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Graphics Programming



3-D Shading

This article contains the following executables: XSHRP20.ZIP

Michael Abrash

This month, we return to X-Sharp, the real-time animation package that we started developing in January. When last we saw X-Sharp, it had just acquired basic hidden-surface capability, and performance had been vastly improved through the use of fixed-point arithmetic. This month, we're going to add quite a bit more: support for 8088 and 80286 PCs, a general color model, and shading. That's an awful lot to cover in one column (actually, it'll spill over into the next column), so let's get to it!

Sub-386 Support

To date, X-Sharp has run on only the 386 and 486, because it uses 32-bit multiply and divide instructions that sub-386 processors don't support. I chose 32-bit instructions for two reasons: They're much faster for 16.16 fixed-point arithmetic than any approach that works on the 8088 and 286; and they're much easier to implement than any other approach. In short, I was after maximum performance, and I was perhaps just a little lazy.

I should have known better than to try to sneak this one by you. The most common feedback I've gotten on X-Sharp is that I should make it support the 8088 and 286. Well, I can take a hint as well as the next guy. Listing One (page 150) contains the latest versions of the FixedMul() and FixedDiv() functions, in a form that can be conditionally assembled to use either 386-specific or generic 8088 instructions. The complete new version of FIXED.ASM, containing dual 386/8088 versions of CosSin(), XformVec(), and ConcatX-forms(), as well as FixedMul() and FixedDiv(), can be found in the full X-Sharp archive, the availability of which is described further on.

Given the new version of FIXED.ASM, with USE386 set to 0, X-Sharp will run on any processor. That's not to say that it will run fast on any processor, or at least not as fast as it used to. The switch to 8088 instructions makes X-Sharp's fixed-point calculations about 2.5 times slower overall. Since a PC is perhaps 40 times slower than a 486/33, we're talking about a hundred-times speed difference from the low end to the high end. A 486/33 can animate a 72-sided ball, complete with shading (as discussed later), at 60 frames per second (fps), with plenty of cycles to spare; an 8-MHz AT can animate the same ball at about 6 fps. Clearly, the level of animation an application uses must be tailored to the available CPU horsepower.

The implementation of a 32-bit multiply using 8088 instructions is a simple matter of adding together four partial products. A 32-bit divide is not so simple, however. In fact, in Listing One I've chosen not to implement a full 32x32 divide, but rather only a 32x16 divide. The reason is simple: performance. A 32x16 divide can be implemented on an 8088 with two DIV instructions, but a 32x32 divide takes a great deal more work, so far as I can see. (If anyone has a fast 32x32 divide, or has a faster way to handle signed multiplies and divides than the approach taken by Listing One, please drop me a line.) In X-Sharp, division is used only to divide either X or Y by Z in the process of projecting from view space to screen space, so the cost of using a 32x16 divide is merely some inaccuracy in calculating screen coordinates, especially when objects get very close to the Z = 0 plane. This error is not cumulative (doesn't carry over to later frames), and in my experience doesn't cause noticeable image degradation; therefore, given the already slow performance of the 8088 and 286, I've opted for performance over precision.

At any rate, please keep in mind that the non-386 version of FixedDiv() is not a general-purpose 32x32 fixed-point division routine. In fact, it will generate a divide-by-zero error if passed a fixed-point divisor between -1 and 1. As I've explained, the non-386 version of Fixed-Div() is designed to do just what X-Sharp needs, and no more, as quickly as possible.


So far, the polygons out of which our animated objects have been built have had colors of fixed intensities. For example, a face of a cube might be blue, or green, or white, but whatever color it is, that color never brightens or dims. Fixed colors are easy to implement, but they don't make for very realistic animation. In the real world, the intensity of the color of a surface varies depending on how brightly it is illuminated. The ability to simulate the illumination of a surface, or shading, is the next feature we'll add to X-Sharp.

The overall shading of an object is the sum of several types of shading components. Ambient shading is illumination by what you might think of as background light, light that's coming from all directions; all surfaces are equally illuminated by ambient light, regardless of their orientation. Directed lighting, producing diffuse shading, is illumination from one or more specific light sources. Directed light has a specific direction, and the angle at which it strikes a surface determines how brightly it lights that surface. Specular reflection is the tendency of a surface to reflect light in a mirrorlike fashion. There are other sorts of shading components, including transparency and atmospheric effects, but the ambient- and diffuse-shading components are all we're going to deal with for a while, with specular shading not too far in the future.

