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Efficient Band Matrix Computations

December 1996/Efficient Band Matrix Computations

It often pays to reflect the structure of data in the program that processes it. When the data is an array with many zero elements, the time and space savings can be considerable.


Here's a short quiz. Name something in common between finite-difference approximations to differential equations and cubic splines. One answer is that both, along with many other scientific applications, can involve the solution of band-linear systems of equations. Band-linear systems are characterized by a coefficient matrix with all non-zero elements located near the main diagonal. Matrices with this special structure are called band matrices.

It's obvious that some economy in space can be realized when working with band matrices. Many storage schemes can be described, but it's most common to store all the diagonals that contains any non-zero element. Consider the matrix:

 2  1  0  0  0  0
 8  3 -1  0  0  0
 0  0  4 -2  0  0
 0  0  1  2  0  0
 0  0  0  1  1 -1
 0  0  0  0  2  5

Instead of storing 36 elements, 22 of them zero, we can store the three diagonals, or bands,

1 -1 -2  0 -1
2  3  4  2  1  5
8  0  1  1  2

This implementation views an N by N matrix as 2*N - 1 vectors containing the data in the 2*N - 1 diagonals. Parameterized STL vectors are used for easy scaling across data types, and only those diagonals with at least one non-zero entry are stored.

Listing 1 defines the template class bandStorage. The private members represent all of the information required to represent a band matrix. The matrix order N is needed to establish upper bounds on storage, and for operations like matrix-vector multiplication. The members upperMostBand and lowerMostBand define the "bandwidth" of a matrix. The location of the diagonal in the upper triangle furthest from the main diagonal that still contains some non-zero element is stored in upperMostBand. The lower triangular analog is lowerMostBand. Lastly, we define a to be a vector of vectors containing the matrix diagonals.

Two constructors are defined. One takes no arguments and simply initializes all members to zero. The other constructor accepts an integer argument as the matrix order and creates "slots" for up to 2*N - 1 vectors.

Three inline member functions are defined to access matrix order, upper band width, and lower band width. The simplifying assumption is made that the order of an object will not change after its creation and therefore order does not return a reference.

The diag member functions allow access, both as rvalue and lvalue, to complete bands of the matrix. This is especially useful for initialization.

operator() is overloaded to allow access to a band matrix by standard row/column indexing. A check has to be made to determine if the requested element lies within the upper and lower bands. If not, zero is simply returned. Some implications follow from this. Namely, elements can be changed only if they lie within the current band width. Furthermore, any bands between the uppermost and lowermost that contain all zeros must be stored as such.

Since matrix-vector multiplication is so common, operator* is overloaded to define multiplication between band matrices and STL vectors. Remember the standard inner-product algorithm for matrix-vector multiplication? It goes like this:

for i = 1, ..., n
   y(i) = 0
   for j = 1, ..., n
      y(i) = y(i) + a(i,j) * x(j)

It is certainly possible to implement operator* in this manner. There is a real efficiency problem here however. In this algorithm each access of a(i,j) lies in a diagonal different from the previous access. Our band data structure makes row (or column) traversal of a band matrix very cumbersome. But we know access by diagonal is very efficient. So we rewrite the matrix-vector algorithm. Moving from the lowermost band to the uppermost, we grab each band, caching it in a temporary. We then step contiguously through that diagonal, multiplying each element by the proper element in x. As above, each element in the result vector is used as an accumulator.

SPD Systems

The coefficient matrices in linear systems from certain application areas, such as finite element analysis, are frequently symmetric and positive definite (SPD). Symmetry simply means that a matrix is equal to its own transpose, i.e. a(i,j) == a(j,i) for any i and j. Positive definiteness is really an algebraic property, more than a structural property. A matrix M is defined to be positive definite if and only if trans(x)*M*x is greater than zero for all non-zero vectors x. We don't really need to be concerned about the mathematical definition.

Listing 2 shows the declaration/definition of a class used specifically for symmetric and positive definite matrices. Symmetry plays the key role here.

