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Python-URL! - 2000/02/03

Python-URL! - 2000/02/03

''The eff-bot finally makes it back from the Python conference, after an involuntary detour to Oslo. Here's this weeks' Python-Alert, worth well over $9.52 per week:''

First, a couple of reminders:

The eighth Python conference (SPAM8) was a huge success. Almost everyone was there, except Tim Peters. He might be real, though -- at least two usually reliable sources told me they'd met him in real life. In other news: Secret Labs AB (www.pythonware.com) joins the Python Consortium, and also receives first round of venture funding from the East Sweden Foundation of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer.

People keep releasing cool software:

More books arrive:
  • Python and Tkinter Programming (by John Grayson) (see DN575925861) http://www.manning.com/grayson/
  • Python Programming for Win32 (Andy Robinson & Mark Hammond) http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pythonwin32 (both books mention my name, so they can't be that bad ;-)
  • Btw, judging from what people told the eff-bot at SPAM8, at least four more books are in the works. And if you want to write your own Python book, Greg Wilson has some great ideas for you: (see DN579589266)
  • Finally, the Scheme folks reveal the truth about Python and Pythoneers, but completely fails to start another flame war. Read more in this thread: (thread [2])

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