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Extending Java Streams to Support Bit Streams

DDJ, Spring1997: Listings

Extending Java Streams to Support Bit Streams

by Laurence Vanhelsuwé

Listing One

import java.io.*;

public class CharFreq {

public static void main (String[] args) {
InputStream file = null;
int frequencies[] = new int[256];
int ch;

    if (args.length == 0) {
        System.out.println("Usage: java CharFreq <file>");
    try {
        file = new FileInputStream(args[0]) );
    } catch (FileNotFoundException unknownFile) {
        System.out.println("'" + args[0] + "' could not be found.");
    try {
        while ( (ch = file.read()) != -1 ) {
            frequencies[ ch ]++;
    } catch (IOException error) {
        System.out.println("An error occurred during reading: " + error);
    try {
    } catch (IOException ignored) {}
} // End of Class CharFreq

Listing Two

// Class BitStreamInputStream
// --------------------------
// Implements an enhanced InputStream which allows you to read a
// stream of bit fields ranging in size from 1 bit (a true bit
// stream) to 32 bits (a stream of integers). The size of the current
// bitfield can be changed at any point while reading the stream.
// (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1996. E-Mail: [email protected]

import java.io.*;
public class BitStreamInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
final static int EIGHT = 8; // 8 bits per byte
protected short buffer; // our BYTE bitstream read-ahead
                        // buffer declared as short to cope with EOF
protected int bitsInCache;  // how many unread bits left in our byte
protected int fieldSize;    // current size of bitstream read fields

public BitStreamInputStream(InputStream in) {

    this(in, EIGHT);       // default to a normal byte stream
public BitStreamInputStream(InputStream in, int bitFieldSize) {
    bitsInCache = 0;        // we haven't got any cached bits
// Set the current bitfield size.
public void setBitFieldSize(int bits) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (bits>32 || bits<1) throw new IllegalArgumentException
 "BitField size ("+ bits + ") no good. Has to be between 1 and 32."
    this.fieldSize = bits;
public int getBitFieldSize() {
    return this.fieldSize;
// Read a bitfield from the input stream. The number of bits read is
// the current bitfield length. Bitfield can be on arbitrary bit boundaries.
public long readBitField() throws IOException {

int bitField;               // what we're going to return to caller
int bitsToRead;             // remaining bits to assemble into BF
int availableNumberOfBits;
int OR_position;
int rightAlignedBFPartial;
    bitField    = 0;        // start with empty jigsaw
    bitsToRead  = fieldSize;
    OR_position = fieldSize;

    while (bitsToRead > 0) {
        if (bitsInCache == 0) {
            if ( (buffer = (short) in.read()) == -1) {
                return -1;          // reached EOF
            bitsInCache = EIGHT;    // we've got a full byte again
        availableNumberOfBits = Math.min( bitsToRead, bitsInCache );
        rightAlignedBFPartial = buffer >> (EIGHT - availableNumberOfBits);
        // always keep next partial left aligned and clean
        buffer <<= availableNumberOfBits;
        buffer &= 255;
        OR_position -= availableNumberOfBits;
        // add bitfield subfield
        bitField |= rightAlignedBFPartial << OR_position;
        // track # of cached bits
        // track how much left to do

        bitsInCache -= availableNumberOfBits;
        bitsToRead  -= availableNumberOfBits;
    return bitField;
        // The remaining methods are methods we override
        // from our parent class: FilterInputStream
// Overridden read() still reads a byte, but on any bit boundary.
public int read() throws IOException {
int previousBFSize;
int theByte;
    previousBFSize = getBitFieldSize();
    setBitFieldSize( EIGHT );
    try {
        theByte = (int) readBitField();
    finally {
        setBitFieldSize( previousBFSize );
    return theByte;
// Override block read() methods to use basic read() as building block.
// The implementation we want for this read() is the same as that
// for class InputStream.
// According to the Java language spec, two elegant (and short
// solution should work:
//   ((InputStream) this).read(..)      // i.e. a cast
//   InputStream.read(..)               // i.e. fully specifiying
// Unfortunately neither work, so I am forced to paste in the
// original code for InputStream.read(byte b[], int off, int len).

public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {

    if (len <= 0) {
        return 0;
    int c = read();
    if (c == -1) {
        return -1;
    b[off] = (byte)c;
    int i = 1;
    try {
        for (; i < len ; i++) {
            c = read();
            if (c == -1) {
            if (b != null) {
                b[off + i] = (byte)c;
    } catch (IOException ee) {}
    return i;
// Overridden FilterInputStream.read(byte b[])
public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
    return read(b, 0, b.length);
// Overridden FilterInputStream.skip(long n)
// If any client relies heavily on skipping multi-byte strings in
// the bitstream, then this method has to be re-implemented to be more
// efficient. Current implementation is functional but highly inefficient.
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
long i;

    for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
        if (read() == -1) break;
    return i;
} // End of Class BitStreamInputStream

