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The Power of LISP for C Programmers

List Processing

Let's take a top-down approach. We'll start with a real-world programming problem and define the type and requirements of the list procedures we'll need. We'll use the corresponding LISP functions so those of you who are LISPers will see the C implementations.

Listing Three contains the entire source code for a sort program. The program reads lines of text from the standard input, sorts them, and writes them to the standard output. It can be used on UNIX or MS-DOS systems as a filter program; in conjunction with other programs, pipes, and redirection, the program can perform more complex processing. Three special-purpose procedures exist in addition to main: getaline, output-list, and string-compare. The other procedures perform general-purpose list processing and can be used for many programming problems. Once a library of such procedures has been built, a new application can be developed with minimal effort.

/*    File:         sort.c                               */
/*                                                       */
/*    Description:  This file contains source code for   */
/*                  a program written in C which sorts   */
/*                  text files.  It is a demonstration   */
/*                  of LISP-like list procedures.        */
/*                                                       */
/*    Version Date     History                           */
/*    1.00    14SEP88  Original                          */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>

/*    typedefs                                           */

typedef void   *POINTER;      /* General purpose pointer */

typedef struct                /* A CONS is two pointers  */
   POINTER  car;
   POINTER  cdr;
   } CONS;
typedef CONS    *LIST;        /* A LIST is a pointer to  */
                              /* a CONS                  */

/*    return codes at the program level                  */

#define  RET_NORMAL  0  /* Normal return code            */
#define  RET_IOERR   2  /* I/O Error                     */
#define  RET_MEMERR  3  /* Memory allocation error       */

/*    Manifest Constants                                 */

#define  LINESIZE 500   /* size of local buffer          */
                        /* lines larger then this will   */
                        /* read as multiple lines        */

/*    Prototypes                                         */

LIST     reverse(LIST  lst);
LIST     merge(LIST lst1,LIST lst2,int (*compare)());
LIST     sort(LIST lst,int (*compare)());
CONS     *cons(POINTER a,POINTER b);
LIST     cpush(CONS *z,LIST *lst);
LIST     push(POINTER item,LIST *lst);
CONS     *cpop(POINTER *lst);
POINTER  pop(POINTER  *lst);
LIST     outputlist(LIST lst,FILE *stream);
int      string_compare(char *a,char *b);
char     *getaline(FILE *stream);

/*    main     sort program                              */
/*                                                       */
/*    Reads lines of text from stdin, sorts them, and    */
/*    outputs the result to stdout.                      */
int main(void)

   LIST mylist=NULL;       /* List of text records as    */
                           /* read from stdin            */

   char  *lp;              /* pointer to duplicate string*/

   while  ( (lp = getaline(stdin)) != NULL )

   return RET_NORMAL;

/*    getaline         get a line of text                */
/*                                                       */
/*    Returns a pointer to a line of text read from      */
/*    stream.  Returns NULL if end of file.  Exits       */
/*    on error.                                          */
char *getaline(FILE *stream)
   char  line[LINESIZE];   /* input buffer               */
   char  *lp;              /* points to strdup buffer    */

   if (fgets(line,LINESIZE,stream) != NULL)
      if ( (lp = strdup(line)) != NULL)
         return lp;        /* normal return              */
         exit(RET_MEMERR); /* strdup could not malloc    */
      if (feof(stream))
         return NULL;      /* end of file                */
         exit(RET_IOERR);  /* I/O error in fgets         */

/*    string_compare    compares strings                 */
/*                                                       */
/*    Returns TRUE value if string a is ordered after    */
/*    string b. Returns  FASE if string a is equal to    */
/*    or ordered before string b.                        */
int string_compare(char *a,char *b)
   return strcmp(a,b) > 0;

/*    push          push an item onto a list             */
/*                                                       */
/*    Uses cons to create a CONS and sets its car cell   */
/*    to item.  Its cdr is set to *lst.  *lst is set to  */
/*    point to the CONS created.  A pointer to the CONS  */
/*    is also returned.                                  */
LIST push(POINTER item,LIST *lst)
   return *lst = cons(item,*lst);

/*    cons          create a CONS                        */
/*                                                       */
/*    Uses malloc to allocate a CONS and set its         */
/*    car cell to a and its cdr cell to b.  Exits if     */
/*    malloc fails!                                      */
   CONS  *z;
   z = (CONS *) malloc(sizeof(CONS));
   if (z == NULL) exit(RET_MEMERR);
   z->car = a;
   z->cdr = b;
   return z;

/*    pop         pop an item off a list                 */
/*                                                       */
/*    Uses cpop to pop a CONS off lst.  Return NULL      */
/*    if lst is empty.  free the CONS and return the     */
/*    car cell of the CONS.                              */
POINTER  pop(LIST  *lst)
   POINTER  item;
   CONS     *z;

   z = cpop(lst);
   if(z == NULL) return NULL; /* list is empty           */

   item = z->car;             /* get what cons pointed to*/

   free(z);                   /* release the cons        */

   return item;

/*    cpop         pop a CONS off a list                 */
/*                                                       */
/*    if *lst is empty return NULL, else set *lst to the */
/*    the car cell of the first CONS on *lst and return  */
/*    a pointer to the first CONS on *lst.               */
CONS    *cpop(LIST *lst)
   LIST  rvalue;
   rvalue = *lst;
   if (rvalue != NULL)
      *lst = rvalue->cdr;
   return rvalue;

