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Handling Multiple TCP Connections in C++

May 1996/Handling Multiple TCP Connections in C++

Just shoveling data around in a network takes a certain amount of bookkeeping. Here's some code to handle some of that tedium.


We often hear people say the world is getting smaller. Whether or not you agree, it's hard to deny that it's becoming increasingly interconnected. The proliferation of networks, both local and world-wide, is compelling more of us each year to engage in network programming, along with its forbidding complexities — the need to handle multiple connections and asynchronous events.

Fortunately, if you're a UNIX programmer, you needn't create this software from scratch. The building blocks have been around for years, in the form of the popular BSD sockets. UNIX further simplifies networking tasks by providing for multiple, concurrent processes, non-blocking I/O, and signals. Add a simple C++ class library to encapsulate some of this functionality, and network programming becomes easier still.

This article shows how to implement a very simple, but advanced, communication application: a TCP packet relay. As UNIX-centric as this article is, the TCP class hierarchy presented here is also relevant to other networking APIs. So is the handling of signals in C++ programs.

The code discussed in the article is based on a very high level of the UNIX API. Therefore, it works on both BSD and SVR4 flavors of UNIX with almost no changes. It is a regular, non-privileged, non-kernel application that uses only high-level interfaces available to any POSIX-compliant UNIX program. The code may appear to be multithreaded, but it actually uses nothing beyond conventional socket and UNIX signal interfaces. This article reveals a few tricks:

  • a simple C++ class library to handle a hierarchy of BSD sockets, make active/passive TCP connections, and transfer data
  • handling I/O asynchronously: nonblocking read/write and responding to I/O-related interrupts (signals)
  • signal handling and C++ objects
  • handling the peculiarities of TCP connections — to be more precise, figuring out when to close a connection

As mentioned above, this article is based on a simple application relaying TCP packets from one connection to another. The complete code can be obtained from the code disk and sources listed at the end of this article. In spite of its simplicity, the application can be used as it is as a proxy server, extender of IP addressing, firewall, and a high-level protocol sniffer.

Implementing the TCP Hierarchy in C++

First things first. The application needs to make a connection, and once made, must be able to move data in and out of the open channel. That's what a socket hierarchy is for. The C++ classes discussed in this section mirror the socket hierarchy, and offer an easy shortcut to the otherwise tedious mantra of commands involved in making a connection.

One of the bottom-level classes in the TCP hierarchy is IPaddress, which holds an internal representation of an IP address and can convert it to/from a human-readable form (see Listing 1) . This class stores the IP address as a big-endian binary number, in a long int. This is a conventional internal representation used by many functions of the socket API. Obviously, 64-bit computers and IPng weren't in sight when the socket library was developed.

Packing four bytes into a long int can create problems, in that different platforms think the most significant byte resides on different "ends" of the int. In a little-endian architecture, the most significant byte is the last one (that is, having the largest address in memory). Since the IP address representation needs to be the same across different platforms, network standards specify that the bytes of an IP address, port number, and other multi-byte quantities must be stored in most-significant-byte-first order (called network order).

The concept of network order accounts for the functions htons, ntohs, htonl, and ntohl (typically implemented as macros in system include files), which convert short (2-byte) and long integers between host and network orders. The names are mnemonic: htons means host-to-network-short. (I wish we were spared this hassle. The kernel could've taken care of the network order by itself. Anyway we don't usually have access to an IP packet. The C++ classes discussed here make up for this deficiency. They store all multi-byte data in their network order, and take care of necessary conversions.)

The IPaddress class constructor forms an IPaddress object from an ASCII string, which can be either a standard "internet dot" IPaddress representation, or a host name:

IPaddress addr1(""), addr2("prep.ai.mit.edu"), addr3;

If a host name is given, the constructor looks it up (resolves it) using Domain Name Services (DNS). An IPaddress constructed with no argument at all (as in addr3 above) is a wildcard address. You can use this wildcard when constructing a listening (server) socket, to make the server accept connections from everyone. Casting an IPaddress object to a character string gives a human-readable representation of the address. The cast operator first tries to find out a host name corresponding to the address. If it fails, it returns the internet-dot representation.

