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The New C:

May 2002/The New C

The New C: bool, Advice to C and C++ Programmers

Randy Meyers

True or False: The type bool behaves identically in C99 and C++. True or False: Your C89 bool hackery will survive unscathed under C99. Read and find out.

There is nothing new under the sun. As I wrote in my first installment of “The New C” [1], the C99 Standard contains almost nothing new. Except for two or three features, C99 standardized extensions from existing compilers. So, even if you are using a C compiler that has not been updated in several years, it might contain little pieces of C99. For example, variable length arrays [2, 3, 4, 5] came from the Cray C compiler, and a similar feature is in GNU C. Compound literals [6] and designated initializers [7] came from the Plan 9 C compiler. Lots of compilers have supported long long [8] for a long, long time. Restricted pointers [9] have been in compilers for high performance systems for years. The good news for programmers is that if you are using an old compiler that supports an extension that is now part of C99, you need not fear the portability consequences of using that extension quite so much.

There is another aspect of C99 that I find profound (but I am easily awed). There are at least two parts of C99 that any programmer can add to an older compiler simply by creating a header file. The first is the generalized integer support [10] in the C99 <stdint.h> and <inttypes.h> headers. The second is subject of this column, the bool type.

The bool type came from C++. When I wrote that C99 standardized extensions from existing compilers, I was careful not to over qualify my statement by writing “existing C compilers.” C++ was the source of several features in C99 including mixed declarations and code and new lifetime and initialization rules [7]. The C99 committee felt strongly that the bool type in C99 should be compatible with C++ and should serve to broaden the intersection of the two languages. However, the C99 committee also had to introduce bool into C99 in such a way as to limit its impact on the existing C code base: moving even large programs from C90 to C99 should be nearly effortless. The C99 committee solved this problem by in effect making the new bool type conditional on whether a new header <stdbool.h> is included. The <stdbool.h> header may be included by C++, where it does nothing. This allows the same source code to be compiled either by C or C++, a particularly important feature when writing header files. Placing bool support in <stdbool.h> also allows programmers without access to C99 to create their own <stdbool.h> and get an approximation to the C99 and C++ feature.

In this column, I am going to discuss the bool type in C99 and describe how to write your own <stdbool.h> if you do not have access to C99.

Compatibility with Old Code

Strictly speaking, there is no functional need for the bool type. Any program that needs a flag can use an int instead. However, even with the crummy variable name, the declaration bool x; communicates a great deal of information to the programmer about the purpose of variable x and how variable x is likely to be used in expressions. Likewise, the expression y = true; communicates information lacking in the computationally equivalent y = 1;. Not surprisingly, many C programmers have their own homegrown version of bool to increase the expressiveness of their programs.

C99 followed C++’s lead and added the type bool and the two boolean constants true and false. In C++, bool, true, and false are keywords in the language. This is a reasonable approach given the pervasive use of overloading involving bool in C++ and its library. However, it does mean that C programs using homegrown bool being ported to C++ frequently encounter compilation errors due to the C++ keywords. Worse, if the homegrown bool uses macros, the C program may hijack the C++ type system causing overloading and the C++ library to malfunction.

C99 lacks user overloading, and bool is not used throughout the C library. Thus, C99 has few problems coexisting with a homegrown bool. To avoid invalidating homegrown versions of bool, C99 declares bool, true, and false as macros in the header <stdbool.h>. If <stdbool.h> is not included, the program can ignore the new boolean type in C99 and can use the names bool, true, and false in any way it pleases. Even when <stdbool.h> is included, there are some provisions for accommodating a homegrown bool (discussed below).

C99 does add one new keyword: _Bool. This is the boolean type built into the C99 compiler. The bool macro in <stdbool.h> merely expands into _Bool. Note that since 1989 the C Standard has reserved all identifiers beginning with an underscore followed by either another underscore or a capital letter. So, the _Bool keyword should not interfere with existing code. Note also that the intended way to use the boolean type in C99 is to include <stdbool.h> and use bool. Not only is bool more tasteful and easier to type, it is also compatible with C++. Never use the _Bool keyword directly.