Because an SPD band matrix is still a band matrix, we use public inheritance to define the Is-A relationship. The constructors are very standard. More interesting is the member function diagonal(const int). It is used to access any diagonal in the matrix. But notice that it always refers to the lower triangle of A. Since we know A is symmetric, the convention in this implementation has been to store only the lower triangle.

The setDiag function is introduced to simplify assignment of constant values to a band. Many applications generate band matrices with constant bands.

As I mentioned earlier, the definition of positive definiteness is of little consequence here. What's important is that symmetric and positive definite linear systems can be solved using a special variant of Gaussian elimination called Cholesky decomposition. Cholesky decomposition is used to find a triangular matrix L so that A is the product of L and trans(L). The solution of the original linear system Ax = b is then reduced to solving two triangular systems, a fast and simple process. Also, if the right-hand side b of the linear system changes, but the coefficient matrix remains the same, there is no need to recompute the Cholesky factor. This results in significant performace gains when solving systems with multiple right-hand sides. Full algorithm details can be found in most books on numerical linear algebra, e.g. Golub and Van Loan [1] .

We create a class SPDBandMatrixFactor to support Cholesky decomposition and forward/backward triangular system solutions. See Listing 3. The class is derived from bandStorage since the triangular Cholesky factor is a band matrix with the same lower band width as the original matrix.

The factor function computes and stores the Cholesky factor internally. Function solve then applies the Cholesky factor to the right-hand side of a linear system and returns a solution.

The overloaded operator() and diagonal member function are used as service functions by factor and solve.

Listing 4 shows the solution of an SPD linear system. First some STL vectors are initialized with the matrix data. Next an instance of SPDBandMatrix<float> is created, order 9, with band width of 3. The matrix B is then initialized.

After creating an instance of the factor object, the Cholesky factor is computed and used to solve the system Bx = y, where y happens to be the diagonal of B. The results are printed.

The space savings realized by band storage are clear at this point. It's less obvious that there are large computational savings with band system solutions like the the one above. The work involved in solving an N by N system of equations usually increases about as fast as N*N*N. For band systems, the work tends to grow more slowly, more like N*N*B, where B is the bandwidth.

Tridiagonal Systems

For tridiagonal systems, there is a dramatic reduction in time complexity. These systems can be solved in O(N) time, N again being the order of the coefficient matrix.

Since tridiagonal matrices are simply band matrices, we derive a tridiagonal matrix class from bandStorage. See Listing 5.

There is no separate factor class since the factorization is amazingly cheap. It just doesn't matter that much if it is repeated for the same coefficient matrix.

There are some additional private members required to store the factorization. This is not a Cholesky factorization, but rather a more general one known as LU. It is closely related to Gaussian elimination and requires no assumptions about positive definiteness or symmetry.

Convenience functions are added to access the only valid bands. They are subDiagonal, superDiagonal, and mainDiagonal. The solve function factors and solves. It is a translation of the equivalent LINPACK routine. (See Dongarra, et. al. [2] ) Partial pivoting is performed and an exception is thrown if singularity is encountered.

Listing 6 shows a simple example solving a tridiagonal system and checking the results.


Certain matrices have exploitable structure. We examined the band case and found it surprisingly easy to implement usable data structures, leveraging the work behind STL vectors. Abstracting out the essential structural features of band matrices into a band storage class made light work of deriving more specialized band classes and adding valuable service routines.

Some improvements/tradeoffs are possible. Two examples are:

  • It is possible to have bandwidth determined automatically through an update procedure in the data-insertion functions.
  • Instead of a central data structure built as vector < vector <T> >, it could be built as list < vector <T> >. For systems of very large order and narrow bandwidth, the space savings might be valuable. The problem is in the slow element access as the appropriate diagonals are located. o


[1] Gene H. Golub, and Charles F. Van Loan. Matrix Computations, 2d ed. (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1989).

[2] J.J. Dongarra, J.R. Bunch, C.B. Moler, and G.W. Stewart. LINPACK Users' Guide. (SIAM, Philadelphia, 1979).

Keith Crowe has BS and MS degrees in mathematics and applied mathematics. With ten years of development work in scientific and numerical computing, he is currently manager of the Object-Oriented Components group at Visual Numerics, Inc. He can be reached at [email protected].

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