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Debugging Embedded Systems

October 1993/Debugging Embedded Systems/Listing 1

Listing 1 RAMROM.C

 * fakeRom : This program supports
 *           debugging of ROM
 *           images in RAM.

/* System includes */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mem.h>

/* Useful defines and type defs */

define FAKE_ROM_SIZE 65536L

/* Other useful types */
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;

/* Pointer to void far function */
typedef void (far *FUNCPTR) ();

/* -- procedures -- */

 * getAddrPart : Return the segment
 *               or offset of a
 *               pointer

USHORT getAddrPart
  (void *tptr, char part) {

  /* Overlay for pointer */
  USHORT components[2];

   * Overlay far pointer on
   * two 16-bit words.

  memcpy ( (void *)components,
          (void *)&tptr,
          (long) 4 );

   * Return segment or offset
   * as requested by user.

  if ( part == 's' )
    return components[1];
    return components[0];


 * physAddr : Make a physical
 *            address from
 *            segment, offset

ULONG physAddr (void *tptr) {

  ULONG addr;  /* return value */

  /* Get segment */
  addr = getAddrPart(tptr,'s');
  addr = addr << 4;

  /* Get offset */
  addr = addr|getAddrPart(tptr,'o');

  /* Return whole thing */
  return addr;


 * loadImage : load a file
 *             into a physical
 *             address.

long loadImage ( FILE *fptr,
              char buffer[],
              ULONG size)

   /* Local variables */

  long leftToRead;
  int thisRead;
  long actual;
  int block;

  /* Initialize */

   actual = 0;
   block = 0;
   leftToRead = size;

   /* Assume 512 blocks */

   while( 1 ) {
     /* Calculate amount to read */
     if ( leftToRead > 512L )
       thisRead = 512L;
       thisRead = leftToRead;

     /* Perform the read */

     /* End-of-file test */
     if ( block == 0 )
       return (actual);

     /* Update counters */
     actual += (long)block;
     leftToRead -= (long)thisRead;

} /* END loadImage */

 * main : main routine of ramrom.c

void main () {

/* Local variables */

ULONG phys;
FILE *ifl;
char *fake_rom_p;
static char imageName[128];
long int actSize;
static char answer[4];
ULONG huge *tptr;

 * Allocate enough memory
 * for the ROM image

phys = physAddr ( fake_rom_p );

 * Force all the locations that
 * will not be filled during load
 * to have OxFF in them. This
 * mimics the actions of an
 * EPROM programming device.

 tptr=(ULONG * huge) fake_rom_p;
   *tptr = 0xFFFFFFFF;

/* Show address to user and tell
  user what to do with it */

printf("\n\nFake rom address:");
printf(" 0x%08lx\n",phys);
printf("\nINSTRUCTIONS FOR ");
printf("1. Go to development ");
printf("system or window.\n");
printf("2. Perform the final ");
printf("absolute link of the \n");
printf("   code specifying ");
printf("   as absolute address,");
printf(" instead of\n");
printf("   usual EPROM address.\n");
printf("3. Move final image to");
printf(" where it can be \n");
printf("   loaded by this ");
printf(" debug program.\n");
printf("4. Enter image name.\n");
printf("5. Enter YES when you are");
printf(" ready to run.\n");


ifl = NULL;

/* Load EPROM IMAGE */

while (ifl==NULL) {
  printf("\nEnter image name: ");
  (void) gets(imageName);
  if (ifl==NULL) {

  if (  actSize < 1 ) {
    ifl = NULL;

} /* while ifl==NULL */

printf("%lu bytes loaded",actSize);
printf(" from %s\n", imageName);


 * Note: If you set a breakpoint
 * right here, you can examine
 * your loaded EPROM IMAGE in
 * memory.

printf("Run it? YES/NO: ");
(void) gets( answer );
if (strcmp(answer,"YES")==0) {
  (void)(*((FUNCPTR)fake_rom_p)) ();

} /* END main() */

/* End of File */

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