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Cannot find server - for YOU

The page cannot be displayed... for YOU

The page you are looking for is unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, you may need to adjust your browser settings. But really the problem is YOU. We thought you were our friend. Now we know better.

You could try the following:

  • You could try using Linux all the time as your main system. Instead of loading it once and then letting it molder away on your spare 4GB partition.
  • No, sticking it on the old P90 in the corner does not constitute 'a fair trial'. Not in anyone's book.
  • What? You can't run Linux full time because your version control system doesn't support it. I must say, that's pretty rich coming from Check-in Charlie. The last time you actually checked something in, the project librarian practically had a heart attack. Don't try that on sunshine.
  • It's no good clicking and clicking away like a mad thing. I'm sorry, you've got around us before. To look at you, you wouldn't think a Visual Basic script would melt in your mouth. This time we aren't falling for it.

Cannot find Linux or BSD Error
Internet Explorer (I shouldn't wonder)

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