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Building Your Own Plugin Framework: Part 1

The Binary Compatibility Problem

Again, there is no standard C++ ABI. Different compilers (and even different versions of the same compiler) produce different object files and libraries. The most obvious manifestation of this problem is the different name mangling algorithms implemented by different compilers. This means that in general you can only link C++ object files and libraries that were compiled using exactly the same compiler (brand and version). Many compilers don't even implement standard C++ features from the C++98

There are some partial solutions to this problem. For example, if you access a C++ object only through a virtual pointer and call only its virtual methods you sidestep the name mangling issue. However, it is not guaranteed that even the virtual table layout in memory is identical between compilers, although it is more stable.

If you try to load C++ code dynamically you face another issue -- there is no direct way to load and instantiate C++ classes from a dynamic library under Linux or Mac OS X (Visual C++ supports it under Windows).

The solution to this issue is to use a function with C linkage (not name mangled by the compiler) as a factory function that returns an opaque handle to the caller. The caller then casts the handle to the appropriate class (usually a pure abstract base class). This requires some coordination, of course, and works only if the library and the application were compiled with compilers that have a matching vtable layout in memory.

The ultimate in compatibility is to just forget about C++ and expose a pure C API. C is compatible in practice between all compiler implementations. Later I'll show how to achieve C++ programming model on top of C compatibility.

Plugin-Based System Architecture

A plugin-based system can be divided into three parts:

  • The domain-specific system.
  • A plugin manager.
  • The plugins.

The domain-specific system loads the plugins and creates plugin objects via the plugin manager. Once a plugin object is created and the main system has some pointer/reference to it, it can be used just like any other object. Usually, there are some special destruction/cleanup requirements as we shall see.

The plugin manager is a pretty generic piece of code. It manages the life-cycle of the plugins and exposes them to the main system. It can find and load plugins, initialize them, register factory functions and be able to unload plugins. It should also let the main system iterate over loaded plugins or registered plugin objects.

The plugins themselves should conform to the plugin manager protocol and provide objects that conform to the main system expectations.

In practice, you rarely see such a clean separation (in C++-based plugin systems, anyway). The plugin manager is often tightly coupled with the domain-specific system. There is a good reason for that. Plugin managers need to provide eventually instances of plugin objects with certain type. Moreover, the initialization of the plugin often requires passing domain-specific information and/or callback functions/services. This can't be done easily with a generic plugin manager.

Plugin Deployment Models

Plugins are usually deployed as dynamic libraries. Dynamic libraries allow many of the advantages of plugins such as hot swapping (reloading a new implementation without shutting the system), safe extension by third-party developers (additional functionality without modifying the core system), and shorter link times. However, there are situations where static libraries are the best vehicle for plugins. For example, some systems simply don't support dynamic libraries (many embedded systems). In other cases, security concerns don't allow loading foreign code. Sometimes, the core system comes with pre-loaded with some plugins and it is more robust to statically link them to the main executable (so the users can't delete them by accident).

The bottom line is that a good plugin system should support both dynamic and static plugins. This lets you deploy the same plugin-based system in different environments with different constraints.

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