Ambient Shading

The basic model for both ambient and diffuse shading is a simple one. Each surface has a reflectivity between 0 and 1, where 0 means all light is absorbed and 1 means all light is reflected. A certain amount of light energy strikes each surface. The energy (intensity) of the light is expressed such that if light of intensity 1 strikes a surface with reflectivity 1, then the brightest possible shading is displayed for that surface. Complicating this somewhat is the need to support color; we do this by separating reflectance and shading into three components each -- red, green, and blue -- and calculating the shading for each color component separately for each surface.

Given an ambient-light red intensity of IAred and a surface red reflectance the displayed red ambient shading for that surface, as a fraction of the maximum red intensity, is simply min(IAredx Rred, 1). The green and blue color components are handled similarly. That's really all there is to ambient shading, although of course we must design some way to map displayed color components into the available palette of colors, which I'll discuss next month. Ambient shading isn't the whole shading picture, though. In fact, scenes tend to look pretty bland without diffuse shading.

Diffuse Shading

Diffuse shading is more complicated than ambient shading, because the effective intensity of directed light falling on a surface depends on the angle at which it strikes the surface. According to Lambert's law, the light energy from a directed light source striking a surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle at which it strikes the surface, with the angle measured relative to a vector perpendicular to the polygon (a polygon normal), as shown in Figure 1. If the red intensity of directed light is IDred, the red reflectance of the surface is Rred, and the angle between the incoming directed light and the surface's normal is theta12.gif" alt="theta">, then the displayed red diffuse shading for that surface, as a fraction of the largest possible red intensity, is min (IDred X Rred X cos(theta), 1).

That's easy enough to calculate -- but seemingly slow. Determining the cosine of an angle can be sped up with a table lookup, but there's also the task of figuring out the angle, and, all in all, it doesn't seem that diffuse shading is going to be speedy enough for our purposes. Consider this, however: According to the properties of the dot product (denoted by the operator "dot", as shown in Figure 2), cos(theta)=(vdotw)/ |v|x|w| ), where v and w are vectors, theta is the angle between v and w, and |v| is the length of v. Suppose, now, that v and w are unit vectors; that is, vectors exactly one unit long. Then the above equation reduces to cos(theta)=vdotw. In other words, we can calculate the cosine between N, the unit-normal vector (one-unit-long perpendicular vector) of a polygon, and L', the reverse of a unit vector describing the direction of a light source, with just three multiplies and two adds. (The reason the light-direction vector must be reversed is explained later.) Once we have that, we can easily calculate the red diffuse shading from a directed light source as min(IDred x Rred x (L' dot N), 1) and likewise for the green and blue color components.

The overall red shading for each polygon can be calculated by summing the ambient-shading red component with the diffuse-shading component from each light source, as in min((IAred x Rred) + (IDred0xRredx (L0' dot N), + (IDred1 x Rred x (L1' dot N)) +...), 1) where IDred0 and L0' are the red intensity and the reversed unit-direction vector, respectively, for spotlight 0. Listing Two, page 152, shows the X-Sharp module DRAWPOBJ.C, which performs ambient and diffuse shading. Toward the bottom, you will find the code that performs shading exactly as described by the above equation, first calculating the ambient red, green, and blue shadings, then summing that with the diffuse red, green, and blue shadings generated by each directed light source.

Shading: Implementation Details

In order to calculate the cosine of the angle between an incoming light source and a polygon's unit normal, we must first have the polygon's unit normal. This could be calculated by generating a cross-product on two polygon edges to generate a normal, then calculating the normal's length and scaling to produce a unit normal. Unfortunately, that would require taking a square root, so it's not a desirable course of action. Instead, I've made a change to X-Sharp's polygon format. Now, the first vertex in a shaded polygon's vertex list is the end-point of a unit normal that starts at the second point in the polygon's vertex list, as shown in Figure 3. The first point isn't one of the polygon's vertices, but is used only to generate a unit normal. The second point, however, is a polygon vertex. Calculating the difference vector between the first and second points yields the polygon's unit normal. Adding a unit-normal endpoint to each polygon isn't free; each of those end-points has to be transformed, along with the rest of the vertices, and that takes time. Still, it's faster than calculating a unit normal for each polygon from scratch.

