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CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses: Part 4

One of the most important performance challenges facing CUDA (short for "Compute Unified Device Architecture") developers is the best use of local multiprocessor memory resources such as shared memory, constant memory, and registers. The reason discussed in Part 3 of this series is that while global memory can deliver over 60GB/s, this would translate to only 15GF/s for single-touch use of data -- getting higher performance requires local data reuse. The CUDA software and hardware designers have done some wonderful work to hide global memory latency and global memory bandwidth restrictions -- so long as there is some local data reuse.

Recall from Part 2 that a kernel launch requires the specification of an execution configuration to define the number of threads that compose a block and the number of blocks that are combined together to form a grid. It is important to note that threads within a block can communicate with each other through local multi-processor resources because the CUDA execution model specifies that a block can only be processed on a single multi-processor. In other words, data written to shared memory within a block is accessible to all other threads within that block, but it is not accessible to a thread from any other block. Shared memory with these characteristics can be implemented very efficiently in hardware which translates to fast memory accesses (with some caveats discussed shortly) for CUDA developers.

Now we have a way for the CUDA-enabled hardware designers to balance price versus the needs of the CUDA software developers. As developers, we want large amounts of local multiprocessor resources such as registers and shared memory. It makes our jobs much easier and our software more efficient. The hardware designer, on the other hand, needs to deliver hardware at a low price-point and unfortunately fast local multi-processor memory is expensive. We all agree that inexpensive CUDA hardware is wonderful, so CUDA-enabled hardware is designed to be marketed at various price-points with different capabilities. The market then decides on the appropriate price versus capability trade-offs. This is actually a very good solution because the technology is evolving quickly -- each new generation of CUDA-enabled devices is more powerful than the previous generation and contains ever greater numbers of higher performance components at the same price points of the previous generation.

Wait! This sounds more like a software headache than a compromise because the CUDA developer needs to account for all these different hardware configurations and we are challenged with limited amounts of device resources. To help, several design aids have been created to help select the "best" high-performance execution configurations for different architectures. I highly recommend downloading and playing with the CUDA occupancy calculator, which is simply a nicely done spreadsheet. (The nvcc compiler will report information for each kernel that is needed for the spreadsheet when passed the --ptxas-options=-v option such as the number of registers as well as local, shared, and constant memory usage.) Still, a common piece of advice in both the forums and documentation is, "try some different configurations and measure the effect on performance". This is easy to do since the execution configuration is specified by variables. In fact, many applications might be able to effectively auto configure themselves (e.g., determine the best execution configuration) when installed. Also, the CUDA runtime calls cudaGetDeviceCount() and cudaGetDeviceProperties() provide a way to enumerate the CUDA devices in a system and retrieve their properties. One possible way to use this information is to perform a table lookup for the best performing execution configurations or to jump start an auto tuner.

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