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Easy Analog Data Compression

Listing 2: Partial listing of decoder.cpp

Listing 2: Partial listing of decoder.cpp

class TDecoder
    private: TDecoder(); 
    // no default constructor wanted
    public: TDecoder(vector<int> &tiDestination);
    // init the TDecoder and pass a vector whereto decoded data shall
    // be written;

    public: void Decode(WORD wCode);
    // decode the word wCode and push_back the result into tiDestination

    private: int DeltaDecode(int iDelta); 

    int miXsample;      
    // the untouched fraction of the last 16-bit code passed to Decode()

    int miXbitsTaken; 
    // denotes what number of bits are valid in miXsample

    int miBitWidthOfCode; 
    // holds the bit width of the code

    int miAbsValueCoded;
    // this holds the number of WORDs left that code an absolute value

    int mpiLastSamplesDiv3[3];
    // usually holds the last 3 decoded samples

    int miSamples2MSBidentical;
// this counter is used for the reduction of the bit width (in
    // the adaption)

    vector<int> *mptiDestination;
    // pointer to the result vector

    static const int mpiABSCODE[17];        
    static const int mpiOVFLCODE[16];       
    static const int mpiALIGNCODE[16];      
    static const int mpiSIGNEXTENSION[16];

const int TDecoder::mpiABSCODE[17] = { ... }; // as in listing 1
const int TDecoder::mpiOVFLCODE[16] = { ... }; // as in listing 1
const int TDecoder::mpiALIGNCODE[16] = { ... }; // as in listing 1

const int TDecoder::mpiSIGNEXTENSION[16] =
    // the value at index i denotes a bitmask for 32-bits sign extension 
    // for an i-bits value
    0xFFFFFE00, 0xFFFFFC00, 0xFFFFF800, 0xFFFFF000,
    0xFFFFE000, 0xFFFFC000, 0xFFFF8000, 0xFFFF0000

TDecoder::TDecoder(vector<int> &tiDestination):
    assert( sizeof(int) >= 4 ); // TDecoder does not run on 16-bit
                                // platforms
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mpiLastSamplesDiv3[i] = 0;

int TDecoder::DeltaDecode(int iDelta)
    int iPrediction = 4 * mpiLastSamplesDiv3[2] + mpiLastSamplesDiv3[1] - 
                        2 * mpiLastSamplesDiv3[0];

    int iDecodedSample = iPrediction + iDelta;
    mpiLastSamplesDiv3[0] = mpiLastSamplesDiv3[1];
    mpiLastSamplesDiv3[1] = mpiLastSamplesDiv3[2];
    mpiLastSamplesDiv3[2] = iDecodedSample / 3;
    return iDecodedSample;

void TDecoder::Decode(WORD wCode)
    unsigned uiCode = wCode; // use full 32-bit register width

    if( miAbsValueCoded == 1 )
        miXsample = uiCode;
        if (uiCode & 0x8000) miXsample -=0x10000;  // unsigned -> int16
                                                   // conversion
        mpiLastSamplesDiv3[0] = miXsample/3;       // update for
                                                   // delta encoding
        mpiLastSamplesDiv3[1] = miXsample/3;
        mpiLastSamplesDiv3[2] = miXsample/3;
        miAbsValueCoded--;                   // switch back to delta
                                             // encoding
        miXsample = 0x0000;                  // reset buffered sub-word
        // a delta encoded value, not necessarily aligned with a word
        // boundary has been received
        uiCode <<= miXbitsTaken;  // shift it left to and combine it with
        miXsample |= uiCode;      // a buffered rest of preceding iCode:s
        miXbitsTaken += 16;       // 16 new bits to decode were passed

        while( miXbitsTaken >= miBitWidthOfCode )
            // cut out a complete code; reduce contents of the buffer by
            // the code cut out; reduce number of valid bits accordingly
            int iSubword = miXsample & mpiABSCODE[miBitWidthOfCode]; 
            int iSignBitMask = 1 << (miBitWidthOfCode - 1);
            miXsample >>= miBitWidthOfCode;
            miXbitsTaken -= miBitWidthOfCode;

            int iMaxBitMask = 3 << (miBitWidthOfCode - 2);

            if( iSignBitMask & iSubword)
                // a negative number was coded; sign extension is needed
                // as well for the comparison to mpiALIGNCODE[] as for
                // delta decoding
                iSubword |= mpiSIGNEXTENSION[miBitWidthOfCode - 1];
            if( iSubword == mpiOVFLCODE[miBitWidthOfCode - 1] )
                miBitWidthOfCode++;  // increase bit width of code
                miSamples2MSBidentical = 0;
            else if( iSubword == mpiABSCODE[miBitWidthOfCode - 1] )
                miAbsValueCoded = 1;
                miXbitsTaken = 0;
                miXsample = 0;
            else if( iSubword == mpiALIGNCODE[miBitWidthOfCode - 1] )
                miXbitsTaken = 0;
                miXsample = 0;
                if( (iSubword & iMaxBitMask) == 0x0000 || 
                    (iSubword & iMaxBitMask) == iMaxBitMask)
                    if ((miSamples2MSBidentical == BIT_REDUCTION_LENGTH) &&
                        (miBitWidthOfCode > MIN_BIT_WIDTH))  
                        miSamples2MSBidentical = 0;
                    miSamples2MSBidentical = 0;

                int iNewSample = DeltaDecode( iSubword );
                (*mptiDestination).push_back( iNewSample );
        } // while
} // TDecoder::Decode()

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