We also need a unit vector for each directed light source. The directed light sources I've implemented in X-Sharp are spotlights; that is, they're considered to be point light sources that are infinitely far away. This allows the simplifying assumption that all light rays from a spotlight are parallel and of equal intensity throughout the displayed universe, so each spotlight can be represented with a single unit vector and a single intensity. The only trick is that in order to calculate the desired cos(theta) between the polygon unit normal and a spotlight's unit vector, the direction of the spotlight's unit vector must be reversed, as shown in Figure 4. This is necessary because the dot product implicitly places vectors with their start points at the same location when it's used to calculate the cosine of the angle between two vectors. The light vector is incoming to the polygon surface, and the unit normal is outbound, so only by reversing one vector or the other will we get the cosine of the desired angle.

Given the two unit vectors, it's a piece of cake to calculate intensities, as shown in Listing Two. The sample program DEMO1, in the X-Sharp archive (built by running K1.BAT), puts the shading code to work displaying a rotating ball with ambient lighting and three spot lighting sources that the user can turn on and off. What you'll see when you run DEMO1 is that the shading is very good -- face colors change very smoothly indeed -- so long as only green lighting sources are on. However, if you combine spotlight two, which is blue, with any other light source, polygon colors will start to shift abruptly and unevenly. As configured in the demo, the palette supports a wide range of shading intensities for a pure version of any one of the three primary colors, but a very limited number of intensity steps (four, in this case) for each color component when two or more primary colors are mixed. While this situation can be improved, it is fundamentally a result of the restricted capabilities of the 256-color palette, and there is only so much that can be done without a larger color set. Next month, I'll talk about some ways to improve the quality of 256-color shading.

Shading problems pretty much vanish in 15-bpp or better modes, such as the 32K-color mode supported by the Sierra Hicolor DAC. I've designed X-Sharp's color model looking forward to this emerging generation of highly color-capable adapters, and DEMO1 gives you a taste of how terrific shading will look on such adapters.

More on colors next month.

Where to get X-Sharp

The full source for X-Sharp is available electronically as XSHARPn.ARC in the DDJ Forum on CompuServe, on M&T Online, and in the graphic.disp conference on Bix (as a ZIP file). Alternatively, you can send me a 360K or 720K formatted diskette and an addressed, stamped diskette mailer, care of DDJ, 411 Borel Ave., San Mateo, CA 94402, and I'll send you the latest copy of X-Sharp. There's no charge, but it'd be very much appreciated if you'd slip in a dollar or so to help out the folks at the Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Your response so far has been great. I just took a bundle of checks and money over to VABVI this week, and they were very happy indeed. Thanks!

I'm available on a daily basis to discuss X-Sharp on M&T Online and Bix (user name mabrash in both cases).

Graphics Debugging Update

A while back, I lamented that Turbo Debugger had some annoying quirks when it came to debugging graphics in a dual-monitor set-up (using the -do switch). However, most of these quirks can be worked around by combining two of TD's display-handling modes. As I reported, TD blocks manual access (performed via the I/O menu in the CPU window) to some of the VGA's registers, and sometimes alters the page flipping and other registers when break-points occur. As it turns out, however, all that only happens in Smart display mode. If you use None display mode, TD doesn't touch any VGA registers at all. The drawback to using None mode is that in None mode, for some reason, program output via DOS functions goes to the debugging screen rather than the target screen. However, you can actively switch between Smart and None mode via the Options menu, so a reasonably complete solution is to start out in Smart mode, then switch to None mode when you encounter problems in manually accessing the VGA's registers from TD, or if you think TD is otherwise interfering with the state of the VGA.

Recommended Reading

Andrew Glassner's Graphics Gems (Academic Press, 1990) is an oddly enjoyable book. Odd, because there's no overall coherency to the book; it's a collection of more than 100 largely unrelated contributions by various authors on a hodgepodge of graphics subjects. Enjoyable, because it's that rarest sort of graphics programming book: one that you can open at random and start reading for fun. A good example of the nature of Graphics Gems is a chapter on mapping RGB colors into a 4-bit color space; this chapter features somewhat arcane theory, an interesting perspective on color space, and a fast technique for RGB mapping in 16-color modes. On balance the chapter is a little uneven, but useful, informative, and interesting -- a description that would serve well for Graphics Gems as a whole, as well.

