Documents a function return.
retval Documents a return value for a specific function.
sa Creates "see also" text.
see Creates "see also" text.
since Marks the date or version where an element first appeared.
todo Identifies items not yet complete.
var Documents a variable.
verbatim Sends a block of text directly to both HTML and LaTeX output (ends with endverbatim).
version Identifies a version of the code.
xmlonly Sends a block of text directly to XML output (ends with endxmlonly).

Table 1: Common Doxygen tags.

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