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BUZZ - December 2002

BUZZ - December 2002

Windows Developer Network
Traffic continues to go up for the Windows Developer Network since its debut in July 2002. Webstats: 177,000 page views for September versus 149,000 for August and fewer than 100,000 for July. The portal currently has 5,000 registered users, and more than 500 U.S. residents have subscribed to Windows Developer Magazine through the site.

The Windows Developer Network is a Web community portal for software professionals, providing content on all aspects of Windows development from the Software Development Media Group publications. www.windevnet.com

Inside .NET
Windows Developer Magazine has a new monthly column starting with the January 2003 issue called Inside .NET. The column will be written by Dino Esposito, a well-known author, consultant, and trainer in the developer community, who is an ADO.NET and XML expert. Dino is also a contributing editor for MSDN Magazine. Dino will also write a biweekly e-mail newsletter for the Windows Developer Network, called ASP.NET2TheMax.

Inside .NET will look into underused and underestimated classes and interfaces in the .NET Framework, using the CLI source or decompilers as a reference. .NET provides many new classes for effective software development. Understanding the design rationale behind each class is the key to building lean, mean apps. Inside .NET will delve deep into the internals of the Framework and provide practical examples to help you get the most out of .NET.

In his first Inside .NET column, Dino reviews the many collection classes now available in .NET, discussing the interfaces for each class. Dino lists the various classes by complexity and provides a handy set of rules to pick up the right class to contain your data.

ASP.NET2TheMax provides timely, concise tips for getting the most out of ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and XML. Dino will cover issues such as maintaining server-side control of all HTML tags using the Runat attribute and understanding the undocumented CodeBehind attribute in the ASP.NET's @Page directive for working with multi-language projects with VS.NET.

Developer's Choice Awards
Winners of the Windows Developer Magazine Developer's Choice Awards were announced at the Microsoft ASP.NET Connections and VS.NET Connections show on October 27-30, in Orlando, Florida. Winners, who were chosen by ballot by attendees at the show, were given commemorative plaques.

Best Consulting: Unisys
Best Admin Tool: Brinkster
Best Training: Wintellect
Best Software Tool: Microsoft
Best Publisher: CoDe Magazine

Developers evaluated products and services on the basis of their strategic importance in the market, their competitive advantage, and their value to the purchaser. All companies exhibiting at the show were eligible for nomination.

Software Development Jolt Awards
Wanted: The best new releases, books, and Web sites of 2002. Reader nominations and vendor applications for the 13th annual Software Development Jolt Awards are now open. Visit here to participate in the industry's most respected award program. This year's Jolt Award winners will be featured in Software Development's June cover story. Awards will be presented at the Software Development Conference & Expo West, March 24-28, 2003, in Santa Clara, California.

SD West Keynote
Speaking of SD West 2003, the SD Events Group is pleased to announce the featured keynote speaker. Charles Simonyi, formerly of Microsoft, creator of Microsoft World and now cofounder of Intentional Software Inc., will address the state of the industry. More than 4,000 senior-level developers are expected to attend SD West 2003. Booth space is still available. Contact Jo-Ann Pellegrini, [email protected], 415-947-6166.

The Perl Journal Goes Digital
On November 1, The Perl Journal was re-launched as a digital e-zine under the direction of Executive Editor Kevin Carlson and Managing Editor Della Song. TPJ is a reader-supported monthly publication written by and for programmers who develop software using the Perl programming language. The 28-page issue, delivered to subscribers as a PDF document, includes feature articles, columns, and book reviews. One-year subscriptions cost $12. For more information on content or advertising, visit TPJ or write to Tim Trickett, [email protected].

Best wishes to Jenny Searles, Marketing Manager of the SD group, who married Sam Hsui on October 5, 2002. The couple just returned from their honeymoon in Southeast Asia and will make their home in San Mateo, California.

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