by Michael Abrash

<a name="01a0_000d">

; Fixed point multiply and divide routines. Tested with TASM 3.0.
USE386      equ 1   ;1 for 386-specific opcodes, 0 for 8088 opcodes
MUL_ROUNDING_ON equ 1   ;1 for rounding on multiplies, 0 for no
                                ; rounding. Not rounding is faster, rounding is
                                ; more accurate and generally a good idea
DIV_ROUNDING_ON equ 0   ;1 for rounding on divides, 0 for no rounding.
                                ; Not rounding is faster, rounding is more
                                ; accurate, but because division is only
                                ; performed to project to the screen, rounding
                                ; quotients generally isn't necessary
    .model small
; Multiplies two fixed-point values together. C near-callable as:
;   Fixedpoint FixedMul(Fixedpoint M1, Fixedpoint M2);
FMparms struc
    dw  2 dup(?)    ;return address & pushed BP

M1  dd  ?
M2  dd  ?
FMparms ends
    align   ALIGNMENT
    public  _FixedMul
_FixedMul       proc    near
        push    bp
        mov     bp,sp
if USE386
        mov     eax,[bp+M1]
        imul    dword ptr [bp+M2] ;multiply
        add     eax,8000h       ;round by adding 2^(-17)
        adc     edx,0           ;whole part of result is in DX
        shr     eax,16          ;put the fractional part in AX
else    ;!USE386
                ;do four partial products and add them
                ; together, accumulating the result in CX:BX
    push    si      ;preserve C register variables
    push    di
               ;figure out signs, so we can use unsigned multiplies
    sub cx,cx       ;assume both operands positive
    mov ax,word ptr [bp+M1+2]
    mov si,word ptr [bp+M1]
    and ax,ax       ;first operand negative?
    jns CheckSecondOperand ;no
    neg ax      ;yes, so negate first operand
    neg si
    sbb ax,0
    inc cx      ;mark that first operand is negative
    mov bx,word ptr [bp+M2+2]
    mov di,word ptr [bp+M2]
    and bx,bx       ;second operand negative?
    jns SaveSignStatus  ;no
    neg bx      ;yes, so negate second operand
    neg di
    sbb bx,0
    xor cx,1        ;mark that second operand is negative
    push    cx      ;remember sign of result; 1 if result
                ; negative, 0 if result nonnegative
    push    ax      ;remember high word of M1
    mul bx      ;high word M1 times high word M2
    mov cx,ax       ;accumulate result in CX:BX (BX not used until
                                ; next operation) assume no overflow into DX
    mov ax,si       ;low word M1 times high word M2
    mul bx
    mov bx,ax
    add cx,dx       ;accumulate result in CX:BX
    pop ax      ;retrieve high word of M1
    mul di      ;high word M1 times low word M2
    add bx,ax
    adc cx,dx       ;accumulate result in CX:BX
    mov ax,si       ;low word M1 times low word M2
    mul di
        add     ax,8000h    ;round by adding 2^(-17)
    adc bx,dx
    add bx,dx       ;don't round
    adc cx,0        ;accumulate result in CX:BX
    mov dx,cx
    mov ax,bx
    pop cx
    and cx,cx       ;is the result negative?
    jz  FixedMulDone    ;no, we're all set
    neg dx      ;yes, so negate DX:AX
    neg ax
    sbb dx,0
    pop di      ;restore C register variables
    pop si
endif   ;USE386
        pop     bp
_FixedMul       endp
; Divides one fixed-point value by another. C near-callable as:
;   Fixedpoint FixedDiv(Fixedpoint Dividend, Fixedpoint Divisor);
FDparms struc
    dw  2 dup(?)    ;return address & pushed BP
Dividend dd ?
Divisor  dd ?
FDparms ends
    align   ALIGNMENT
    public  _FixedDiv
_FixedDiv       proc    near
        push    bp
        mov     bp,sp
if USE386
        sub     cx,cx           ;assume positive result
        mov     eax,[bp+Dividend]
        and     eax,eax         ;positive dividend?
        jns     FDP1            ;yes
        inc     cx              ;mark it's a negative dividend
        neg     eax             ;make the dividend positive
FDP1:   sub     edx,edx         ;make it a 64-bit dividend, then shift
