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Change is Good

You talk. We listen. Over the past few months, a great number of you have requested easier access to, and more frequent updates of, The Perl Journal. Consequently, effective with the next issue, The Perl Journal is moving from a PDF e-zine presentational format to a familiar HTML-based web site presentation. In doing so, TPJ's content will be updated on a weekly, rather than monthly, basis.

As you might guess, we're also redesigning the TPJ.com site to be more accessible and reflect the new format. For those of you with RSS newsreaders, an RSS feed will deliver up-to-date notification of new articles as they're posted.

In addition, we'll be bundling into PDF format the cream of the TPJ crop, packaging articles in a "Best of TPJ" compilation. We think this new incarnation of TPJ will give you the best possible experience as a TPJ reader.

The one thing that we aren't changing is the high-quality editorial content you've come to expect from TPJ. All the same great articles, book reviews, and columns that you've enjoyed and benefited from will continue to be available—but in a newer, easier-to-access package.

Your current subscription username and password will not change; you'll simply use those to access the new site. Look for the new TPJ in mid-May at http:// www.TPJ.com/.

Okay, you know my e-mail address. Drop me a note and let us know what you think of the new approach. And if you have any other ideas of how we can improve TPJ, I look forward to hearing from you.

Kevin Carlson
Executive Editor

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