Listing Three

// Class BitStreamOutputStream
// ---------------------------
// Implements an enhanced OutputStream which allows you to write a
// stream of bit fields ranging in size from 1 bit (a true bit
// stream) to 32 bits (a stream of integers). The size of the current
// bitfield can be changed at any point while writing the stream.
// (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1996. E-Mail: [email protected]

import java.io.*;

public class BitStreamOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream {

final static int EIGHT = 8;     // 8 bits per byte

protected short buffer;         // our BYTE bitstream write buffer
protected int bitsInCache;      // how many cached bits in our byte
protected int fieldSize;        // current size of bitstream fields
protected long maxFieldValue;   // max value that fits bitfield

public BitStreamOutputStream(OutputStream out) {
    this(out, EIGHT);           // default to a normal byte stream
public BitStreamOutputStream(OutputStream out, int bitFieldSize) {
    super(out);                 // call FilterOutputStream constr.
    bitsInCache = 0;            // we haven't got any cached bits
    buffer      = 0;            // start w/ clean buffer (for ORs !)
public void setBitFieldSize(int bits) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (bits>32 || bits<1) throw new IllegalArgumentException
 "BitField size ("+ bits + ") no good. Has to be between 1 and 32."
    this.fieldSize = bits;
    this.maxFieldValue = (1L << bits) - 1;  // precalc max bf value
public int getBitFieldSize() {
    return this.fieldSize;
// Write a bitfield to the output stream. The number of bits written is
// the current bitfield length. Bitfield can be on arbitrary bit boundaries.
public void writeBitField(int bf) throws IOException {

int bitsToWrite;            // how many bits left to write
int capacity;               // how many bits fit in write buffer
int partial, partialSize;   // partial bitfield and its size in bits
int bfExtractPos;           // bitfield extract position (bit number)

        // check that bitfield fits in current bitfield size
    if (bf > maxFieldValue ) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException
     "Can not pack bitfield " + bf + " in " + fieldSize + " bits."
    bitsToWrite  = fieldSize;
    bfExtractPos = fieldSize;
        // a single bitfield might have to be written out in several
        // passes since the lot has to pass through the single byte
        // write buffer. This inefficient situation is a result of
        // the complex aligning required to append any bitfield to
        // the currently written stream.
    while (bitsToWrite > 0) {
        if (bitsInCache != EIGHT) {         // if capacity left
            capacity = EIGHT - bitsInCache; // in write buffer...

            partialSize = Math.min( bitsToWrite, capacity);
            bfExtractPos -= partialSize;

            partial = extract (bf, partialSize, bfExtractPos);
            buffer |= partial << (capacity - partialSize);
            bitsToWrite -= partialSize;
            bitsInCache += partialSize;
        if (bitsInCache == EIGHT) {         // if write buffer full,
            out.write((int) buffer);        // send it on its way
            bitsInCache = 0;                // and continue with
            buffer      = 0;                // clean buffer
// extract a bitfield of length 'bits' from an integer source.
// bitfield starts at bit 'pos' and is returned right-aligned to bitpos 0
private int extract (int source, int bits, int pos) {

    source = source >> pos;     // align bitfield to bit 0
    int mask = ~( (-1) << bits);// create a mask to get clean bitfld
    return source & mask;       // return bitfield (0 bits padded)
        // The remaining methods are methods we override from
        // our parent class: FilterOutputStream
// Override write() method to write a byte on any bit boundary.
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
int previousBFSize;

    previousBFSize = getBitFieldSize();
    try {
        writeBitField( b & 0xFF );
    // if writeBitField threw an exception, make sure we reset
    // the current bitfield size before letting the exception thru
    finally {

// Override block write() methods to use basic write() as building block.
public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) {
        write(b[off + i]);
public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {
   write(b, 0, b.length);

// Override flush() method.
public void flush() throws IOException {

    // REFUSE to flush as this advances file pointer of underlying stream !
// Override close() method to correctly flush any remaining bitfields
// in write buffer before closing output chain.
public void close() throws IOException {
    if (bitsInCache != 0) {
        out.write((int) buffer);
} // End of class BitStreamOutputStream

Listing Four

// Class LZW (Lempel-Zif-Welch)
// ----------------------------
// This Java implementation of the LZW algorithm demonstrates the
// use of the BitStreamInputStream and BitStreamOutputStream classes.
// (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1996  E-Mail: [email protected]

import java.io.*;

public class LZW {

protected LZWDictionary LZWdict;            // LZW look-up object
protected       int bitFieldSize;           // current bitfield size
protected final int STARTING_BF_SIZE = 9;