                                ; left 16 bits so that result will be in EAX
        rol     eax,16          ;put fractional part of dividend in
                                ; high word of EAX
        mov     dx,ax           ;put whole part of dividend in DX
        sub     ax,ax           ;clear low word of EAX
        mov     ebx,dword ptr [bp+Divisor]
        and     ebx,ebx         ;positive divisor?
        jns     FDP2            ;yes
        dec     cx              ;mark it's a negative divisor
        neg     ebx             ;make divisor positive
FDP2:   div     ebx             ;divide
        shr     ebx,1           ;divisor/2, minus 1 if the divisor is
        adc     ebx,0           ; even
        dec     ebx
        cmp     ebx,edx         ;set Carry if the remainder is at least
        adc     eax,0           ; half as large as the divisor, then
                                ; use that to round up if necessary
        and     cx,cx           ;should the result be made negative?
        jz      FDP3            ;no
        neg     eax             ;yes, negate it
    mov edx,[bp+Dividend]
    sub eax,eax
    shrd    eax,edx,16  ;position so that result ends up
    sar edx,16      ; in EAX
    idiv    dword ptr [bp+Divisor]
    shld    edx,eax,16  ;whole part of result in DX;
                    ; fractional part is already in AX
else ;!USE386
;NOTE!!! Non-386 division uses a 32-bit dividend but only the upper 16 bits
; of the divisor; in other words, only the integer part of the divisor is
; used. This is done so that the division can be accomplished with two fast
; hardware divides instead of a slow software implementation, and is (in my
; opinion) acceptable because division is only used to project points to the
; screen (normally, the divisor is a Z coordinate), so there's no cumulative
; error, although there will be some error in pixel placement (the magnitude
; of the error is less the farther away from the Z=0 plane objects are). This
; is *not* a general-purpose divide, though; if the divisor is less than 1,
; for instance, a divide-by-zero error will result! For this reason, non-386
; projection can't be performed for points closer to the viewpoint than Z=1.
                ;figure out signs, so we can use
                ; unsigned divisions
    sub cx,cx       ;assume both operands positive
    mov ax,word ptr [bp+Dividend+2]
    and ax,ax       ;first operand negative?
    jns CheckSecondOperandD ;no
    neg ax      ;yes, so negate first operand
    neg word ptr [bp+Dividend]
    sbb ax,0
    inc cx      ;mark that first operand is negative
    mov bx,word ptr [bp+Divisor+2]
    and bx,bx       ;second operand negative?
    jns SaveSignStatusD ;no
    neg bx      ;yes, so negate second operand
    neg word ptr [bp+Divisor]
    sbb bx,0
    xor cx,1        ;mark that second operand is negative
    push    cx      ;remember sign of result; 1 if result
                ; negative, 0 if result nonnegative
    sub dx,dx       ;put Dividend+2 (integer part) in DX:AX
    div bx      ;first half of 32/16 division, integer part
                ; divided by integer part
    mov cx,ax       ;set aside integer part of result
    mov ax,word ptr [bp+Dividend] ;concatenate the fractional part of
                ; the dividend to the remainder (fractional
                ; part) of the result from dividing the
                ; integer part of the dividend
    div bx      ;second half of 32/16 division
        shr     bx,1            ;divisor/2, minus 1 if the divisor is
        adc     bx,0            ; even
        dec     bx
        cmp     bx,dx           ;set Carry if the remainder is at least
        adc     ax,0            ; half as large as the divisor, then
    adc cx,0            ; use that to round up if necessary
    mov dx,cx       ;absolute value of result in DX:AX
    pop cx
    and cx,cx       ;is the result negative?
    jz  FixedDivDone    ;no, we're all set
    neg dx      ;yes, so negate DX:AX
    neg ax
    sbb dx,0
endif ;USE386
        pop     bp
_FixedDiv       endp

