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Rollout: Cingular's 8525 PDA Phone


The key for any device platform is application availability, and the 8525 takes full advantage of the large community of independent software vendors offering enterprise and consumer apps for the Windows Mobile platform. The 8525 comes standard with mobile versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint, which let users view and edit Office documents. Most PDA phones provide this capability, though BlackBerry owners must purchase a third-party app to edit Office documents; many other Windows Mobile smartphones suffer a similar fate, with view, but not edit, capabilities. The added ability to open Adobe PDFs with ClearVue PDF ensures that users should be able to access most files they find in their inbox.

Speaking of inboxes, the 8525 comes with a variety of mobile e-mail apps aimed at enterprises and individuals. In addition to typical access to POP and IMAP servers, Cingular serves up Good Mobile Messaging and Xpress Mail, both popular options. As a Windows Mobile 5 device, the 8525 also supports Microsoft ActiveSync, so getting to your Exchange server shouldn't be an issue. The Microsoft Messaging and Security Feature Pack is pre-installed, so enterprises that are ready with Exchange Server 2003 SP2 can take advantage of Microsoft Direct Push, as well as added management capabilities, such as remote device wipe and device password enforcement. Although the Nokia E62 has a leg up on the 8525 with its BlackBerry Connect support, the 8525 should meet the mobile e-mail needs of most enterprises.

To demonstrate the 8525's capabilities in the field-services arena, Cingular gave us access to its Field Services Automation Solution, a work-order/service-management combo powered by software from Corrigo. It's a helpful app for service techs, with a mobile application and a Web-based interface, built-in workflow, ad hoc reporting and GPS integration for personnel tracking. Cingular isn't the only operator partnering to provide these types of applications; Verizon and Sprint Nextel also have third-party partners who provide these important real-world capabilities.


Cingular stocked the 8525 with applications for everyone, including navigation tools and a wide range of entertainment options. Road trippers in unfamiliar territory can use a Bluetooth GPS to connect with TeleNav, a service that provides turn-by-turn driving directions. Passengers, meanwhile, can capture the scenery with the device's 2.0 megapixel digital camera. Its daylight pictures are better than those of most camera phones, but we found the flash lackluster. And security-conscious enterprises can nix that capability by purchasing the Cingular 8500 model, which is the same device minus the camera.

The microSD expansion slot provides storage capabilities that are handy when using the device as a digital music player; Windows Mobile will even pause your music for incoming phone calls. Unfortunately, the device lacks a standard headset jack, so headphone options are mini-USB and Bluetooth. And if you hate to leave home without the Discovery Channel, fear not--this device is MobiTV-compatible.

The Cingular 8525 will prove appealing to enterprise buyers looking for a full-featured mobile device with solid wireless connectivity options and enough horsepower to tackle their mobile application needs. The price tag may give cost-conscious organizations pause, but it's in line with PDA phones that are similarly outfitted. n

Dan Renfroe is an IT consultant with OST, Washington. Write to him at [email protected].

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