Since a host can participate in many TCP connections at the same time, the packet relay needs another parameter, the TCP port number, to uniquely specify the source or destination of the connection. This combined IP address, port number, and IP protocol identification is called an internet socket address. It is represented as the C structure sockaddr_in in the socket library. Wrapping a class SocketAddr around the structure makes it easier to construct a SocketAddr from an IP address and port number, and to convert it to something printable (see Listing 1) .

Further up in the hierarchy is StreamSocket, a class that handles transmissions through a TCP stream. The class has member functions to read/write a block of data through the channel, and get a socket address of itself or its peer on the other side of the pipe. The class also has some specific functions to enable/disable non-blocking I/O and interrupts on packet arrival (more about this below).

Although StreamSocket handles all I/O flowing through the channel once it's open, the StreamSocket object does not have a useful constructor. This is because opening a channel (unlike an exchange through an already opened channel) is an asymmetric operation. Figuratively speaking, someone has to knock on the door, and someone has to be behind the door to open it. Class ConnectingSocket is the one who knocks. It creates a StreamSocket object by initiating an active connection to a given port of a given host:

ConnectingSocket target_socket(SocketAddr(Target_host,Target_port));

This one statement is all it takes to open a connection. Listing 2 shows a useful example of how the just-opened target_socket can be used. In this example, ConnectingSocket opens a channel on a port 7 of the local host. This port always has an associated server "process" that accepts connections and then sends back any information it receives. As a matter of fact, this particular server process is built into the TCP stack itself. The TCP stack has other built-in server processes, which are useful for debugging connections. For example, the process associated with port 9 simply discards everything sent to it, but again, always accepts the connections. Port 13 sends the current date and closes the connection. Port 19 sends characters until you close the connection, etc. (You can peek at these ports from /etc/services file, or the services NIS map.)

Of course, for a ConnectingSocket to succeed, the target host must already have a server process listening on the target port — a process that would answer the knock and open the door. Otherwise ConnectingSocket will just ellicit that familiar "Connection refused" error.

As shown above, some ports have built-in servers. To help in creating a custom server, I provide a Listen socket object:

IPaddress wildcard_address;
Listen listen_socket(SocketAddr(wildcard_address, listen_port));
StreamSocket& source_socket = *listen_socket.accept(1);
if( check_peer_address(source_socket.get_peer_name()) )
  char date_now[40]; time_t t_loc;
delete &source_socket;

listen_socket's constructor merely prepares a specific port for listening. The actual listening begins when Listen::accept is called. At this point, execution of the program is suspended until somebody knocks on the door. The accept method then resumes and returns a dynamically allocated stream socket to use for communication with the connected peer. The listen_socket object is then available for listening again. Unless you want to limit connections to a single, specific host, you can usually give a wildcard IPaddress to the Listen socket constructor.

I provide a function check_peer_address so a server can check if it really wants to talk to a host with which it has just connected. Note that the port numbers below 1,024 are privileged. A process must be a superuser (with an effective user ID of 0, to be more precise) to listen on a privileged port. Of course, only one process can listen on a single port.

Listing 3 shows the implementation of a few, non-trivial member functions. The full source code is available on-line as mentioned above, and on this month's code disk.

Blocking and Non-blocking I/O

Unlike reading/writing an "ordinary" file (which always either succeeds or fails, with end-of-file being a special case), I/O on communication channels (pipes, terminal "files," and TCP channels, etc.) offers a third possibility: no data yet. This is different from EOF in that the channel is still open, and data may appear any moment. In that situation, a read operation normally blocks until there is something to read. When a packet relay is relaying information from one channel to another, it can't afford to block, because data can arrive on any channel at unpredictable moments. Besides, the program may want to do some useful processing in the meantime. There are two basic ways of handling this situation.

One method of avoiding unexpected and unwanted blocks during I/O is to make sure that a read/write operation will succeed, before even attempting it. Using a select system call will obtain such a guarantee. In general, you tell select which channels (file descriptors) to watch, and provide a timeout interval. On return, the system eventually indicates which of the given channels, if any, has some data to be read. For some reason, this is the most common method of arranging so-called "multithreaded I/O." Note, we are still in the realm of synchronous I/O, and so burdened with periodic calls to select to check for new data.

