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Monitoring NT Debug Services

February 2000/Monitoring NT Debug Services/Listing 2

Listing 2: debugser.cpp — Interrupt-handling code

#include "DbgTrapProcs.h"
#include "idt.h"

typedef struct DBG_PRINT_PARAMS
    DWORD   s;
    char*   pString;    // string to DbgPrint
    DWORD   u;
    PVOID   caller;     // Return address of who invoked DbgPrint()

DWORD   debugServiceVector = 0x2D;    // Interrupt vector used by NT
BOOL    bWeHooked = FALSE; // Are we hooked yet..with some soul
NT_IDT  oldIDTE; // Original IDT entry for debug service we replace
PVOID   oldISR;   // Original ISR for Debugger service
BOOL    bLogUser    = TRUE;
BOOL    bLogKernel  = TRUE;
PDBGTRAP_HEADER pHeader;    // Header for giving info to the GUI
PDBGTRAP_EVENT  peb;        // Our event buffer
DWORD   maxBufferSize = 256*1024;// Max Size of our event buffer (eb)
DWORD   bufferSize;         // Actual # of bytes allocated for eb
DWORD   numEntries;         // Max entries in the event buffer
KSPIN_LOCK      bl;         // Buffer Lock
PDWORD   pindex;            // Pointer to current index in buffer
DWORD    imgNameOfs;        // Offset in KPEB for image name

// NOTE: these must be used in the same scope
#define LOCK_BUFFER KIRQL __oldirql__ = \
    KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch( &bl );
#define UNLOCK_BUFFER   KeReleaseSpinLock( & bl, __oldirql__ );

void ResetBuffer()
    memset( peb, 0, bufferSize );
    *pindex = 0;

NTSTATUS InitTrapper()
    // Allocate a buffer that holds exactly N events, plus the header
    numEntries = (maxBufferSize-sizeof(DBGTRAP_HEADER))
    bufferSize = numEntries*sizeof(DBGTRAP_EVENT)
    pHeader = (PDBGTRAP_HEADER)
              ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, bufferSize);
    if ( pHeader == FALSE)
    // Initialize the header
    pHeader->size       = sizeof(DBGTRAP_HEADER);
    pHeader->version    = DT_VERSION;
    pHeader->sig        = 'JOSE';  // Shameless, I know...
    pHeader->numEntries = numEntries;
    pHeader->index      = 0;
    // Initialize the buffer & counter
    peb     = &pHeader->eb[0];
    pindex  = &pHeader->index;
    // Initialize the buffer lock
    KeInitializeSpinLock( &bl );
    // Set vars correctly
    DWORD mv;
    PsGetVersion( &mv, NULL, NULL, NULL );
    if ( mv == 5)
         imgNameOfs = 0x1fc;
       imgNameOfs = 0x1DC;

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

// Free up our trapper resources
void BringDownTrapper()
    // Since there is no safe way to syncronize freeing the buffer
    // with buffer logging, or debug service interrupt hook *must*
    // have been removed prior to calling here.
    ExFreePool( pHeader );

// Logs parameters specific to a DbgPrint() call
void LogDbgPrint(PDBGTRAP_EVENT pEvent, PDBG_PRINT_PARAMS param)
   pEvent->callingAddr  = param->caller;

   DWORD l = strlen( param->pString );
   memcpy( pEvent->string, param->pString, l );
   pEvent->string[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1 ] = 0;

// Logs parameters specific to Dbg(Un)LoadImageSymbols()
void LogLoadImageSymbols(PDBGTRAP_EVENT    pEvent,
      PANSI_STRING      name,
      PVOID*            baseAddr  )
   char n[256];
   char buff[sizeof(n)+10];

   pEvent->callingAddr = baseAddr[5];
   memcpy( n, name->Buffer, name->Length );
   n[name->Length] = '\0';
   DWORD l = sprintf( buff, "Driver %s @ 0x%x", n, *baseAddr );
   memcpy( pEvent->string, buff, l );
   pEvent->string[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1 ] = 0;