// LZW compressor. For an explanation of the algorithm, see DDJ
// October 1989.
public boolean compress(InputStream plain, OutputStream compressed) {

BufferedInputStream     b_in;   // these buffering streams are there
BufferedOutputStream    b_out;  // purely to enhance I/O performance

BitStreamOutputStream   out;    // the output stream for LZW data

String  string, longerString;
int     ch;
    bitFieldSize = STARTING_BF_SIZE;

    b_in    = new BufferedInputStream(plain);
    b_out   = new BufferedOutputStream(compressed);

    out     = new BitStreamOutputStream(b_out, bitFieldSize);

    LZWdict = new LZWDictionary();

    // STRING = get input character
    try {
        char initialChar = (char) b_in.read();
        string = String.valueOf( initialChar );
        // WHILE there are still input characters DO
        //   CHARACTER = get input character
        while ( (ch = b_in.read()) != -1) {
            longerString =  string + (char) ch;
            // IF STRING+CHARACTER is in the string table THEN
            if ( LZWdict.encountered(longerString) ) {
                // STRING = STRING+character
                string = longerString;
            } else {
                // output the code for STRING
                // add STRING+CHARACTER to the string table
                // STRING = CHARACTER
                int code = LZWdict.stringCode(string);
                try {
                    out.writeBitField( LZWdict.stringCode(string) );
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException bitFieldWontFit) {
                    out.writeBitField( LZWDictionary.GROW_CODE );
                    out.setBitFieldSize( ++bitFieldSize );
                    out.writeBitField( LZWdict.stringCode(string) );
                string = String.valueOf( (char) ch);
    // output the code for STRING
    out.writeBitField( LZWdict.stringCode(string) );
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ignored) {}
    return true;
// LZW decompressor. For an explanation of the algorithm, see DDJ
// October 1989.
public boolean decompress(InputStream compressedByteStream,
                         OutputStream decompressed) {
BufferedInputStream     b_in;

BufferedOutputStream    b_out;
BitStreamInputStream    in;
DataOutputStream        out;

long                    code;
int                     oldCode, newCode;
String                  string;
char                    firstChar;

    bitFieldSize = STARTING_BF_SIZE;

    b_in    = new BufferedInputStream(compressedByteStream);
    b_out   = new BufferedOutputStream(decompressed);

    in      = new BitStreamInputStream(b_in, bitFieldSize);
    out     = new DataOutputStream(b_out);
    LZWdict = new LZWDictionary();

    try {

        // Read OLD_CODE
        // output OLD_CODE
        oldCode = (int) in.readBitField();
        firstChar = (char) oldCode;

        // WHILE there are still input characters DO
        while( (code = in.readBitField()) != -1) {
            // Read NEW_CODE
            newCode = (int) code;
            switch (newCode) {
                case LZWDictionary.GROW_CODE : 
                    in.setBitFieldSize ( ++bitFieldSize );
                    continue;       // carry on with while()
            // STRING = get translation of NEW_CODE
            string = LZWdict.codeString(newCode);
            if (string == null) {
                String prevString = LZWdict.codeString(oldCode);
                string = prevString + firstChar;
            // output STRING
            // CHARACTER = first character in STRING
            firstChar = string.charAt(0);
            // add OLD_CODE + CHARACTER to the translation table
            String prevString = LZWdict.codeString(oldCode);
            String compressedString = prevString + firstChar;
            // OLD_CODE = NEW_CODE

            oldCode = newCode;
        } // End of while

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ignored) {}
    return true;
}} // End of Class LZW (Lempel-Zif-Welch)

Listing Five

// Class LZWDictionary
// -------------------
// This class encapsulates the core LZW string/compression code
// associative data structure and its ADT manipulation methods.
// (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1996    email: [email protected]

import java.util.*;     // mainly for Hashtable

class LZWDictionary {25

private final static int ASCII_SET_SIZE = 256;
private final static int COMMAND_CODES  = 1;
private final static int FIRST_CODE     = ASCII_SET_SIZE + COMMAND_CODES;

// List of command codes:
public final static int GROW_CODE = FIRST_CODE - 1;

protected Hashtable string2codeLUT;
protected Hashtable code2stringLUT;
protected int       nextCode;

// LZWDictionary constructor
// 1) create the two parallel string/code look-up tables
// 2) initialize them to contain codes for every 8-bit ASCII char
// 3) init compression code counter
public LZWDictionary () {