<a name="01a0_000e">
<a name="01a0_000f">
<a name="01a0_000f">

/* Draws all visible faces in the specified polygon-based object. The object
   must have previously been transformed and projected, so that all vertex
   arrays are filled in. Ambient and diffuse shading are supported. */
#include "polygon.h"

void DrawPObject(PObject * ObjectToXform)
   int i, j, NumFaces = ObjectToXform->NumFaces, NumVertices;
   int * VertNumsPtr, Spot;
   Face * FacePtr = ObjectToXform->FaceList;
   Point * ScreenPoints = ObjectToXform->ScreenVertexList;
   PointListHeader Polygon;
   Fixedpoint Diffusion;
   ModelColor ColorTemp;
   ModelIntensity IntensityTemp;
   Point3 UnitNormal, *NormalStartpoint, *NormalEndpoint;
   long v1, v2, w1, w2;
   Point Vertices[MAX_POLY_LENGTH];

   /* Draw each visible face (polygon) of the object in turn */
   for (i=0; i<NumFaces; i++, FacePtr++) {
      /* Remember where we can find the start and end of the polygon's
         unit normal in view space, and skip over the unit normal endpoint
         entry. The end and start points of the unit normal to the polygon
         must be the first and second entries in the polgyon's vertex list.
         Note that the second point is also an active polygon vertex */
      VertNumsPtr = FacePtr->VertNums;
      NormalEndpoint = &ObjectToXform->XformedVertexList[*VertNumsPtr++];
      NormalStartpoint = &ObjectToXform->XformedVertexList[*VertNumsPtr];
      /* Copy over the face's vertices from the vertex list */
      NumVertices = FacePtr->NumVerts;
      for (j=0; j<NumVertices; j++)
         Vertices[j] = ScreenPoints[*VertNumsPtr++];
      /* Draw only if outside face showing (if the normal to the polygon
         in screen coordinates points toward the viewer; that is, has a
         positive Z component) */
      v1 = Vertices[1].X - Vertices[0].X;
      w1 = Vertices[NumVertices-1].X - Vertices[0].X;
      v2 = Vertices[1].Y - Vertices[0].Y;
      w2 = Vertices[NumVertices-1].Y - Vertices[0].Y;
      if ((v1*w2 - v2*w1) > 0) {
         /* It is facing the screen, so draw */
         /* Appropriately adjust the extent of the rectangle used to
            erase this object later */
         for (j=0; j<NumVertices; j++) {
            if (Vertices[j].X >
               if (Vertices[j].X < SCREEN_WIDTH)
                  ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Right =
               else ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Right =
            if (Vertices[j].Y >
               if (Vertices[j].Y < SCREEN_HEIGHT)
                  ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Bottom =
               else ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Bottom=
            if (Vertices[j].X <
               if (Vertices[j].X > 0)
                  ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Left =
               else ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Left=0;
            if (Vertices[j].Y <
               if (Vertices[j].Y > 0)
                  ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Top =
               else ObjectToXform->EraseRect[NonDisplayedPage].Top=0;
         /* See if there's any shading */
            if (FacePtr->ShadingType == 0) {
            /* No shading in effect, so just draw */
            DRAW_POLYGON(Vertices, NumVertices, FacePtr->ColorIndex, 0, 0);
         } else {
            /* Handle shading */
            /* Do ambient shading, if enabled */
            if (AmbientOn && (FacePtr->ShadingType & AMBIENT_SHADING)) {
               /* Use the ambient shading component */
               IntensityTemp = AmbientIntensity;
            } else {
               SET_INTENSITY(IntensityTemp, 0, 0, 0);
            /* Do diffuse shading, if enabled */
            if (FacePtr->ShadingType & DIFFUSE_SHADING) {
               /* Calculate the unit normal for this polygon, for use in dot
                  products */
               UnitNormal.X = NormalEndpoint->X - NormalStartpoint->X;
               UnitNormal.Y = NormalEndpoint->Y - NormalStartpoint->Y;
               UnitNormal.Z = NormalEndpoint->Z - NormalStartpoint->Z;
               /* Calculate the diffuse shading component for each active
                  spotlight */
               for (Spot=0; Spot<MAX_SPOTS; Spot++) {
                  if (SpotOn[Spot] != 0) {
                     /* Spot is on, so sum, for each color component, the
                        intensity, accounting for the angle of the light rays
                        relative to the orientation of the polygon */
                     /* Calculate cosine of angle between the light and the
                        polygon normal; skip if spot is shining from behind
                        the polygon */
                     if ((Diffusion = DOT_PRODUCT(SpotDirectionView[Spot],
                           UnitNormal)) > 0) {
                        IntensityTemp.Red +=
                              FixedMul(SpotIntensity[Spot].Red, Diffusion);
                        IntensityTemp.Green +=
                              FixedMul(SpotIntensity[Spot].Green, Diffusion);
                        IntensityTemp.Blue +=
                              FixedMul(SpotIntensity[Spot].Blue, Diffusion);
            /* Convert the drawing color to the desired fraction of the
               brightest possible color */
            IntensityAdjustColor(&ColorTemp, &FacePtr->FullColor,
            /* Draw with the cumulative shading, converting from the general
               color representation to the best-match color index */
            DRAW_POLYGON(Vertices, NumVertices,
                  ModelColorToColorIndex(&ColorTemp), 0, 0);

Copyright © 1992, Dr. Dobb's Journal

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<strong> Defines strong text

<sub> Defines subscripted text

<sup> Defines superscripted text

<u> Defines underlined text

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