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Forcing a DebugBreak()

March 1999/Forcing a DebugBreak()/Listing 2

Listing 2: isdbgex.cpp — Implementation of IsDebuggerPresentEx()

// IsDbgEx.cpp
//    Windows platform independent implementation of
//    IsDebuggerPresent.

/* disable unnecessary level-4 warnings */
#pragma warning(disable : 4201)  //nameless struct/union
#pragma warning(disable : 4214)  //bit field types other than int
#pragma warning(disable : 4514)  //unreferenced inline function

/* include files */
#include <windows.h>
#include "IsDbgEx.h"

/* required link libraries */
#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32")

/* private type definitions */

/* private function prototypes */
BOOL IsDebuggerPresent95(VOID);

BOOL IsDebuggerPresentEx(VOID)
    /* CONSTANTS */
    static const ISDEBUGGERPRESENTPROC fnIsDebuggerPresent = 

    BOOL fDebuggerPresent = FALSE;

    /* use documented API if available */
    if (fnIsDebuggerPresent != NULL)
        fDebuggerPresent = fnIsDebuggerPresent();
    /* otherwise use undocumented Win95 technique */
        fDebuggerPresent = IsDebuggerPresent95();
    /* done */
    return fDebuggerPresent;

//    Returns TRUE if process is being debugged, FALSE otherwise.
//    Note that this should only be used under Windows 95.  
//    Windows NT and Windows 98 should use the documented 
//    IsDebuggerPresent() API.
//    See chapter 3 of 'Windows 95 System Programming Secrets' by 
//    Matt Pietrek for details on the obfuscator and the structure 
//    of the process database.
BOOL IsDebuggerPresent95(VOID)
    #ifdef _M_IX86
    /* CONSTANTS */
    static const DWORD FLAG_DEBUGGERPRESENT = 0x00000001;
    static const UINT  cbProcessDatabase = 190;
    static const UINT  dwOffsetFlags = 8;
    const DWORD  dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
    const DWORD  dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId();
    LPVOID       pProcessDatabase = NULL;
    DWORD        obfuscator = 0;
    DWORD        dwFlags = 0;
    BOOL         fIsDebuggerPresent = FALSE;

    /* retrieve the obfuscator */
        mov ax, fs
        mov es, ax
        mov eax, 18h
        mov eax, es:[eax]
        sub eax, 10h
        xor eax, [dwThreadId]
        mov [obfuscator], eax
    /* locate the process database and validate */
    pProcessDatabase = (VOID *)(dwProcessId ^ obfuscator);
    if (!IsBadReadPtr(pProcessDatabase, cbProcessDatabase))
        /* get process flags and determine if debugger present */
        dwFlags = ((DWORD *)pProcessDatabase)[dwOffsetFlags];
        fIsDebuggerPresent = dwFlags & FLAG_DEBUGGERPRESENT;
    /* done */
    return fIsDebuggerPresent;
    #else //!_M_IX86
    return FALSE;
    #endif //!_M_IX86

/* End of file */

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