// Logs general parameters common to all debug services
void LogEvent(PDBGTRAP_EVENT pEvent, NtDebuggerService service)
    PEPROCESS pep = 0;
    pEvent->count = *pindex;
    KeQuerySystemTime( &pEvent->time );
    pEvent->pid = PsGetCurrentProcessId();
    pep = PsGetCurrentProcess();
    strcpy( pEvent->procName, &((CHAR*)pep)[imgNameOfs] );
    pEvent->action = service;

void LoggerDispatch(NtDebuggerService service, PVOID paramsCX,
      PVOID paramsDX)
   // see if we're going to overrun  the buffer
   if ( *pindex >= numEntries )
      *pindex = 0;
   PDBGTRAP_EVENT pCurrentEvent = &peb[*pindex];
   switch (service)
      case DS_PRINT:
         LogDbgPrint( pCurrentEvent, (PDBG_PRINT_PARAMS)paramsCX );
      case DS_PROMPT:
      case DS_LOADSYMBOLS:
         LogLoadImageSymbols( pCurrentEvent, 
                (PANSI_STRING)paramsCX, (PVOID*)paramsDX);
   LogEvent( pCurrentEvent, service );

void _declspec(naked) DTDebuggerTrap()
    static NtDebuggerService   service;    // Which debugger service
                                           // is requested
    static DWORD               paramsCX;   // Parameters passed to
                                           // the service
    static DWORD               paramsDX;
        // Check & see if there's anything to do
        test  [esp+8], X86_VM // VDM  doesn't have Dbg services
        jnz   DT_CHAIN
        test [esp+4], X86_USER
        cmp [esp+4], NT_UCS   // Don't log if user selector != 1b
        jnz DT_CHAIN
        cmp BYTE PTR ss:[bLogUser], 0 // Don't log of GUI says not to
        jz  DT_CHAIN
        jmp DT_LOG           // Passed all tests, log user event
        cmp ss:[bLogKernel], 0
        jz  DT_CHAIN
        // First rule of tinkering: 
        //      "Save all the pieces"
        // So let's Set up a semi-standard environment
        push    ds
        push    es
        push    gs
        push    fs
        mov     bx, NT_DS
        mov     ds, bx
        mov     es, bx
        mov     gs, bx
        mov     bx, NT_FS
        mov     fs, bx
        push   edx
        push   ecx
        push   eax
        call   LoggerDispatch
        // Restore everything
        pop     fs
        pop     gs
        pop     es
        pop     ds
        // Chain to original ISR
        jmp     cs:[oldISR]

// This guy actually installs the hook on the debug service vector.
// Returns TRUE if we actually did anything, FALSE if not. 
// NOTE: This routine (like others in this driver) is NOT thread 
// safe. Our whole subsystem currently expects a single
// controler-single reader (but can have mutliple writers(cpus)). 
// This routine should therefore only be called inside a dispatch 
// routine from the GUI, or in the context of the system's worker 
// thred via DriverEntry, or Unload.
BOOL InstallDebugServiceHook(BOOL bHook)
    PNT_IDT pidtBase = NULL;

    // Anything to do?
    if ( bWeHooked == bHook )
        return FALSE;        
    // Loop  over all processors & hook the debug service vector
    for ( char cpu=0; cpu<*KeNumberProcessors; ++cpu )
       PKTHREAD pThread = KeGetCurrentThread();
       KeSetAffinityThread( pThread, 1<<cpu );
       // Get this processor's IDT base address
       pidtBase = GetIDTBase();
       if ( bHook )
           pidtBase[ debugServiceVector ].Hook( DTDebuggerTrap, &oldISR );
           pidtBase[ debugServiceVector ].Hook( oldISR );   

    // Set the thread's affinity back to run on all processors
    PKTHREAD pThread = KeGetCurrentThread();
    KeSetAffinityThread( pThread, (1<<*KeNumberProcessors)-1 );
    // No turning back now...all or nothing
    bWeHooked = !bWeHooked;  

    return TRUE;
//End of File

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