String string;      // the look-up table key
Integer code;       // the look-up table value
    string2codeLUT  = new Hashtable();
    code2stringLUT  = new Hashtable();
    for (int charCode=0; charCode < ASCII_SET_SIZE; charCode++) {
        string = String.valueOf( (char) charCode );
        code   = new Integer(charCode);
        string2codeLUT.put(string, code);
        code2stringLUT.put(code, string);
    nextCode = FIRST_CODE;
// Boolean function to determine whether a string sequence has
// already been registered (and can therefore be compressed).
public boolean encountered(String string) {
    return string2codeLUT.containsKey(string);
// A new string needs to be recorded in the LZW dictionary.
// The new string becomes associated with a unique compression code.
// To be able to look up the code for a string and vice versa, two
// Hashtable objects (containing essentially the same data) are
// maintained and kept in sync.
public void add(String string) {
    Integer code = new Integer(nextCode);
    string2codeLUT.put(string, code);
    code2stringLUT.put( code, string);
// Look up the compression code for a given string
public int stringCode(String string) {
Integer code;
    code = (Integer) string2codeLUT.get(string);
    return code.intValue();
// Look up a string associated with a given compression code
public String codeString(int strCode) {
Integer code;
    code = new Integer(strCode);
    return (String) code2stringLUT.get(code);
}} // End of Class LZWDictionary

Listing Six

// LZWClient
// ---------
// Demonstration LZW (de)compressing utility which relies on the LZW
// classes, which in turn build on the BitStream I/O classes.
// (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1996. E-Mail: [email protected]

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class LZWClient {

private final static int ACTION_INVALID    = 0;
private final static int ACTION_COMPRESS   = 1;
private final static int ACTION_DECOMPRESS = 2;
private final static String usage = 
       "Usage: java LZW <COMPRESS|DECOMPRESS> <file>";
public static void main (String[] args) {
int action = ACTION_INVALID;

    // need an action and filename as command line arguments
    if (args.length != 2) {
    // validate requested action
    if (args[0].equals("COMPRESS")) {
        action = ACTION_COMPRESS;
    } else
    if (args[0].equals("DECOMPRESS")) {
        action = ACTION_DECOMPRESS;
    switch (action) {
        case ACTION_COMPRESS:
            compressFile(args[1]); break;
            decompressFile(args[1]); break;
        case ACTION_INVALID:
            System.out.println("Invalid action requested: " + args[0]);
            break;                  // for consistency
    System.out.println("LZWClient Done.");
// Compress a file to "compressed.out"
protected static void compressFile( String filename ) {

InputStream  inputFile      = null;
OutputStream compressedFile = null;
int originalSize, compressedSize;
LZW lzw;
    try {
        inputFile = new FileInputStream( filename );

        originalSize = fileLength( filename );
        lzw = new LZW();
        System.out.print("Compressing.."); System.out.flush();
        compressedFile  = new FileOutputStream("compressed.out");
        Date timer = new Date();
        lzw.compress(inputFile, compressedFile);
        compressedSize  = fileLength("compressed.out");
        printCPS(timer, originalSize);
        printEfficiency(originalSize, compressedSize);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException badFile) {
        System.err.println("'" + filename + "' could not be found.");
    } catch (IOException ioErr) {
        System.out.println("IO Error: " + ioErr);
// Decompress a file to "original.out"
protected static void decompressFile( String filename ) {

InputStream  inputFile    = null;
OutputStream restoredFile = null;
int originalSize, compressedSize;
LZW lzw;
    try {
        inputFile = new FileInputStream( filename );

        lzw = new LZW();
        System.out.print("Decompressing.."); System.out.flush();
        restoredFile = new FileOutputStream("original.out");
        Date timer = new Date();
        lzw.decompress(inputFile, restoredFile);
        originalSize = fileLength("original.out");
        printCPS(timer, originalSize);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException badFile) {
        System.err.println("'" + filename + "' could not be found.");
    } catch (IOException ioErr) {
        System.out.println("IO Error: " + ioErr);
// Utility function to determine a file's size
public static int fileLength (String fileName) {
File f;
    f = new File(fileName);
    return (int) f.length();
// Determine and print how well we've compressed a file
public static void printEfficiency(int original, int compressed) {
double percent;
    percent         = 100.0 * ((double)compressed)/(double)original;
    System.out.println("Original size   : " + original);
    System.out.println("Compressed size : " + compressed);
    System.out.println("% of original   : " + percent + "%");
// Determine and print how fast we've (de)compressed a file
public static void printCPS( Date then, int numBytes) {
double ms, cps;
    ms  = (double) ( (new Date()).getTime() - then.getTime() );
    cps = 1000.0 * ((double) numBytes) / ms;
    System.out.println(" (at " + cps + " bytes per second)");
} // End of Class LZWClient

End Listings

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