/*    outputlist   output each item in a list            */
/*                                                       */
/*    start with the first item in the list, output it   */
/*    to stream assuming it is a string, repeat for each */
/*    item in the list.  Return lst.                     */
LIST outputlist(LIST lst,FILE *stream)
   CONS *acons;
   LIST  l=lst;

   while ( acons=cpop(l) != NULL )
      fputs( (char *) acons->car,stream);
   return lst;

/*    cpush      cons push                               */
/*                                                       */
/*    Adds a CONS to the head of a list                  */
/*    modify the cdr cell of *z to point to *lst.  set   */
/*    *lst to point to the CONS z and return a pointer   */
/*    to the CONS.                                       */
LIST cpush(CONS *z,LIST *lst)
   z->cdr = *lst;
   return *lst = z;

/*    reverse      reverse a list                        */
/*                                                       */
/*    distructively modify the cdr cells of the CONS     */
/*    which make up lst so that a new list is created    */
/*    which is the reverse of the original list.         */
/*    return the new list.                               */
LIST  reverse(LIST  lst)
   LIST  rlst=NULL;

   while (lst != NULL) cpush(cpop(&lst),&rlst);
   return rlst;

/*    split      split a list in half                    */
/*                                                       */
/*    Find the mid CONS in lst.  set its cdr cell to     */
/*    NULL.  return the remainder of lst, i.e. a pointer */
/*    to the next CONS after the mid CONS.               */
LIST split(LIST lst)
   LIST tail=lst->cdr;

   if ( (lst == NULL) || (tail == NULL) )
      return lst;

   while( (tail != NULL) && ( (tail=tail->cdr) != NULL) )
        lst = lst->cdr;
        tail = tail->cdr;
   tail = lst->cdr;
   return tail;

/*    sort        sort a list                            */
/*                                                       */
/*    If cmp is a two argument ordering procedure,       */
/*    sort the items in lst based on cmp and             */
/*    return the results                                 */
LIST  sort( LIST lst,int (*cmp)())
   LIST lst2;

   if ((lst == NULL) || (lst->cdr == NULL)) return lst;

   lst2 = split(lst);
   return merge(sort(lst,cmp),sort(lst2,cmp),cmp);

/*    merge        merge two lists                       */
/*                                                       */
/*    If cmp is a two argument ordering procedure,       */
/*    merge the items in l1 and l2 based on cmp and      */
/*    return the results                                 */
LIST  merge(LIST l1,LIST l2,int (*cmp)())
   LIST  rlst=NULL;

   while ( (l1 != NULL) && (l2 != NULL) )
      cpush((cmp(l2->car,l1->car) ? cpop(&l1) : cpop(&l2)), &rlst);

   while ( l1 != NULL ) cpush(cpop(&l1),&rlst);
   while ( l2 != NULL ) cpush(cpop(&l2),&rlst);

   return reverse(rlst);
Listing Three: Efficient sort program.

The main procedure begins with a simple loop that reads each line of text and puts the text on a list called "mylist", which is declared as a LIST type. Think of a list as a new data abstraction available to you as a C programmer. A list is a data entity to which you can add and recover items regardless of type and do all kinds of things that seem reasonable to do with lists. Our program includes a sampling of list-processing procedures needed to satisfy our program's requirements. In addition, you can write your own procedures to do list processing. Your procedures should be generic and independent of the type of the items in the list. In fact, we can even make up a list that contains items of varying types. For example, we might store employee records, bowling-league scores, and parts lists in the same list. Yes, we can even store lists in lists.

The program has a simple approach. We get text lines one at a time from the standard input and push them onto a list. When we reach the end of file, the list is sorted and output on the standard output. We can see from the code in main that a list can have properties similar to a stack, since we are pushing the lines of text onto mylist. But what are we pushing and where does it go? Well, lp is the variable we are using and it is a POINTER. Therefore, we must be pushing a POINTER onto the list.

getaline is a simple procedure that uses the library procedure fgets to read a string from the designated input stream (stdin in our case). The string is stored in a local buffer called line. fgets terminates when LINESIZE-1 characters have been read or if a newline character is encountered, whichever comes first. fgets will return a null if an end of file or an input error occurs.

Under normal circumstances, a null-terminated string will be stored in line and getaline will then use the library routine strdup to duplicate the string and return a POINTER to the duplicate. strdup uses the memory-allocation routine malloc to get space to store the duplicate. If the system is out of memory, strdup will return null and getaline will exit with a return parameter indicating the error. getaline returns a pointer to a string that has been stored in memory allocated with malloc. When no more data is available, getaline will ret urn null unless an error occurs, in which case it will exit with an error indication. getaline's logic for handling abnormal conditions is adequate; however, production code might include some diagnostic messages to the standard error stream.

Let's return to the question of what gets stored on a list. We see from its use that the push procedure pushes a POINTER onto a list. In the example, lp points to a type char. It should be obvious by now that the pointer does not have to point to a char; it can point to any type of C item. push and other list procedures in our program work with lists similar to Figure 2. With this approach, we can build lists independent of items stored in the lists. The list is made up of CONS linked together by their cdr cells. The car cell in the CONS points to the item stored in the list. To simplify the code, we use typedefs to define the necessary data structures. Take a look at the definition of a CONS and a LIST.

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