The Boolean Type

Unless I specifically write otherwise, C and C++ have the same semantics for bool.

The bool type only holds the values true and false. While this requirement only necessitates a single bit of storage, sizeof still needs to return an integral value for sizeof(bool), and you can take the address of a bool using the & operator. Thus, bool must take up at least a byte of storage, but both C and C++ allow the compiler to use more than one byte. For example, some compiler might make sizeof(bool) equal sizeof(int).

The bool type is considered to be a member of the integer family of types. Thus, an expression of type bool can be used wherever an expression of type int can be used. (C++ makes an exception for the ++ and - operators). When a numeric value is needed for a value of type bool, the bool automatically promotes to int. If the bool value is true, its value becomes 1. If the bool value is false, its value becomes 0.

Arithmetic types and pointer types may be converted to bool. However, this is not the normal conversion to an integer type. A conversion to bool converts the value to true or false the same way that the if statement determines whether its controlling expression is true or false: it implicitly compares the value against zero. Thus,

void ex1(char c, int i, double d, char *p)
    bool b1 = c;
    bool b2 = i;
    bool b3 = d;
    bool b4 = p;

is compiled exactly as if it had been written:

void ex1(char c, int i, double d, char *p)
    bool b1 = c != '\0';
    bool b2 = i != 0;
    bool b3 = d != 0.0;
    bool b4 = p != NULL;

The conversion to bool works the same regardless of whether it is an explicit or an implicit conversion. Thus, all legitimate ways of getting a value into a bool result in the bool being either true or false, 1 or 0. If the bool is uninitialized or has received a value through some invalid method (assignment through the wrong member of a union or via a mistyped pointer), the program has undefined behavior if it tries to use the value of the bool. Whether such a “bad” bool is either true or false is undefined.

The two boolean constants are true and false, which have the numeric values 1 and 0, respectively. In C99, these constants have type int. In C++, they have type bool. A very minor incompatibility between C99 and C++ is that sizeof(bool) might not equal sizeof(true) in C99. In C99, true and false are just macros that expand to 1 and 0, respectively.

true and false may be used in the controlling expressions of preprocessor #if directives. While this is part of both C99 and C++, I’ve encountered a few C++ compilers that issue errors about this. Also beware: a standard feature of the preprocessor is that any identifiers used in the controlling expression of #if that are not defined to be macros are replaced with the constant 0. Thus, a preprocessor may consider true to be 0 (false) if <stdbool.h> is not included when compiling C99. This problem can also occur when compiling C++ if the preprocessor has not been updated to understand true and false for C++.

Bitfield members may have type bool. A bool bitfield never sign extends. Thus, if you store 1 in a one-bit bool bitfield, the value of that bitfield will be 1 (a clean true) and never -1. For this reason, C99 considers bool to be an unsigned type. C++ requires this semantics for bool bitfields, but does not explicitly say bools are unsigned.

The behavior of bools in expressions follows from the rules above. Interesting cases are the ++ and -- operators. ++ adds one to its operand. If the operand is a bool, its value is converted to an int in order to perform the operation, and then the result is converted back to a bool to be stored. Thus, if you increment a bool whose value is false, you add 1 to zero getting one, which converts back to true. If you increment a bool whose value is true, you add 1 to one getting two, which converts back to true. Thus, incrementing a bool always sets its value to true. Likewise, decrementing a bool sets the bool to its logically complemented value (think it through). C++ allows incrementing a bool (but marks the feature as deprecated, which means it might be removed in a future standard). C++ forbids decrementing a bool. C99 allows both.

<stdbool.h> Coexistence

In addition to defining macros for bool, true, and false, <stdbool.h> defines the macro __bool_true_false_are_defined to be 1. This warns a homegrown version of bool that <stddef.h> has been included and has defined macros for bool, true, and false.

The homegrown version of bool might check __bool_true_false_are_defined and not define its own versions of bool, true, and false. This might be useful if the homegrown bool is in a project-wide header file that is included everywhere, but a few modules have been converted to use the C99 version of bool.

