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The single, most essential component in every successful organization is their software. Organizations that maximize their competitive edge through e-business and enterprise software solutions are best positioned for success. Technical experts are the most qualified to recognize which tools and technologies their companies must adopt in order to meet the business objectives of the organization. DDJ's readers are those technical experts: Professionals on whom their companies rely on to make critical technology purchase decisions...

It takes experts to manage complexity and specialization, both of which are significant challenges in today's software development market.

It takes experts to design the systems, build the applications, integrate solutions and deliver competitive advantage.

It takes experts to identify technologies and make the purchases of enterprise-wide computer solutions.

Dr. Dobb's Journal: Delivering Technical Experts

Dr. Dobb's Journal is the leading publication for expert-level professional Software Developers and Development Managers working in cross-platform, multi-language environments. DDJ provides software experts with advanced tools and techniques, delivering relevant, technical information that is critical to the business of software development.

Experts turn to DDJ for guidance on the languages, tools, operating systems, databases, and platforms that define the leading edge in business technology and create competitive advantage for their companies...and they purchase these products in volume.

Where Markets Start

Dr. Dobb's Journal readers manage the process of software development in companies around the world, such as General Motors, ExxonMobil and General Electric. They are among the best-educated and most-talented professionals in the computer industry whose influence is felt wherever computers are used and wherever technical products are purchased. Their expertise gives them the ability and authority to choose the right solution for each challenge.

The readers of DDJ are the innovators and early adopters who bring new technology into the mainstream. In fact, 40% of DDJ’s readers pursue technology aggressively or buy into new technogoy early.(1) New tools and technologies first enter the market through the hands of DDJ readers.

(1) Wilson Research, DDJ 2002 Subscriber Study


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