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Intel's Quad-Core, Xeon 3000 Launch Excites Partners

Tau Leng, director of marketing at SuperMicro, San Jose, Calif., said the quad-core and Xeon 3000 boards likely will fuel Intel's growth in 2007, but he's adopting a wait-and-see attitude.

"The Xeon 3000 is the same as the released Conroe-Makiteo II that has been already gaining momentum, and I expect it will continue getting more [share] of the entry-level server market. As for the [quad-core], it just started. Some customers showed interest, but it needs time to prove [itself] and be accepted on market," Leng said.

"There will be a strong market for the quad-core," said Richard Stafford, senior marketing manager at WinTec Industries, Fremont, Calif. "Bear in mind that server systems being sold now will not only support Clovertown [quad-core server processor], but also one or two subsequent families of Xeon processorsthis is huge," he said.

One key Intel Premier Partner is optimistic about the prospects for Intel's new channel offerings.

"Intel has made amazing strides in the channel in the past yearthe amount of offerings they've had has almost doubled, and it's not a bad thing for partners," said David Stinner, president of US itek Group, a system builder and managed services provider in Buffalo, N.Y. "They have a good mix."

Intel's recent product rollouts with its Core 2 Duo systemsincluding vProhelp its system builders launch systems that compare favorably to AMD systems and that also help partners move into the managed services business, partners claim.

"As far as the quad-core and Xeon 3000 goes, we'll see," said Jeff Di Bella, vice president of sales at AOpen Center, Gaithersburg, Md. "I'm anxious to see the evaluation units. This single Xeon processor platform will be huge for small businesses and their ability to finally be able to afford true server-grade computing [to this audience]."

Other Intel partners say the quad-core, vPro and Xeon 3000 processors are interesting partner plays, but channel partners need to pick and choose carefully. While some partners say vPro is great for moving into managed services, others are worried about cannibalizing their own revenue stream.

"We will sell quad-core when they cost less than $600," said Steve Bohman, vice president of operations at system builder Columbus Micro Systems, Columbus, Ohio. "The Xeon 3000 will be important to our small-business server businesswe sell many single-processor servers already."

One system builder said quad-core and Xeon 3000 are tomorrow's news. "New technologies are very interesting, but we tend to concern ourselves with what's available today," said Glen Coffield, president of CheapGuys, a system builder in Orlando, Fla., that recently shipped its first server and has entered the managed services business.

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