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Zend, Adobe to Collaborate on RIA Tools

Zend Technologies has announced a collaboration with Adobe to bring together Zend's PHP technologies with Adobe Flex. The two companies will deliver technologies, content, and services to make it easy for enterprise developers to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) using Flex on the client and PHP on the server.

Key to this collaboration is the integration of Action Message Format (AMF) support into the Zend Framework. AMF is an open, binary, high-speed format enabling Adobe Flash Player and Flex-based client applications to exchange rich media and other data with servers. Flex is a free open source framework for building and maintaining web applications that deploy consistently across all major browsers and operating systems using Adobe Flash Player and to the desktop via Adobe AIR. Zend Framework is an open source PHP application framework. AMF support in Zend Framework delivers optimized communication between server-side Zend Framework components and client-side Adobe Flex components.

In addition, Zend and Adobe plan to optimize the experience for developers using their respective development environments. Zend Studio and Adobe Flex Builder, both built on the open source Eclipse platform, provide robust coding, debugging, and testing tools for developers. Moving forward, Zend and Adobe plan to identify and implement cross-product integration points that optimize developer workflow and reduce development time.

"Zend's mission is to enable companies investing in PHP technology to deliver world-class experiences using internet-standard technologies," said Andi Gutmans, CTO and co-founder of Zend. "By working more closely with Adobe, we believe our customers will be more equipped to deliver the performance, reliability, and engaging user experience that will differentiate their products and services."

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