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Infragistics Releases Silverlight 2 UI Components

Infragistics has released two Community Technology Preview (CTP) User Interface (UI) components for Microsoft Silverlight beta 2.

Infragistics chart and gauge controls for Silverlight let developers turn data into information dashboards. The chart control includes 28 chart types that cover the most common and challenging business scenarios such as forecasting, trend analysis and reporting. Developers can style the charts using data templates to give them a professionally designed appearance that impresses as it informs. Gauges are also an important element in data visualization for panel-like display of data. The gauge CTP enables developers to design dashboard-driven applications and display data in new, intuitive ways.

"Infragistics empowers developers to build rich user experiences across multiple platforms and we're extending that to Silverlight," said Dean Guida, president and CEO of Infragistics. "That's why enabling data visualization for line of business applications is our goal with our tools for Silverlight."

At the same time, Infragistics announced the release of its NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Volume 2, a set of user interface (UI) components for Windows Forms and ASP.NET.

"With this release, we continue to add value to the entire product by enhancing the usability of the existing components and adding new components," said Jason Beres, director of product management at Infragistics. "In NetAdvantage for ASP.NET, we continue the introduction of native Web 2.0 technology into the product through the addition of two new controls based on our new Aikido framework which we first introduced in 8.1. On the Windows Forms side, we enhance the product functionality by adding capabilities to the Grid and introducing new controls to create the modern styles introduced in the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008."

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