A more elegant solution is to prevent I/O blocking in the first place. Any open UNIX file handle can be converted to a non-blocking mode. In this mode, read/write never blocks, even if no data is available (or the file is locked, etc.). If there is something to read, a read system call will get it. Otherwise, the call returns a special type of error telling us to try reading again later. Of course, polling on read is not a time-saving solution either. Fortunately, UNIX provides an option to notify a process when some open channel (any file, actually) needs attention. The system alerts a process by sending the process a SIGIO signal. Note, a process must specifically request that this signal (a.k.a. SIGPOLL on SVR4) be sent.

Enabling/disabling of the non-blocking I/O and SIGIO requires setting/resetting certain flags associated with a file descriptor (socket handle in particular). See the implementation of member functions StreamSocket::enable_sigio and StreamSocket::set_blocking_io for examples (Listing 3) . The UNIX API does not provide easy access to individual flag bits. Therefore, it's necessary to make a fcntl system call to obtain the entire word of flags, change the necessary bit, and store the updated word using fcntl function F_SETFL. Enabling SIGIO requires an additional step of telling the kernel which process is to receive the signal. UNIX thus provides an opportunity for a main program to assign different subprocesses as handlers for different communication channels. However, I chose to handle I/O using "threads" rather than full-weight system processes. There is therefore only one process, which becomes the owner of all channels using fcntl's F_SETOWN call.

Interrupt-Driven I/O

Once communication channels are opened, relaying information between them takes surprisingly little effort. The program must install SIGIO signal handlers, tell the system it wants to receive the signal when I/O is pending, and do some foreground processing to let the signal handler relay packets when they arrive. The relay code has nothing to do in the foreground, so it calls pause (thus giving up the CPU).

Installing a SIGIO handler tells the system what to do when a signal arrives. To install a handler, the program calls a sigset (signal in the BSD universe) function, passes a signal ID (SIGIO), and the handler. The handler can be either a top-level function, or a static method of some class (as in my code). The handler is just a regular C/C++ function. It can call other functions defined in the code and access global variables. The handler will be called asynchronously, whenever a SIGIO signal arrives, and this raises the whole specter of critical sections, race conditions, etc. For example, what if the kernel sends a new signal while the program is still handling the old one? Fortunately, we don't have to worry about this: any further SIGIO signals will be deferred until the handler returns. Obviously, care must be taken to set up signal handlers before enabling SIGIO.

Whenever the communication channels have I/O activity pending, the kernel sends the process a SIGIO, thus calling the handler. The system doesn't indicate which particular channel needs attention though, so the handler has to check both. That is, it tries to read from each channel in turn, and if successful, relays the data read to the other channel. That's where the non-blocking I/O comes in handy. If a channel has nothing to read, the handler immediately gets a special return code, and turns to the other channel. Note, although any further SIGIO signals would be deferred until the handler finishes with the current one, it is still quite possible for new data to arrive while the handler is processing earlier data. Therefore, the handler must keep on checking the channels, and return only when it's absolutely certain both channels have nothing to handle.

Special conditions such as errors and channel closing require more attention. For example, what to do when one channel is about to be closed (that is, we have read EOF) but the other one still has some data? Obviously, the relay software must try to relay this data before closing the channels. To ease the handling of particular situations like this, I implement SIGIO handling with a simple finite state machine (FSM). Depending on its current state, the FSM performs some action on a specified socket, and depending on the result of the action (success, no data, EOF), switches to another state and makes another roll unless a stop state (with ID 0) has been reached. When it reaches the stop state, the signal handler returns (see Listing 4) . The elementary FSM actions are as follows: relay_socket, which reads from a socket and writes data to the other socket; setting and querying a loop_done flag; and setting a global "finished" flag. When the finished flag is set it tells the main "thread" the relay is finished and both channels should be closed.


I've demonstrated how to build a simple TCP packet relay using BSD sockets, non-blocking I/O, and C++ classes. This application can be adapted to a number of useful network operations. Furthermore, the TCP class hierarchy and C++ signal handling functionality should be relevant to other network APIs. Many of us can expect to find ourselves increasingly involved with computer networks, creating client/server applications, and becoming familiar with lower level features of our operating systems. With luck, this article will prevent you from going lower than you want.

Code Availability

Complete source code is available from the comp.sources.misc archive, and from the following ftp sites:

  • replicant.csci.unt.edu in pub/oleg/tcp_relay.shar
  • ftp.mfi.com in pub/cuj

Oleg Kiselyov works for a small software development company, Computer & Information Sciences, Inc., in Denton, TX. He has been programming professionally for 16 years. He can be reached at [email protected].

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