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Interfaces and Collection Classes in Delphi

December 2001/Interfaces and Collection Classes in Delphi

Example 1: The declaration for the basic interfaces in the collection framework

  ICollectible = interface
    // Return a value < 0 if Self<Obj
    //                = 0 if Self=Obj
    //                > 0 if Self>Obj
    function CompareTo(const Obj: ICollectible): Integer;
    // Return a unique hash value. If two objects are equal (Compare=0)
    // their hash values must also be equal, but the reverse is not
    // necessarily true.
    function HashValue: THashValue;

  // For use in Maps. A Map is a Set where every member of the set
  // is an IAssociation. An assocation associates a key and a value.
  // The Map uses the key to determine set membership; the value just
  // tags along for good luck.
  IAssociation = interface
    procedure GetKey(out Key: ICollectible);
    procedure GetValue(out Value: IUnknown);
    procedure SetValue(Value: IUnknown);

  // The array types are used by enumerators to fetch multiple items from
  // a collection. Usually, you will use the dynamic arrays, but you can
  // use the static arrays, if you prefer.
  TCollectibleArray = array of ICollectible;
  TAssociationArray = array of IAssociation;

  TStaticCollectibleArray = array[0..MaxListSize-1] of ICollectible;
  TStaticAssociationArray = array[0..MaxListSize-1] of IAssociation;

  // User-supplied function; return True to continue, False to abort.
  TCollectionProc = function (Obj: ICollectible): Boolean of object;
  TAssociationProc = function (Key: ICollectible; Value: IUnknown): 
                             Boolean of object;

  IEnumerator = interface;
  ICollection = interface
    // Add one or more items to the collection.
    procedure Add(Obj: ICollectible);
    procedure AddAll(Collection: ICollection);

    // Remove all items from the collection.
    procedure Clear;

    // Make a copy of this collection. Do not copy the items in the collection,
    // but keep references to the same items.
    procedure Clone(out Collection: ICollection);

    // Return true when the collection contains the object.
    function Contains(const Obj: ICollectible): Boolean;
    // Return true if this collection contains all of the items in "Collection",
    // in any order.
    function ContainsAll(const Collection: ICollection): Boolean;

    // Count the number of items matching the given item.
    function CountMatching(const Obj: ICollectible): Integer;

    // Return a new enumerator for this collection. Do not modify the collection
    // while the enumerator is active. You can have any number of enumerators
    // for each collection.
    procedure Enumerator(out Enum: IEnumerator); overload;

    // Look for the first matching object and get a reference to the
    // object in the collection. Return True if found, False if not found.
    // Set Found to nil if not found.
    function Find(const SearchFor: ICollectible; out Found: ICollectible):

    // Call Proc for each item in the collection.
    procedure ForEach(Proc: TCollectionProc); overload;

    // Return the number of items in the collection.
    function GetCount: Integer;

    // Tell the collection how to handle duplicate items. Some collections
    // do not let you change the duplicates behavior, and will raise an
    // exception if you try to set Duplicates to an invalid value.
    function GetDuplicates: TDuplicates;
    procedure SetDuplicates(Dup: TDuplicates);

    // Return True if Count=0, False if Count>0.
    function IsEmpty: Boolean;

    // Return true if the other collection has the same contents.
    function IsEqual(const Collection: ICollection): Boolean;

    // Query the collection class and return True if:
    // IsMap: the collection is a map collection
    // IsSorted: the collection puts items into sorted order
    // IsOrdered: the collection preserves the order in which items are added
    function IsMap: Boolean;
    function IsSorted: Boolean;
    function IsOrdered: Boolean;

    // Remove the first occurence of an item from the collection.
    // Raise EItemNotFound if it is not in the collection.
    procedure Remove(const Obj: ICollectible);

    // Remove all occurences of an item from the collection.
    // Do nothing if the item is not in the collection.
    procedure RemoveAll(const Obj: ICollectible); overload;

    // Remove all occurences of all the items in Collection.
    // Raise an exception if any item is not in this collection.
    procedure RemoveAll(const Collection: ICollection); overload;

    // Remove all objects EXCEPT those in "Collection".
    procedure RetainAll(const Collection: ICollection);

    // Return a dynamic array that contains the same items as this collection.
    function ToArray: TCollectibleArray;

    property Count: Integer read GetCount;
    property Duplicates: TDuplicates read GetDuplicates write SetDuplicates;

  IEnumerator = interface
    // Make a copy of this iterator, iterating over the same collection,
    // from the same position.
    procedure Clone(out Enum: IEnumerator);

