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Five Questions For Paul Patrick, VP And Chief Architect For BEA Systems' AquaLogic Product Line

Paul Patrick
VP And Chief Architect For BEA Systems' AquaLogic Product Line

Interview by Larry Greenemeier

Paul Patrick, VP And Chief Architect For BEA Systems' AquaLogic Product Line -- Photograph by Jason Grow

Photograph by Jason Grow
Motivation Factor
There's a human side to SOA. Engineers and developers were accustomed to being responsible for building out an entire project. "With SOA, they're not. So how do you offer them incentives for a project that's built and assembled by multiple groups?"

Arise, Architect
Having an IT or enterprise architect on staff isn't necessarily new, but "the idea that SOA is a living, breathing project has helped bring the architect out of the shadows."

Speed Kills
SOA products are targeted at a different kind of user, one who's interested in business models. "Telling them bits per second isn't that exciting anymore. They want to know about ROI."

Casting A Legacy
A native of southern Florida who grew up fishing on Lake Okeechobee, Patrick early in his career migrated to tech-heavy New England. That didn't stop him from buying a bass boat and spending time on the lake with his youngest daughter. "She'll cast with me until I put my rod down."

Kicking Bass
Patrick used to participate in bass fishing tournaments. These days, "I tournament when I can, but as long as I can get out in the boat, I'm happy. The solitude and quiet helps me deal with problems that are typically covered by noise."

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