The homegrown version of bool might also check __bool_true_false_are_defined in order to undefine the macros from <stdbool.h>. Normally, it is undefined behavior to undefine a macro from a standard header. However, C99 permits bool, true, and false from <stdbool.h> to be undefined and possibly redefined to something else. This is considered a short-term concession to coexistence with homegrown versions of bool. The feature is marked obsolescent, and the next version of C99 may withdraw this permission.

Roll Your Own <stdbool.h>

Although you cannot fully add bool to a pre-C99 compiler merely by writing a header file, you can come close. The only thing lacking is that conversions to your own bool will not have the proper semantics of testing the value being converted against zero. If you write such comparisons explicitly, you can write your own version of <stdbool.h> and program portably between C90, C99, and C++.

Listing 1 shows my version of <stdbool.h>. Note that no macros are defined if the header is included from C++ in order to not interfere with C++’s built-in bool. If the file is compiled by C99, bool is defined to be _Bool as required by the C99 Standard. If included from pre-C99, bool is defined to be an unsigned type suitable for use as a bitfield. By making the type unsigned, bitfields of length 1 will not sign extend and thus meet the requirements of C99 and C++. Not all compilers permit unsigned char bitfields, but it is a popular extension. If your compiler complains, define bool to be unsigned int.

Listing 2 is a short test program that checks our version of <stdbool.h>. The program can be run under C90, C99, or C++. Note that stdbool.h is included using the quoted form of the directive. This allows the compiler to find our stdbool.h even though it is not located with the system includes. If an official C99 version becomes available, merely deleting our own file will cause the compiler to find the system version since the quoted #include searches the system area if it cannot find the header in the user area. Some compilers have options to allow additional directories to be searched when the <> form of #include is used. Under such a compiler, #include <stdbool.h> would work.

C99 and C++ should pass the test in Listing 2 without any warnings from the test program run. A few C++ compilers will issue compile-time warnings about the implicit conversions to bool and perhaps using bool with a relational operator. These operations are valid C++, but sometimes misused, and so the compilers are trying to be helpful. A pre-C99 compiler should only get one warning that the conversion to bool does not compare against zero.

One popular C++ compiler issues errors and fails to compile the #if directives that test whether true and false can be used in the preprocessor. If you encounter this compiler bug, feel free to delete or comment out the tests.


C99 makes programs more readable and increases the overlap between C and C++ by adding the bool type. Programs using bool can be compiled under either C99 or C++ by including <stdbool.h>, and by defining bool, true, and false in <stdbool.h>, C99 avoids keyword problems that might trouble old C code. Pre-C99 programmers or even C++ programmers writing source to be shared with C can write their own version of <stdbool.h> without waiting for a C99 implementation to be available.


[1] Randy Meyers. “The New C,” C/C++ Users Journal, October 2000.

[2] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Why Variable Length Arrays,” C/C++ Users Journal, October 2001.

[3] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Variable Length Arrays, Part 2,” C/C++ Users Journal, December 2001.

[4] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Variable Length Arrays, Part 3: Pointers and Parameters,” C/C++ Users Journal, January 2002.

[5] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Variable Length Arrays, Part 4: VLA typedefs and Flexible Array Members,” C/C++ Users Journal, March 2002.

[6] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Compound Literals,” C/C++ Users Journal, June 2001.

[7] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Declarations and Initializations,” C/C++ Users Journal, April 2001.

[8] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Integers in C99, Part 1,” C/C++ Users Journal, December 2000.

[9] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Restricted Pointers,” C/C++ Users Journal, November 2000.

[10] Randy Meyers. “The New C: Integers, Part 3,” C/C++ Users Journal, February 2001.

Randy Meyers is a consultant providing training and mentoring in C, C++, and Java. He is the current chair of J11, the ANSI C committee, and previously was a member of J16 (ANSI C++) and the ISO Java Study Group. He worked on compilers for Digital Equipment Corporation for 16 years and was Project Architect for DEC C and C++. He can be reached at [email protected].

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