    // Return True if another item is available to be retrieved by Next,
    // or False if the next call to Next will fail.
    function HasNext: Boolean;

    // Get the next item or items in the collection. Choose the dynamic array
    // or static array for returning multiple items. NumFetched tells you how
    // many items were fetched. For a dynamic array, the array size tells you
    // how many items were fetched.
    // The last forms of Next fetches at most one item, returning False
    // if no more items can be fetched.
    procedure Next(Count: Integer; out ResultArray: TCollectibleArray);
    procedure Next(Count: Integer; var ResultArray: 
                   TStaticCollectibleArray; var NumFetched: Integer); overload;
    function Next(out Obj: ICollectible): Boolean; overload;

    // Remove the item that was most recently fetched by Next.
    // A subsequent call to Next fetches the item immediately
    // after the item that was removed. If Next failed or was not
    // called first, Remove raises an exception.
    procedure Remove;

    // Reset the enumerator so Next will fetch the first item.
    procedure Reset;

    // Try to skip over Count items in the collection. Return the number
    // of items actually skipped.
    function Skip(Count: Integer = 1): Integer;

  // A set contains at most one occurence of an item (Duplicates = dupIgnore).
  ISet = interface(ICollection)
  IEnumSet = interface(IEnumerator)

  // A list contains items in a specific order.
  IList = interface(ICollection)
    function GetItems(Index: Integer): ICollectible;
    procedure SetItems(Index: Integer; Item: ICollectible);
    function IndexOf(const Item: ICollectible): Integer;

    // A list is special and allows adding and deleting an item
    // at a specific index.
    procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
    procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Obj: ICollectible);
    procedure GetItem(Index: Integer; out Item: ICollectible);

    property Items[Index: Integer]: ICollectible read GetItems write SetItems; 
  IEnumList = interface(IEnumerator)

  IStack = interface(ICollection)
    // Get the top of stack. Return True for success, False if stack if empty.
    function GetTop(out Top: ICollectible): Boolean;
    // Add an item to the stack.
    procedure Push(Obj: ICollectible);
    // Get the top of stack and remove it.
    function Pop(out Top: ICollectible): Boolean;

  // A map stores key/value pairs. Lookup, remove, etc., by key or value.
  // Access by key is fast; access by value is possible, but requires
  // a linear search over the entire collection. The value can usually be
  // any IUnknown, but if you want to search by value, the value must
  // implement ICollectible.
  // The inherited method--Add, Contains, Find, and Remove--take associations
  // as arguments or return IAssociation objects as results.
  IEnumMap = interface;
  IMap = interface(ICollection)
    procedure Add(Assoc: IAssociation); overload;
    procedure Add(Key: ICollectible; Value: IUnknown); overload;
    procedure Enumerator(out Enum: IEnumMap); overload;
    function FindKey(const Key: ICollectible; out Assoc: IAssociation): Boolean;
    function FindValue(const Value: ICollectible; out Assoc: IAssociation): 
    procedure RemoveKey(const Key: ICollectible);
    procedure RemoveValue(const Value: ICollectible);
    function ContainsKey(const Key: ICollectible): Boolean;
    function ContainsValue(const Value: ICollectible): Boolean;

    // Call Proc for each association in the map.
    procedure ForEach(Proc: TAssociationProc); overload;

    // Get the value for a key, or raise an EItemNotFound exception.
    function GetPropValue(const Key: ICollectible): IUnknown;
    procedure SetPropValue(const Key: ICollectible; Value: IUnknown);

    // Get a value for a key, and return True if found or False if not found.
    function GetValue(const Key: ICollectible; out Value: IUnknown): Boolean;

    // Get a set of just the keys.
    procedure GetKeys(out Keys: ISet);
    // Get a collection of just the values. The values must implement
    // ICollectible.
    procedure GetValues(out Values: ICollection);

    property Value[const Key: ICollectible]: IUnknown read GetPropValue 
                                          write SetPropValue; default;

  // The inherited Next methods fetch associations, but cast as ICollectible.
  // For your convenience, you can use the additional Next methods, which
  // explicitly use IAssociation results. The NextKey methods fetch the
  // next association, but return only the key part.
  IEnumMap = interface(IEnumerator)
    procedure  Next(Count: Integer; out ResultArray: TAssociationArray); 
    procedure Next(Count: Integer; var ResultArray: TStaticAssociationArray; 
                  var NumFetched: Integer); overload;
    function Next(out Obj: IAssociation): Boolean; overload;
    function NextKey(out Obj: ICollectible): Boolean; overload;

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